The late Albert Huffstickler
Margi, though she no longer has a Southern accent, has Southern parents on both sides and both were very talented. (Margi scored at the 99th percentile on the Graduate Aptitude Exam in 2007. 🙂 I scored a sucky 98. 😉 )
–a father, Albert Huffstickler, who was a truly great, revered and beloved poet in Austin, Texas, which is the political and artistic capital of that great state (that is, great until Mexicans, Jews, and the psychopathic Bush family and crypto-Jew Lyndon Johnson overran it)
–a mother who likewise was truly great, revered and beloved, and founded and ran a major Shakespeare festival, and was the grande dame of Asheville society.
(a nice pic, but damaged, and in an unfortunately broken glass frame, of her instructing the volunteeer actors and actresses)
Margi moved to Asheville, NC to help her mom in her last days, as she died of cancer at age 90. I did not join her, because her mom, THOUGH a great person, was also a super-hard-core, sincere liberal (she just about worshipped FDR 😉 ) – and was strengthened in her libtard convictions by operating in an equally liberal, wealthy and artsy town that was all around her. This is a kind of wine-and-cheese town in the middle of the Southern Bible Belt where a well-known woman openly had two husbands — each one taking a year with her. 😉
(More down below on liberals and a close-encounter I had last night with one.)
I did not want Margi to lose her inheritance as I lost mine, so I did without Margi’s company for years while we stayed in touch daily by phone, webcamera/Skype, etc.
What on earth can anyone accomplish when you are always flat-broke? The Jews fully understand this.
I guess this is why they cancelled her PayPal account in the middle of her vital cancer fundraiser.
Margi finds playing the piano very soothing. You can also see her erect posture. With her being half-German by ancestry via her father (the name “Huffstickler” was once “Hochstetter”), I believe she is a reincarnated German because of various traits (honesty, forthrightness, stubbornness, loyalty and precision) that are very Prussian-German. I lived there and and was married for 13 years (1976-89) to a German-Austrian.
I also suspect she died back then in the Hellstorm. She has a kind of PTSD that otherwise has no real explanation. When certain unpleasant things are seen online or are being discussed, she suddenly says “I can’t watch/talk about this” and often leaves the room.
I had a dream, and I normally never remember my dreams at all, where she was, strangely, seen in a family snapshot photo and in black and white. She was sitting there on a summertime beach in a bathing suit — a platinum-blonde East Prussian girl. A huge percentage of the East Prussians perished at the hands of Stalin’s Red Army in 1945.
The Wehrmacht fought like lions to slow the advance of the Red Army so German civilians could escape westward, but at least half the East Prussians died.
As Léon Degrelle wrote, these treks were usually overtaken by the Red Army. (The late Ingrid Rimland, Ernst Zündel’s wife, suffered this fate.) Even if a few East German civilians did make it hundreds of miles on foot and in winter westward to the American-British lines, there the psychopath Eisenhower was deliberately starving all the Germans, confiscating food — and shipping it out of Germany.
Jews being totally shameless psychopaths (and psychopathy has sadism, lies, torture and murder at its very core), they can do such things with relish to a woman fighting Stage III throat cancer, to a white female who is so kind-hearted, she captures houseflies with her bare hands, rather than swatting them, and takes them outside. 😉
Btw, if you wish to donate using PayPal, do write me at
We have several PayPal “work-arounds” now. 😉
When I met Margi at the Barnes Review magazine office in Washington DC in April 2005, and was wowed by her IQ, opera career, multiple languages, and fierce commitment to our cause, the managing editor said (using a very Washingtonian expression) “John and Margi will be the white-nationalist power couple.”
The Jews saw it that way too. That is why they want her to die of cancer.
……Telling a new supporter briefly what we have been through since 2013
M: Attorney William Johnson is a professional and a good man on our side.
JdN: I know him a bit. Naive… a Mormon.
M: He is a good tool, though, for our work.
JdN: He had believed an FBI-spread rumor I was a pedophile, ‘cuz he heard it….. He told me so himself.
I had an excellent chance of winning for sheriff in 2013 and the FBI began spreading this vile rumor with zero substance.
Then in 2014 they went to four diff. landlords and ordered them to throw us in the street, which they did.
We lost everything in Pennsylvania at 60 and came up here on Sept. 14, 2014 to Ontonagon on Lake Superior, just for two months free rent in a furnished little house, since we literally had nothing but what we could stuff in this 1996 Crown Vic.
It was an 857-mile drive with one 30-min sleep break in an IHOP parking lot near Flint, Michigan….. five years and five days ago.
I drank three Red Bulls to make it. Real, real tired.
In Marquette, 3/4s there. I did a full Red Ice interview as soon as I got out of the car after driving eighteen hours.
it was released on October 25, 2014:
The reality is any potential major leader will be hounded… defamed… hated and even killed.
M: It comes with the turf, any time anyone challenges certain issues.
JdN: Well, nerds can say anything, but real influencers, yes — get ready to be hammered. 😉
……”Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do”
(Luke 23: 34)
Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle has expressed the jocular but also serious opinion that only a Buddhist can understand Jesus. 😉
Let me explain.
The real Jesus was not the “God” of the “Trinity” in the Saul-Paul verson of things, a divine man, or the supposed devout Jew and descendant of King David, but an enlightened mystery man (and racial Aryan from Galilee) who disappeared utterly for twelve years from history.
A blond angel told a shocked Mary she would become pregnant by “the Most High,” then told her fiancé Joseph the same thing so he would not break off the engagement in understandable outrage at her presumed adultery.
The entire Jesus mission was a “plot” by compassionate Nordics to liberate humanity from enslavement and finally genocide by Jewry, involving a “noble lie” (Plato) or half-truth that Jesus was part of God.
Actually, Jesus WAS a higher being, and he WAS trying to save us, shedding His life to this end to make the Jews look as wicked as they were and are.
By getting them to murder him, a prince of peace, not war, who preached love, forgiveness, humility, service to others, not self, and compassion, Jesus branded the Jews forever as a wicked, dangerous, demonic people. Jesus was not wimping out when he let himself be arrested, railroaded and killed.
Adolf Hitler, winner of the Iron Cross, First Class (which just 1 in 1,000 German enlisted soldiers received in WWI — it was a decoration primarily for officers) also let himself be arrested after the failed Beer Hall Putsch, even though, for all he knew, he would end up getting the death penalty for treason.
As it turned out, his brilliant defense made him into a hero of the German right and a rising national political star, and he was released from prison after 14 months. He also used the time “in the jug” wisely to write down his ideas and goals in a systematic form in Mein Kampf. “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” 😉
What Jesus was doing was telling the Jews “DO YOUR WORST. Let the world see you for what you are!”
Jesus, who was from Galilee (in Hebrew, Galil ha Goyim, the Gentile District, was always depicted as blond or with light hair in the Roman catacombs. Peter was in Rome at that time — when Nero, under the influence othe Jews and his Jew-loving wife, began the first major persecutions.
At twelve, Jesus baffled with his brilliance both the Temple elders (in the background) and his parents.
From 12 to 30, however, Jesus, a man who founded a major world religion, is totally lost from history. Then he died at 32. 18 out of the 32 years of his life, 56%, are MISSING.
Where was he, and what was he doing? How did he acquire supernatural powers (or, one could say, advanced, or even alien technology), such as transforming water into wine, which even the Jesus-defaming Talmud acknowledges?
In Star Trek, set 300 years in the future, the crew simply orders food from the “replicator,” and the molecules are assembled:
At 30 this mysterious Jesus from the Gentile District, raised Jewish by a Jewish mother, suddenly gets himself publicly baptized,
.. He finally goes public, He radically attacks Judaism (and with authority as a descendant of King David) while pretending to be still part of it, and within two years the furious Jews murder him, right after He throws the money-changers out of the Temple.
One of the more famous things Jesus said on the cross before he expired was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
What Jesus saw as he looked down from the cross — his grieving mother and followers (especially John, who later wrote the radically anti-Jewish Gospel of John AND the fiery Book of Revelation, depicting the Jews as “the great whore of Babylon”) and some Roman soldiers, of whom at least one was deeply disturbed by what they, under orders, had done to him…
A centurion, Longinus, having seen Jesus
1) comfort a fellow prisoner on the cross,
2) refuse to hate his soldiers for the horrible things they had just done to him,
3) ask God to forgive them, and
4) die bravely with a “Father, I give you my soul”),
…said, in disturbed awe and fear “truly this man was a son of God.”
Many Ancient Greeks and Romans were looking for a higher god and religion than worshipping the semi-demonic Zeus/Jupiter, Apollo, Ares/Mars, etc.
These gods (literally, ancient aliens) were “immortal” only because of constantly eating “ambrosia” and drinking “nectar.”
How nice of the god Zeus to chain Prometheus, another god, to a rock and have an eagle eat out his liver forever for the “crime” of trying to help mankind….
…or how delightful of Apollo to skin a satyr, Dryas, alive merely for challenging him to a music contest.
In reality, all surface earthlings of all races lives in spiritual semi-darkness…..
…..and now more than ever. 😉
Muslim shoves a German mom and her 8-year-old boy onto the railroad tracks in Frankfurt.
She sees the train cut him in half. The spiritually murdered German public has almost no reaction….. a few pitiful articles online — that’s it.
Are all Germans now unfeeling monsters? No. But their egoic mind orders them NOT to feel for this boy, and to keep quiet as part of “looking out for number one.”
But enlightenment means 1) taking back control of your own mind, then emptying out the jew poison, and 2) seeing yourself in all other creatures.
Yes, even in the Jew, in the most enslaved, manipulated, seduced, used, exploited, accursed being on this earth.
This forgiveness by Jesus (and by me and all other enlightened persons) applies to the average Jew, who is mere cannon fodder for the real agenda. What is it? A reptilian takeover of the earth’s surface.
We forgive, because a slave such as a jew has no real power.
Yet we also fiercely oppose them.
Laitman with Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel
AFTER I, John de Nugent, exposed Laitman, he started a website to water down — way, way down — what he really said and really meant.
Now, see, goyim, ‘what I meant was that we jews are figuratively from a SPIRITUAL land that is without ego.’
OMG — Mega-LOL!
What these reptilians are is evolved dinosaurs, as we are (obviously) evolved primates, though we (whites, Semites and East Asians) did NOT evolve here. Different humans came here to this Goldilocks planet (not too hot, not too cold — just right) as war- and disaster refugees from several worlds.
(The Chinese and Japanese are both “East Asians” but are NOT from the same planet. Their appearance, language, behavior, ethics, and everything else are very, very distinct.)
The blacks did arise here on this planet, however, from Homo Erectus.
Hollywood (as in this “Star Trek Voyager” clip) constantly states the truth as “science fiction.”
After all, in black magick (spelled with a “k,” this means real supernatural goings-on, not magic tricks), you must warn the victim before you can arrest, enslave, torture and kill him. “If, after being clearly warned, he does not fight or flee, it is his own fault.”
In this Star Trek Voyager series, and also the Star Trek Deep Space Nine series, the Ferengi are obviously the Jews, depicted as a scheming, plotting, flattering, self-serving, stuck-up, money-grubbing race of merchants. 😉
The galaxy is indeed full of humans of various kinds who are not from earth, as well as of intelligent non-humans.
The Little Jews, sent here (under their ringleaders) as cannon fodder, have been massacred over and over throughout history for crimes which their leaders incited them to commit.
And, going back to what Jesus said up on the cross, this “they know not what they do” applied also to the Romans who whipped and crucified him.
So what does this mean, Jesus forgiving them because “they know not what they do”?
Okay, of course the Jewish crowd “knew” they, at the behest of their leaders, were demanding the killing of Jesus and a pardon for the murderer Barabbas.
And of course Pontius Pilate “knew” it was wrong to horribly execute Jesus, giving in to the Jews’ pressure and threats against him and his career as a Roman governor. (“We will tell Caesar in Rome that you are doing nothing to stop the rise of this ‘king of the Jews'”).
His own wife, whose name was apparently Claudia Procula (and an actual grave bearing that name and from that era has been found in what is now Lebanon), told him she had suffered a terrible nightmare over Jesus, saying “don’t shed the blood of this righteous man.”
(Did she leave her husband, stationed in Jerusalem, after he caved in to the jews and had Jesus killed?)
It is noteworthy that in Jesus’ first encounter with Pilate, He speaks with him and impresses him also with his perfect knowledge of Latin, Pilate’s native tongue. they discuss what kind of “king” he is (“not of this world,” he makes clear) and what truth is.
But after Jesus returns from being whipped, he has nothing to say to Pilate, not even to escape execution because he does not WANT to wriggle out of it. Jesus WANTS the Jews to murder Him.
Pilate, a typical politician, caves in to the Jews, but with this supposed “out”:
“I find no fault in this man, but you Jews want his blood — so have it your way. I wash my hands of his blood.”
Hah! As if washing your hands in a bowl of water frees you from the karma of murder!
Pilate has been infamous for two thousand years for his caving in to Jewry to save his career!
And look at Trump today, Pontius Pilating away himself.
I have no doubt he viscerally hates Netanyahu (AND HIS LOSER SON-IN-LAW JARED KUSHNER as well) and Trump hates kowtowing to both these Jews — but he does it anyway.
It is obviously time for a new kind of leader for Aryan mankind!
One who will take on the Jews.
……Liberal gets feisty on me after watching the History Channel on supposed German atrocities
While ALL surface earthlings suffer from the tyrannon, libtards are the worst. Their disconnect from reality is just amazing. 😉
I would add New Hampshire to this cartoon below, being a former New Englander myself. Massachusetts libtards move north to NH for the low crime, good schools, no income tax, cheap car insurance and (secretly, for the actual cause of all this better life), the white demographics. Then guess what? They keep on voting for the Demoncrats in “New Hamshah”!! Both US senators are Democratic libtards! And between 2002-2016 every governor in this one arch-Republican state also was a Democrap!
Anyway, there is an Air Force vet, of German heritage, and he is an open liberal. And he knows who I am. 😉 But we have stayed on good terms. He told me about his father and his Alzheimer’s, and I have bought him a few drinks. He is very intelligent. He is also a cheapskate who is infamous with al the barmaids for drinking for hours and leaving a one-dollar tip. See, hating Trump is all the good deed he needs to do. 😉 The fact that these girls are working class, have kids at home and other bills, and need the tips, does not cross his mind or his heart.
Anyway, one of the big tv screens at the bar was showing the History Channel and sure enough, “German concentration camp.” Violin music, corpses being dragged around….. Those evil Nazi bastards.
And this liberal had been drinking for hours.
Next thing is he makes some confrontational remarks in my direction.
Very confrontational. First time ever in Ontonagon I have experienced this.
He said “I feel like punching you in the mouth.” And he put his drink down on the pool table.
Sizing things up really fast, I replied: “Go for it.”
He thought about it, and declined. 😉
A wise decision. 🙂
But I immediately engaged him in a conciliatory conversation to keep things moving back to a positive energy.
Because I understood that he really, sincerely felt compassion for these dead people, all emaciated and naked.
And I know many excellent national socialists today who once were liberals or leftists themselves, such as the dashing, courageous French author Hervé Ryssen, whom both Margi and I know well.
And this local libtard had bought into the idea crammed into us all since our birth: Hitler, a ranting psychopath, seduced the Germans into making him dictator by scapegoating the poor, innocent Jews, then mass-murdering them after he started WWII to conquer the world, and so Hitler caused the death of 50 million people…….AND…. AND… we gentiles should all be so ashamed we did not stop this monster in time, and morally OWE it tot eh Jewish people to support to Israel as a safe haven for these oppressed Jews……AND we must learn the lessons of history and oppose hate, bigotry, antisemitism, racism and white supremacism at home.
Well, as in “How to win friends and influence people” (the Dale Carnegie bestseller) — first, validate their anger or concerns.
BUT also start to unwind this fellow’s egoic mind, his tyrannon. For he is a mental slave. It is not HE that is talking but his tyrannon, this thing that has possessed him.
I started off like this, and calmed him down very fast:
G, listen, what that show depicts is true — but a half-truth.
Look, G, if I thought Hitler really did all these monstrous things, I would hate him as much as you do. I was taught the same stuff you are.
And it is nice to feel patriotic as an American about how we defeated a monster, as the tv tells us, and how America saved the world.
My dad was part of the supposed “Greatest Generation,” too.
G: Where did your dad fight? In the Pacific or in Europe?
Me: In the Pacific. All the Marines went to the Pacific, but if Roosevelt had sent the Marines to Europe, alongside the Army, he would have fought the Germans. Back in WWI, the Marines did fight the Germans.
[And now I moved to establish MORE common ground, since this guy also hates Bush as I do, and find a key point of strong agreement with him: the government and the media and how they lie.]
Me: But you know well how we “carpet-bombed” Germany.
You know how we annihilated Dresden [note I am using “we”] and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. We signed the Hague Rules of Warfare, and then we targeted women and children anyway.
Chuck Yeager said “we better win this war — or WE will be the ones on trial for war crimes.”
Well, after all this carpet-bombing, Germany was collapsing in the final weeks of the war. These people in the camps, yes, sure, they died and it was horrible. But there was no food, medicine or anything. Bridges blown up, autobahns destroyed with huge craters, dams busted, canals full of sunken barges, and fighter planes like Chuck Yeager’s were strafing German farmers in the fields.
The Germans themselves were starving.
Would they take the last crust of bread out of their kid’s mouth and give it to an enemy prisoner? No.
Nor would we Americans feed our enemies if we were invaded and enemy armies were pushing deep into OUR territory.
Those videos, G, those people weren’t gassed. Ann Frank wasn’t gassed. She died of typhus.
No food, no medicine, no hygiene, over-crowded camps, and the Allies bombed the railroad lines into the concentration camps! What did they think would happen?
It was just like the Andersonville POW Camp for Northern soldiers in Georgia, or the Yankee camps for Southerners near Chicago. People died like flies. And neither the Confederacy nor the Union was trying to genocide anyone.
But let’s go back to 2003: that same tv set, and Bush, and all the liberal media that hated Bush, such as the Washington Post and NY Times, were all in agreement on a lie — Saddam had “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and we had to invade. It was a lie, and they knew it was a lie. The French were right, and the UN was right, and UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter was right, who was a former Marine Corps major, btw — there was zero proof that Saddam had any nuclear weapons program, unlike the US and Israel!
So because the government and the media lied, thousands of Americans died, and for nothing.
Iraq was trashed, hundreds of thousands of civilians died, Abu Ghraib saw us using torture, rape and murder, then ISIS appeared in the power vacuum….. And on one has ever apologized for lying to our faces.
[He was listening.]
The same government and newspapers that got us all hyper about Hitler.
Take Vietnam: the government and the media told us “there is light at the end of the tunnel.” There was none. 57,000 Americans died.
Tens of thousands became basket cases with PTSD and Agent Orange, and you and I both know people suffering from those here in Ontonagon for the last fifty years. Alcoholism, injuries, drugs, suicide, divorce.
Johnson lied — men died. But so did the newspapers and Tv lie, G!
[He was really listening.]
And the “Phoenix Program,” and “free-fire zones” — we killed everything that moved. We raped, tortured, killed prisoners, and assassinated villagers. If you left your hut, we shot you from helicopter gunships. The My Lai massacre — 500 civilians mowed down, and Nixon pardoned Lieutenant Calley.
Okay, now, on to World War One, my friend. My great-uncle Herbert Dodge spoke with a croak all his life from being gassed in WWI. I asked him about that war. He put his hand on my shoulder, and muttered, bitterly:
“Ah, yes, John, ‘the war to end all wars.’ “
The government lied to the American people, and so did all the newspapers.
And they claimed all sort of fake atrocities.
— the Kaiser’s Germans were supposedly raping Belgian nuns,
…..cutting babies’s hands off,
…..and crucifying captured Canadian officers.
After the war it came out it was a filthy, stinking crock of deliberate, invented, concocted propaganda — lies of the All-Lies to get Americans furious and march off to war.
The government and newspapers didn’t just lie in WWI, and in Vietnam, and in Iraq. I say that WWII was another pack of half-truths and lies, too.
Well, he was really listening.
Then Margi called and I went over to her place. Not only do I love her, but I am also her caretaker. So the conversation had to end there, but he was listening.
Why? Yes, I used tried and true Dale Carnegie persuasion techniques. But beyond that, I was using enlightenment to be effective.
First, I was proceeding from the premise that I was not talking to the real G, to his soul, but to his jew-infected mind.
Comprendre, c’est pardonner. To understand is to forgive.
And his mind is a slave. He’s not in control.
His mind was like a goy gladiator sent into the arena against me by the Jews, but not because he himself wanted to kill or be killed by me, or punch me.
Secondly, I saw myself in him as I see all humans, all dogs, all tigers, all flowers, rocks, stars and galaxies.
It is all one big community. We all want peace, love, fun and happiness.
If you don’t get it now, and it seems like airy fluff, some day you will.
My coming religion will be two-tier: 1) those few who “get it,” and 2) those many who don’t really — but they shrug their shoulders, they trust, obey and follow those who do. 😉
‘cuz we need both quality and quantity to win. No one can win with ten commandoes. We need ten million warriors.
We will win.
We can win.
We must.
Btw, Margi just came in to show me what she just picked from her garden. 🙂 And she thanks everyone who has donated to her cancer fund, so far $1300! 🙂
……Facebook cancer fundraiser (not using PayPal):
Margaret Huffstickler’s Facebook fundraiser – so EASY to donate for her survival using a debit card! Here’s the url:
Dear friends:
I’m asking for money to help cover expenses for treating throat cancer. Here is my story:
I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer in 2018, which I treated with various natural therapies alone for about a year. (At that time I had money from the sale of my parents’ house, so I could afford it.) I did not want to have radiation on my throat, which is the main recommended treatment – largely because it often leads to horrendous side effects in that small area with so many important structures adjacent to it. I am a singer, so I also did not like the idea of losing my ability to sing, which was almost guaranteed.
However, the natural treatments I was using were not sufficient to stop the progression of the cancer, and at some point I lost my ability to sing – or even speak normally – because the tumor had impinged on a nerve, causing paralysis of my left vocal cord.
I interview Margi on Lake Superior (6 min.) about beating cancer! (Her voice is soft, and the surf is a bit loud.)
Posted by John De Nugent Aufdeutsch on Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ciao John,qualche anno fa ho comprato un libro davvero interessante su Gesù, dell’antropologo italiano Alessandro De Angelis,che da giovane ha avuto un’esperienza premorte.Dopo questa esperienza si è iscritto all’università “La Sapienza”di Roma.Le sue scoperte sono in linea con quello che dici,anche se non accetta l’idea di Gesù alieno,infatti sta subendo minaccie e una congiura del Silenzio per le sue scoperte.Il titolo del libro è Cristo il Romano,figlio di Giuseppe il Romano,nipote di Marco Aurelio e Cleopatra, e Maria figlia di Simone Boeto e Cleopatra. Gesu’ era di sangue romano,Giuseppe ed Erode il Grande erano cugini.Gesu’ era il primo figlio di Giuseppe,Giacomo il secondo che aspettava Maria quando fuggi dall’Egitto.Maria era la seconda moglie di Erode il Grande,aveva 33anni e Giuseppe 22. Ecco perché fuggirono da Erode (Maria tentò anche di avvelenarlo perché era molto anziano). Gesù fu liberato da suo padre Giuseppe quando fu crocefisso,pagando una cauzione,fu latitante per anni…gli Ebrei erano furiosi!quando riapparve ai discepoli tutti rimasero stupiti,era vivo… Gesù disse nel tempio:Date a Cesare ciò che è di Cesare,a Dio ciò che è di Dio,si schierò in parte contro le tasse dei Romani,ma di più contro i Farisei del Tempio…morì a 75anni nella prima guerra giudaica,fu crocefisso dai Zeloti e Idumei.I Romani erano soliti crocefiggere i nemici senza chiodi..solo con funi,gli Ebrei invece,sapendo che era di sangue romano,lo umiliarono con i chiodi,le sue sofferenze dovevano essere amplificate. Ecco che il Talmud nasconde questa Verità.(Nerone tentò di andare contro il Signoraggio bancario,si spiega così la congiura dei Pisoni e l’incendio a suo danno) Le sue scoperte sono sorprendenti, perché menziona questi Habiru iksos che fanno patti con gli Egiziani,Abramo è un re mitanno,sua moglie e sorella Sarah,sposa con l’inganno il primo faraone della Storia, nascerà così Isacco e tutta la sua discendenza. ONe combineranno casini in Egitto… Mosè è un vero egiziano,fratello maggiore di Akhenaton,che difenderà un israelita e verrà deposto da suo padre in favore del fratello. Mose'(Tuthmoses) tradirà poi la sua gente, alleandosi con gli Habiru insieme ad Aronne.Ecco la sua vendetta.Mose’ ricompare anni dopo con il figlio di Akhenaton (se non erro) Tutankhamon che morirà molto giovane per una caduta.Alessandro sta scrivendo tanti libri per dare una svolta alla Storia,quella vera,purtroppo non ha visibilità perché le sue scoperte non sono state accettate. Possiamo capire il perché.Alessandro ha due figli ventenni che lo stanno aiutando nelle sue ricerche. E’ molto diretto…concreto, perché basa tutto su prove evidenti,documentate.Lo puoi trovare su Facebook,anche se lo bloccano in continuazione,ma lui non molla!!!!
Scusami John,ma scrivo in un modo e me lo ritrovo in un altro…non capisco!mi cambia le parole e salta i concetti.Cerca Alessandro De Angelis(i suoi libri sono solo su internet ovviamente)Le sue scoperte sembrano avere più approvazioni all’ non in Italia.
GESU’:”Ultimo faraone Romano di discendenza davidica,tolemaica da parte di Maria Boeto e romana da parte di Giuseppe,detto Phantera;”Il Re dei Re”.Alessandro De Angelis ha avuto questa esperienza premorte all’età di 17anni..una voce gli disse:”Non è giunto ancora il tuo momento!”ed è ritornato nel suo corpo.Per questo ha intrapreso gli studi universitari.Ricordo che proprio zio Wolf disse che Gesù era figlio di un Romano detto Phantera.Questo lupo Nobile aveva proprio ragione.Abramo è il contrario di Abraham..questa sua discendenza da parte di Isacco ha creato non pochi problemi all’Egitto, perché i Mitanni erano a corto di provviste..con l’inganno Abramo diede sua moglie(sorella)in sposa al Faraone dell’epoca,il Faraone scoprì tutto e lo mise alla prova perché non sapeva se Isacco era davvero suo figlio,se Abramo lo avesse ammazzato allora voleva dire che non poteva essere certo suo figlio,le guardie videro tutta la scena e lo fermarono in tempo.Akhenaton è mitanno alla fine tramite madre,creò il culto di Aton per commemorare il Sole Nero,si rivolse contro la casta sacerdotale di Amon, Mosè era dello stesso culto di ATON (l’attuale NATO)e manipolo’ questo culto assemblandolo con quello degli Habiru e di BAAL.Tutto si spiega in modo dettagliato,ogni singolo personaggio,partendo proprio da quello che ci è rimasto scritto dopo il Diluvio Universale.Una ricerca storica incredibile dopo Secoli di Congiure e Bugie.Anche Adamo era mitanno,Eva era sua sorella,Lilith la prima moglie che ripudiò perché non voleva sottomettersi a lui.Lilith è il vento del sud,il Serpente della Conoscenza descritto in tutta l’arte e figlia di un umile Agricoltore.L’incesto ha creato questa umanità degenerata..proprio Miguel Serrano parlava di questa cosa.E’ qualcosa di forzato,manipolato dall’Ego,l’amore vero sceglie sempre bene,come giusto e naturale che sia.C’e’tanto ancora da fare,il confronto tra studiosi è importante,riscrivere tutta la Storia seguendo prove concrete Reali.
The white race will live. We just have to give up all the hebrew mental poisoning.
A.H. tried to save us all:
He showed us the path to embracing the struggle. Now it is up to us to keep walking it.
We want to be free: