Mark Dice on final debate: Trump stayed presidential yet hit hard; Trump the fighter

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Mark Dice has been a superb paleocon vlogger for years.

…..Eric Trump stands up for his dad.

(Both Eric Trump and Don Jr — esp. the latter — seem by their tweet content to be closet WNs, as their dad is.)

Btw, I just made a generous donation to Trump, and it was not “chump change.” I was making thereby an important symbolic gesture. Warts and all, Trump has opened the “Overton Window” for many taboo topics. And the horrific, constant,  serious harassment by the FBI against me ended abruptly when he took office and issued an executive order that muslim extremism was the main threat, not “white supremacism.”



Recently, a friend named Pete Pestka died of Huntington’s Disease, a dreaded malady with no treatment or cure.

I am so glad that from my little wallet I bought him drinks or a sandwich now and then — he was very poor, and nursed a “White Russian” for hours  — and I always had a moment to speak with him. His blue eyes (a bit like this photo) always looked so sad. There was no hope for him.

One of his relatives with Huntington’s drowned himself in Lake Superior.

What more can you do but be compassionate and show it? 

As for Trump, he is a man fighting off a hundred vicious enemies, who also are ours.

And I will be stepping forward to help him, whether he likes it or not, for the sake of our race and nations.  

He can’t take on the jews. My father said it would be folly to even try.

Face it: Trump is just not the man to do it. So comprendre, c’est pardonner.

But the jewish cancer on our peoples must be dug out with a knife — by the man who CAN take the jews on… by the one man who gave them the worst scare of their lives the last time I stepped up to the plate.

“Under protest and duress” I wear this to get Margi into her doctors at the hospital — but this face burkha does NOT mean I submit — EVER!

Talmudismus delendus est!


Governments trying to hack me today:






  1. It was not made clear that President Trump was still President with official Presidential powers at the TV fake debate. Joe Biden had/has no official political powers that allow him to be excused for his past/current corruption. By Executive Order, Trump could have taken control of the whole event and declared Biden under arrest publicly on TV. The MSM would claim this as a government takeover, but that is what it would be, but legally by citing the Insurrection Act. Acting first to expose the crimes and coup could counter the actual Democrat/Communist revolution. What is happening is NOT an election, and the President could have taken a stand for defending the Republic. But he did not. Why not? The coup/Swamp powers are actually in control. If the Patriots and Trump supporters are not prepared and willing to put their lives on the line to save what is left of their freedoms, they are already the losers going to the planned slaughter. Flag waving car caravans need to be battle tanks ready for action. Oath honorable US Marines hear the battle cry, loud and clear, to take your stand behind the Commander-In-Chief, President Donald Trump.

    Maybe too emotional, but not completely illogical!

  2. JdN, those are ice blue cold eyes standing firm, but inside a loving, kind heart for Margi. An honorable man!

    So it is proven true that Joe Biden was treasonous as VP, and a murderer as well. Jim Stone is also now reporting very breaking news about Biden and the CCP.

    Lude Media Reveals More on Vicious Biden-CCP Collusion
    GM65 Oct. 19
    “Oct. 19, Lude Media Morning Episode. revealed more astonishing information about the vicious collusion between Joe Biden as the Vice President of Obama Administration and the Chinese Communist Party, from the recently uncovered “three Hunter Biden hard drives”. Here are some takeaways from the live broadcast. ”

    “Behind all these were the then U.S. government and Wall Street. Biden has been in office for 47 years and allegedly deeply collaborated with the CCP. He worried that after Xi as a new CCP leader took power, his deals would be uncovered. So he took the initiative to contact Xi and formed an ally. They were doing each other a favour, Biden helping Xi to eliminate his opponents, and Xi helping Biden cut off source of evidence of his corruption and crime. Their hands were full of the blood of the Chinese people. ”

  3. One thing astonishes me, I would almost say stupefies me, namely, that in this scientific age of ours, after so many daily scandals and revelations, there can still exist in our dear America one voter, one single voter that irrational, inorganic, dreadful animal who allows his life to be disturbed, all his dreams and pleasures to be interrupted, merely to vote for someone or something.
    When one reflects for a moment on the surprising phenomenon, does it not lead astray the finest philosophies, and even confound Reason itself? Where is there a good writer to give us the psychology of the modern voter? Where a neurologist to explain for us the anatomy and pathology of this incurable lunatic? We await them.

    Oh, I understand that a salesman always finds suckers; that censorship finds it’s defenders, and musicals his fans; I understand that even daily papers that write rubbish find their subscribers, and the politicians journalists that exalt their capabilities. I understand all that. But that a councilman, a senator, or a president of any republic, it doesn’t matter which, amongst all the strange clowns claiming whatever elective function, it doesn’t matter which, should be able to dig up one voter, that undreamed-of being, that improbable martyr who will nourish you with his bread, dress you in his coat, fatten you on his flesh, enrich you with his purse, and all this, only in the hope of receiving in return for such prodigious generosity a smack on the head, a kick in the ass, or maybe a bullet in the belly, truly, this surpasses even the most pessimistic opinion I’ve held till now of human idiocy in general and American stupidity in particular, our own “dear” and immortal stupidity!

    How can they be so stubborn, so swollen headed, so paradoxical as not to have become long ago discouraged and embarrassed by their actions? How can one still find, somewhere from Maine to Oregon, from Texas to Montana, a person so stupid, so irrational, so blind to what he sees and deaf to what he hears every day, as to vote Blue, White, or Red without being forced, without being paid, without even a free drink or a free dose of dope?

    What Baroque sentiment, what mysterious mesmeric suggestion does he obey, this thinking biped endowed with free will (at least this is what people say), proud of his “rights,” absolutely confident that he has done his duty by dropping some piece of paper inscribed with some name into some ballot box?… What can he possibly say to himself to justify or even explain such an extravagant act? What does he hope for? Because, finally, in order that he agree to surrender himself to these greedy bosses who will sponge off him and bludgeon him to a pulp, he must tell himself something and hope for something so extraordinary we can scarcely imagine. Somehow, by some potent cerebral lucubration, to him the idea of the Politician has come to stand for the idea of Science, of Justice, of Devotion, of Hard Work and Probity. In the very names of Trump,Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and, before them, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, he must have discovered some special magic and seen, as if through a mirage, flowering and blooming in a garden some promise of future happiness and instant gratification.

    And that’s what’s really dreadful.
    It seems that nothing teaches him a lesson, neither the most burlesque of comedies nor the most sinister of tragedies.

    He did vote yesterday, he will vote tomorrow; he will vote always. Sheep run to the slaughterhouse, silent and hopeless, but at least sheep never vote for the butcher who kills them or the humans who devour them. More beastly than any beast, more sheepish than any sheep, the voter names his own executioner and chooses his own devourer. He fought revolutions in order to get this “right”.

    Good voter, unspeakable imbecile, poor dupe, if instead of reading the same old crap that the morning papers serve you up you every day (big papers, small papers, right wing or left wing papers, conservative or progressive papers) in order to manipulate you the way they want; if, instead of swallowing that flattery that caresses your vanity and props up your lamentable and tattered sovereignty; if instead of gawking, as an eternal idiot, at the heavy bullshit of politics, you were, for once, sitting in your armchair, reading the work of Schopenhauer and Max Nordau [for instance The Conventional Lies of Our Civilization, 1883], two authors who have meditated deeply about you as a voter and about your leaders, perhaps you might learn something amazing and useful.

    Keep politics out of your dream, for wherever politicians are found, there too are sadness, hatred, and misdeeds. Above all, remember that he who solicits your vote is, by that very fact, revealed as a scoundrel, since, in exchange for your advantage and fortune, he promises a cornucopia of miracles he’ll never deliver because he hasn’t the power to deliver them. The man you elect represents neither your problems, nor your aspirations, nor anything of yours, but rather his own passions and interests, which are all opposed to yours.

    • So true! Is this from H.L. Mencken?

      This part applies massively to Trump:

      “…he promises a cornucopia of miracles he’ll never deliver because he hasn’t the power to deliver them….”

      What is missing in this jeremiad, however, is the spiritual dimension. What is the mechanism that makes otherwise practical and hard-working people, who hold down jobs, raise kids, keep the house clean and the bills paid, continue with this madness?

      THAT is why I am creating a new Aryan faith. People have no idea why they do what they do. They are neither flakes nor evil, but they do insane things.


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