Margi gets a PET scan; brave young female reporter who exposed FBI thugs Mueller and Strzok suddenly dies

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Getting Margi a PET scan today in Marquette, UP of Michigan. Super-nice white folks on the way and also at the hospital. We have been to hospitals here in this blond, white snowland with not one single Jew doctor or administrator on the staff.

You, Steve Mitchell, Sheri Leigh-Quad and 41 others


John de Nugent Beautiful watercolors of UP nature on the walls:

John de Nugent Yours truly worrying a bit in the waiting room… All you can do is give it your best shot, and, if not we cannot always be happy, a spiritual person can be serene, no matter what happens.

Gudrun Stender John de Nugent wish you all the best!


John de Nugent Gudrun Stender Thanks, Gudrun! 🙂

Louise Brouillet Bonne et Heureuse Année 2019 John. Quoiqu’il advienne il faut toujours garder le courage et croire en un avenir meilleur. Bonne chance!


[translation from the French of Montreal, Quebec, Canada]: Happy New Year 2019, John. Whatever happens, we must always maintain our courage and believe in a better future. Good luck!

Sheri Leigh-Quad Prayers for good health for Margi. 3


Christine Mud All the best for you both.. Bonne chance, Margi!

….Some Marquette photos

As in my last life, I love beautiful architecture. Marquette was once a bustling lakeport on Lake Superior, exporting iron and copper ore to the great mills in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

City Hall


America was an proudly, overtly white-supremacist country from its very beginnings as British colonies. White supremacy wa enshrined in US federal law after independence, and white rule was our legal doctrine until 1965. All our architecture reflected our glorious Greco-Roman heritage, as in this bank, or our Germanic-Keltic-English roots.


Sublime interior


Chandelier and swastika friezes


A great café, “Babycakes” 😉 I thought I was back in the Fifties when I read that. 😉

(Yours truly with the trademark, Hitlerian, super-dark-blue eyes.)


……Brave young  journalist murdered IMO by the FBI Deep State

A conservative journalist and pundit has died suddenly, just days after she broke a news story alleging that special counsel Robert Mueller and his team had deleted evidence proving anti-Trump bias at the FBI and Justice Department.

Strzok during his congressional testimony looked like a demonic murderer.

26-year-old Bre Payton was considered a rising star, working as a staff writer at The Federalist, co-hosting the “Problematic Women” podcast, and frequently appearing as a guest on outlets like Fox News Channel, Fox Business Channel, and One America News Network. Bre was found, unresponsive and barely breathing, by her friend in San Diego last week. The 26-year-old California native was admitted to the ICU at a local hospital on early on Thursday morning and tragically passed away on Friday.

Doctors, according to Payton’s family, believe that she had contracted the H1N1 strain of influenza – aka Swine Flu – and encephalitis. “Around 8:30, on December 27th, Bre’s friend went into her room and found her unresponsive and barely breathing,” reads “Bre’s Story” on your say – ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓ “She immediately called 911 and Bre was taken to the hospital where she was admitted to the ICU, sedated & intubated, and doctors began working up a diagnosis.”

George Payton, Bre’s father, stayed with her at the hospital as she fought for her life, though, tragically, her condition worsened and she slipped away on Friday. “From the moment we started talking I realized she was a potential star,” Ben Domenech, of The Federalist, said in a touching eulogy on Saturday.

“She was raw, yes, but that could be honed. She was eager to learn, to write, and to go places—not because of ambition, but because she wanted to change the world.” © press Bre Payton broke a news story alleging that Robert Mueller’s team may have deleted texts from Peter Strzok’s phone intentionally Bre Payton embodied fearless journalism; uninterested in pushing narratives and unafraid to tackle subjects that truly mattered to the people.

On December 13th, The Federalist published one of Payton’s hard-hitting pieces, entitled, “DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Text Messages Before The IG Could Review Them.” Payton’s article broke the story that special council Robert Mueller and his team may have deleted text messages from the phones of disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok and ex-Justice Department lawyer Lisa Page in an attempt to conceal evidence of anti-Trump bias at the departments during the ongoing Russia probe. Unlike the mainstream media networks, who pushed the idea that there was “no evidence” the texts were deliberately destroyed, Payton raised questions of whether there was criminal intent in these deletions, a notion supported by President Trump.

Bre Payton was visiting San Diego from her home in Washington, DC, to appear as a guest host on a show on the One America News Network. Her last social media post was a tweet announcing to followers that her show was being broadcast “right now.” At this point, it appears as though all was well with Bre Payton. Thursday, December 27th: While in San Diego, Bre was staying with good friend Morgan Murtaugh. Morgan found Payton unconscious in her bed around 8:30 am, as disclosed in this tweet: Friday, December 28th: By Friday morning, Bre had reportedly passed away. A page for Bre on the Caring Bridge website – a site that gives updated information on people in hospital – seems to be where Bre’s death was first revealed. This was the page that Murtaugh had referred to in her tweet above, although at the time she tweeted it, it had obviously not declared that Bre had passed away. There is no way of checking what it had said at that time as the website only shows the latest update, which currently, it reads as follows: Around 8:30, on December 27th, Bre’s friend went into her room and found her unresponsive and barely breathing. She immediately called 911 and Bre was taken to the hospital where she was admitted to the ICU, sedated & intubated, and doctors began working up a diagnosis. After a CT scan and hours of testing, they have determined she has the H1N1 flu and meningitis. George stayed at the hospital with her in San Diego for a long time, but her condition worsened and worsened. She fought her illness with strength but, passed on December 28th, 2018. She will be survived by her four siblings and parents. She fought strong and lived a life worth noting in the books. We are so incredibly honored to have known this wonderful human being. © press Ben Domenech of The Federalist says Bre Payton ‘wanted to change the world’ Questions raised Judging by the publicly available information, neither Morgan Murtaugh or Bre herself, made any mention of anything wrong on Wednesday night.

We are therefore left to assume that a healthy, vibrant 26-year old girl became fully incapacitated during a night’s sleep without showing any prior symptoms, and was dead 24 hours later, with doctors reporting that she had contracted Swine Flu (H1N1) and meningitis.

A New York Times obituary for Bre Payton said that “Ms. Payton had the H1N1 flu, also known as the swine flu, and encephalitis, according to her family.” So, is it encephalitis or meningitis?

There appears to be no actual answer as to the cause of her death; whether it was one of these illnesses or the H1N1 flu? A passion for truth, purpose, and life According to the Daily Wire, a scholarship fund has been created by George and Cindy Payton in their daughter’s name. “In loving memory of Bre’s beautiful light, joyful spirit, hard-working ethics, and compassionate heart,” says the GoFundMe page. “This fund will go towards college scholarships to support other young, rising Christian leaders who share in Bre’s passion for truth, purpose, and life.” Bre “has gone to be with the Lord,” it adds. “Her memory will live on by her four siblings and parents. At this time we ask that you keep her family uplifted in prayer and know that we will see her again.”

Bre is survived by four younger siblings, James, Jack, Christina, and Cheekie; her parents George and Cindy; and her boyfriend Ryan Colby. 




…..Are the Jews murdering Margi?

Why did she get throat cancer symptoms the same week she got her inheritance, which of course has helped me, the notorious “Nazi?”

Why cancer of the throat when she has never smoked or drunk alcohol, or, in terms of getting any cancer at all, she has never or been overweight, never gone without daily exercise (walking, biking and gardening) and has eaten only expensive organic foods for 40 years?

Throat cancer is, however, “perfect” from the jew-Deep State point of view.

It symbolically punishes someone who speaks out.

Because it affects the throat, chemo and radiation treatments are agonizing and you can lose the ability to talk and eat.

Fine, Jews, you murder her, you actually did me a favor.

I’m way too nice a guy anyways. Be prepared now to pay it back a millionfold, and don’t whine when you are punished without mercy.


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