Very interested, grounded story told by a former Navy SEAL who himself served in Afghanistan. He is right — combat soldiers have no time or mindset for ghost stories or any other nonsense, unless it was terrifyingly real.
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US Marines should be haunted, especially for life by PTSD for ever being in Afghanistan, or even having been in Iraq. Supposedly they are picked for mental ability as well as physical prowess ability. So they have no excuse for not knowing the criminal truth about why they have been in these two countries to kill and destroy. Not until these criminal war vets fall down on their faces and beg forgiveness for all that they have done, should they ever get any sympathy. And to top it off, they have now let Communist, domestic enemies overthrow their own country. What deceitful frauds they are when they betray honor they brag about. Semper Fi only to their own egos, while this day betraying the Republic they swore to defend.
So many great empires tried and failed to conquer Afghanistan over the milleniums. In our arrogance, we somehow think that we are different.
Mountain men and also muslims!