These are quotes from various NWO entertainment types about marriage, and while they are often funny, they are also disillusioning. Marriage for atheists is two selfish people trying to get something from each other. Half the time it breaks down, which is especially tragic when kids are involved.
Hans Selye invented the mental stress scale in the 1950s. (“Stress” before then was a metallurgical term that meant the literal stress on metals and how much one could bend them before they broke!) Selye’s scale of stressful life events went from 1 to 200 points.
The death of a loved one was 120.
Divorce was the max — 200 points. Your partner who once loved you now hates your guts. 🙁
As you read the quotes below, it is all true (of spiritually vapid people who do not see the divine in anything, or that marriage is a supreme TEST of your heart and your wisdom) but marriage today is so sad.
Bishop Richard Williamson, the famous Traditional Catholic leader who rebuts the Holycost, once pointed out that marriage is not about romance, violins, sex, kids and buying a house.
It is a sacrament. It is as sacred as baptism, funerals, and confirmation. It is a key way to grow from a one of the billions of forgettable jerks into an unselfish and noble person.
This was my marriage certificate with Margi. Little did I realize that she would be with me less than two more months.
Being a good husband is like being a good stand-up comic — you need 10 years before you can even call yourself a beginner.
— Jerry Seinfeld
When you’re in a relationship, you’re in a band… Sometimes you sing lead and sometimes you’re on tambourine. And if you’re on tambourine, play it right.
— Chris Rock
I’m happily married, but I would say once a week, I catch my wife looking at me like, “I’m going to have to let you go.”
— Jim Gaffigan
Women get in more bad relationships than men. Why? Because men see red flags and they bolt. Women see red flags and they say, “I can fix that.”
— Gina Brillon
The divorce rate is sky high so everybody is just lying their asses off. Why don’t we come clean? Let’s be honest. Instead of standing there saying until death do you part, let’s just go: “Ah, I’ll give it a shot.”
— Wanda Sykes
I used to say the secret of marriage was having separate bedrooms. But now I think it’s having separate countries.
— Eric Idle
By the time I finished my first marriage, all I wanted was a Johnson’s-baby-shampoo relationship — maybe not squeaky clean, but at least one with no more tears.
— Niecy Nash
Marriage is just an elaborate game that allows two selfish people to periodically feel that they’re not.
— Paul Reiser
I don’t want to hear about the endless struggles to keep sex exciting, or the work it takes to plan a date night. I want to hear that you guys watch every episode of “The Bachelorette” together in secret shame.
— Mindy Kaling
When I was in junior high I read a lot of Danielle Steele. So I always assumed that the day I got engaged I’d be naked, covered in rose petals, and sleeping with the brother of the man who’d kidnapped me.
— Jenny Lawson
Trying relentlessly to make you love me, but I don’t want the love — I quite prefer the quest for it. The challenge. I am always disappointed with someone who loves me — how perfect can he be if he can’t see through me?
— Carrie Fisher
Perhaps we will end up one of those sad childless couples who spend all their time sleeping late, buying luxury goods, traveling the world, and enjoying each other’s company. That would be terrible.
— Michael Ian Black
One of the keys to a successful marriage is separate bathrooms. When [Barack] enters my bathroom sometimes I’m like, “Why are you in here?” And he’s like, “I live here. Can I enjoy my bathroom too?”
— Michelle Obama
I married for love, but the obvious side benefit of having someone around to find my glasses cannot be ignored.
— Cameron Esposito
Finnish PM is a stupid drug-using slut:
I read somewhere that Finns are the newest racial group, dating to only about 5000 years ago, and that they were originally a dark-skinned Middle Eastern / Turkish people who migrated north, becoming lighter-skinned and lighter-eyed along the way. This is apparently why many Finns have jet-black hair, which is uncommon among Aryans. I’ve also read that the Finnish language is unrelated to other Aryan languages like German, and is one of the most difficult languages to learn. The behavior of the Finnish sluts in the above video also strikes me as being very Middle Eastern / Turkish, rather than Aryan.
Another video surfaces of Finland’s stupid slut PM, who is married, dancing and partying with a Finnish rock star:
Just another stupid puppet “leader” who does whatever the Jews tell her to. No different from G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, etc.
Anglin’s take on the above story:
In the past, the symbolic act of marriage was a union of souls, a spiritual, energetic gestalt expansion, whereby the abilities of both partners were increased. That is long gone.
The NWO wants to prevent under all circumstances that white men and women get together, white offspring must be prevented and as much as possible despair and suffering energy must be generated (certain ethereal beings feed on it). For the destruction of the society the background powers preached the materialistic greed as one of the highest maxims of action, as one of the most central anti-ideals. And the majority of women (of all races and peoples!) have internalized this anti-ideal deep in their souls, including the entitlement attitude without consideration. Men first have to invest a lot of money to get to know a woman (invitations, gifts, vacation, …): ‘”What does the man have to offer the woman?”.
In the crowd of the socially underdeveloped people there is a balance between men and women, there are not more socially underdeveloped women than men! However: The NWO gave a carte blanche to the socially underdeveloped women to plunder and to destroy men, literally to annihilate, with simultaneous total idealization of the woman on all only conceivable levels; socially underdeveloped women believed and believe this feminist madness. Men are driven into marriage by Hollywood romantic fantasies and are financially-existentially destroyed in case of divorce, on every conceivable level, they remain lifelong payment slaves below the subsistence level. At least n the USA and in Europe, especially in Germany and in the USA.
Men are de facto considered as host organisms to be parasitically docked to: Hypergamy[0]: Tendentally the women (yes, THE women in their majority!) only look at the most financially potent, at the highest-income men at the top, they want to marry in majority to the top. The other men do not interest them and marry downward (thus what the absolute majority of the men must do!) does not go at all. However, this quantity of the highest-income men is limited and so the women wait and wait, whine and whine, search and search and then complain that they cannot find a suitable man.
NWO lying press and feminist propaganda must of course camouflage this parasitic strategy with all kinds of insanity: “Today’s women are intellectually too strong for men.” (intellectually too strong? Because of the completely useless [not suitable for the job market] ideology-rambliology majors?) * “The good men are taken.” * “Today’s men don’t want to take responsibility anymore.” … No, the enlightened men just don’t want to be enslaved and destroyed and cheated and plundered anymore, neither in the USA nor in Europe.
Translated excerpts from [1]: “Actually, marriage is about an economic contract between three parties (the man’s family, the woman’s family and the state) for the economic security of the offspring. […] If this economic contract is no longer worthwhile for men because they are massively ripped off by the other two contracting parties, then the deal is just done.[…]’ * ‘I myself have never married either, because I have already failed in the beginning: because of the immature modern women, dumbed down by the feminist ideology. […] I don’t need “women” who want to explain my world to me…. “.
In the U.S. and Europe, it is suicidally dangerous for men to marry. Men are de facto lawless when they marry. And no, women are not the better people, as the NWO has been preaching for decades, the rate of white women who abuse and sexually abuse children is not in the least lower than that of men (probably much higher), women are even much more unrestrainedly brutal and criminal because they know exactly that they will not be called to account, that they have nothing to fear, that there are mostly neither charges nor punishments (therefore no statistics of violence committed by women). Why move in together in an apartment or in a house with a woman, if a false accusation of the woman with 100% guarantee is sufficient, so that the man is expelled from both for permanently, by immediate NWO “police” violence?[2]
The days when marriage was an act of spiritual shaping and ability enhancement for both partners are long gone. You, John and Margi, are among the few exceptions that are absolutely NOT representative.
No, the crimes and immeasurable suffering that women have committed and continue to commit against men worldwide is immeasurable. The majority of white women are spiritually burned in this incarnation, and absolutely self-inflicted.
Mission accomplished! Giving the socially underdeveloped carte blanche to break the law is quite enough to destroy a society. Everything is pure social engineering, women and men have the same preconditions, the same brain capacities, the same spiritual potential, but the majority of them preferred the parasitic route and degenerated by it.
However, this will find all abruptly an end, in the now coming economic downfall. Then the NWO-dumbed-down men and the NWO-dumbed-down women will either have to rethink or perish. Who does not cooperate then, will get an ass kicking and must starve.
“3 Reasons Your Prenuptial Agreement Is Worth Less Than Toilet Paper”
“Prenups are Toilet Paper”,
In German: Heiraten heute, in den USA und in Europa, aus männlicher Perspektive
In früheren Zeiten war der symbolische Akt der Heirat eine Seelenvereinigung, eine spirituelle, energetische Gestalterweiterung, wodurch die Fähigkeiten beider Partner gesteigert wurden. Das ist lange vorbei.
Die NWO will unter allen Umständen verhindern, daß weiße Männer und Frauen zueinanderfinden, weißer Nachwuchs muß verhindert werden und maximal viel Verzweiflung und Leidenergie muß erzeugt werden (davon ernähren sich bestimmte feinstoffliche Wesen). Zur Zerstörung der Gesellschaft predigten die Hintergrundmächte die materialistische Gier als eine der obersten Handlungsmaximen, als eines der zentralsten Anti-Ideale. Und die Mehrheit der Frauen (aller Rassen und Völker!) hat dieses Anti-Ideal tief in ihrer Seele verinnerlicht, einschließlich dem leistungslosen(!) Anspruchsdenken, fordern fordern ohne Gegenleistung, Prinzessinnenattitüde. Männer müssen erst mal viel Geld investieren, um eine Frau kennenlernen zu können (Einladungen, Geschenke, Urlaub, …): ‘”Was hat der Mann der Frau zu bieten?”.
In der Menge der sozial unterentwickelten Menschen herrscht ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Männern und Frauen, es gibt nicht mehr sozial unterentwickelte Frauen als Männer! Jedoch: Die NWO gab den sozial unterentwickelten Frauen einen Freibrief, Männer auszuplündern und zu vernichten, wortwörtlich zu vernichten, bei gleichzeitiger Total-Idealisierung der Frau auf allen nur denkbaren Ebenen; sozial unterentwickelte Frauen glaubten und glauben diesen feministischen Wahnsinn. Männer werden durch Hollywood-Romantik-Fantasien in die Ehe getrieben und bei Scheidung finanziell-existentiell vernichtet, auf jeder nur denkbaren Ebene, sie bleiben lebenslang Zahlsklaven unter dem Existenzniveau. Zumindest n den USA und in Europa, vor allem in Deutschland und in den USA.
Männer werden de facto als Wirtsorganismen betrachtet, an die man parasitär andocken muß: Hypergamie[0]: Tendentiell schauen die Frauen (jawohl, DIE Frauen in Ihrer Mehrheit!) nur noch auf die finanzpotentesten, auf die einkommensstärksten Männer ganz oben, sie wollen mehrheitlich nach oben heiraten. Die anderen Männer interessieren sie nicht und nach unten heiraten (also das, was die absolute Mehrheit der Männer machen muß!) geht schon mal gar nicht. Diese Menge der Einkommensstärksten ist jedoch begrenzt und so warten und warten die Frauen, jammern und jammern, suchen und suchen sie und beklagen sich dann, daß sie keinen geeigneten Mann finden.
NWO-Lügenpresse und feministische Propaganda müssen dieses parasitäre Strategie natürlich mit allerlei Wahnsinn camouflieren: “Die heutigen Frauen sind intellektuell zu stark für die Männer.” (geistig zu stark? Wegen der vollkommen nutzlosen, nicht marktfähigen Ideologie-Schwafologie-Studiengänge?) * “Die guten Männer sind vergeben.” * “Die heutigen Männer wollen keinen Verantwortung mehr übernehmen.” … Nein, die aufgeklärten Männer wollen sich nur nicht mehr versklaven und vernichten und betrügen und ausplündern lassen, weder in den USA noch in Europa.
Auszüge aus [1]: “Eigentlich geht es beim Heiraten um einen wirtschaftlichen Vertrag zwischen drei Parteien (Familie des Mannes, Familie der Frau und dem Staat) zur wirtschaftlichen Absicherung des Nachwuchses. […] Wenn sich dieser wirtschaftliche Vertrag für Männer nicht mehr lohnt, weil sie von den beiden anderen Vertragspartnern massiv über den Tisch gezogen werden, dann ist das Geschäft eben erledigt.[…]’ * “Ich selbst habe auch nie geheiratet, weil ich schon im Ansatz gescheitert bin: an den unreifen, von der feministischen Ideologie verblödeten modernen Frauen. […] Ich brauche keine “Frauen”, die mir meine Welt erklären wollen… “.
In den USA und in Europa ist es für Männer selbstmörderisch gefährlich, zu heiraten. Männer sind de facto rechtlos wenn sie heiraten. Und nein, Frauen sind nicht die besseren Menschen, wie es die NWO seit Jahrzehnten predigt, die Rate der weißen Frauen, die Kinder mißhandeln und sexuell mißbrauchen, fällt nicht im allergeringsten geringer aus als die der Männer (vermutlich eher noch viel höher), Frauen sind sogar noch wesentlich hemmungsloser brutaler und verbrecherischer weil sie genau wissen, daß sie mehrheitlich nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, daß sie nichts zu befürchten haben, daß es mehrheitlich weder zu Anzeigen noch zu Strafen kommt (daher auch keine Statistikerfassung der durch Frauen begangenen Gewalt). Wieso zusammenziehen in eine Wohnung oder in ein Haus mit einer Frau, wenn eine Falschbeschuldigung der Frau mit 100%iger Garantie ausreicht, damit der Mann aus beiden für dauerhaft vertrieben wird, per sofortiger NWO-“Polizei”-Gewalt?[2]
Die Zeiten, in denen die Heirat ein Akt der spirituellen Gestalterweiterung und Fähigkeitenvergrößerung für beide Partner war, sind lange vorbei. Sie, John und Margi, gehören zu den wenigen Ausnahmen, die absolut NICHT repräsentativ sind.
Nein, die Verbrechen und das unermeßliche Leid, das Frauen weltweit an Männern begingen und begehen, ist unendlich groß. Die Mehrheit der weißen Frauen ist spirituell verbrannt in dieser Inkarnation, und das absolut selbstverschuldet.
Mission accomplished! Es reicht vollkommen aus, den sozial Unterentwickelten einen Freibrief zum Gesetzesbruch zu geben, um eine Gesellschaft zu zerstören. Alles ist reines Social Engineering, Frauen und Männer haben die gleichen Voraussetzungen, die gleichen Gehirnkapazitäten, das gleiche geistige Potential, aber die Mehrheit von ihnen bevorzugte die parasitäre Route und degenerierte dadurch.
Das wird jedoch alles schlagartig ein Ende finden, im jetzt kommenden wirtschaftlichen Untergang. Dann werden die NWO-verblödeten Männer und die NWO-verblödeten Frauen entweder umdenken müssen oder untergehen. Wer dann nicht kooperiert, wird einen Arschtritt bekommen und muß verhungern.
Missing source in [1], translated excerpt from the article “Eheschließung”: