“Mass-formation psychosis” PLUS jewry = Covid-vaxxers commit white self-genocide

(English) You can be terribly lonely in a big city if surrounded by sheeple and libtards, and people who are "friendly" but never become real friends, and only think of themselves. (Deutsch) Man kann schrecklich an Einsamkeit leiden, auch wenn man in einer Großstadt lebt, wo aber Schlafschafe und Gutmenschen dominieren, aber auch "freundliche" Menschen, die nie zu echten Freunden werden und nur an sich denken.
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…..PSYOPS CONFIRMED: Governments admit using “mass formation psychosis” to enforce compliance with COVID restrictions, mandates

01/12/2022 / By JD Heyes / Comments (see full story here)

By now, anyone who has access to the internet has seen one or more instances of people getting into shouting matches, fights and other confrontations over various coronavirus restrictions and mandates.

The ubiquitous mask has become a focal point of conflict: A very large number of people have been convinced that unless they and everyone around them are wearing one, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated, they are ‘at risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19.’ And to that point, vaccines and now boosters have led people to become equally hysterical.

What in the world is going on? How did civilized societies become so manic over a virus that, for all intents and purposes, is not nearly as lethal or dangerous as we’ve been led to believe?

That is the point: Our societies have purposely been manipulated to view COVID very differently than previous viral outbreaks or even the flu, the latter of which has been killing us for centuries. And now, governments have admitted as much.

Renowned research scientist Robert Malone, MD, who invented the mRNA technology that is being utilized in some of the top COVID-19 vaccines, said in a recent interview with top podcaster Joe Rogan that governments are using a manipulative concept known as “mass formation psychosis” on their populations as a means of coercing them into accepting even the most draconian of coronavirus mandates and measures.




According to Summit News, governments in the UK and Canada have both admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” in order to force compliance. In his interview with Rogan after being banned from Twitter, he explained the mass hysteria, in part by comparing what we are seeing now with COVID to Germany in the Hitler era.

“What the heck happened to Germany in the 20s and 30s? Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. And how did that happen?” asked Malone. “The answer is mass formation psychosis.”

*** This Nazi-bashing is either a subconscious or conscious brown-nosing of the jews to avoid being deplatformed, or have their career cancelled or even be murdered. And we have seen this with Donald Trump and with Alex Jones.


We also see it with Jared Taylor, who for years has suffered far less harassment than other WNs by 1) avoiding the JQ and 2) common-law-marrying an open leftist and closet jewess, Evelyn Rich, who keeps an eye on him.

Jewish financier and oil smuggler-to-Iran Marc Rich, pardoned by Bill Clinton his last day in office, 20 Jan 2001

Guess whose lawyer Rich had? Obama’s AG, Eric Holder, whom I believe to also be part-jewish, just as with Barack Obama


Evelyn Rich, Mrs Jared Taylor, mother of his children and WN-hater

The key reporter on the media report below was Evelyn Rich, who also appeared on camera. I met her while she was interviewing key WNs and pegged her for a jewess immediately.

If she followed the classic jewess strategy for corrupting a smart, handsome, well-educated Aryan whom the jews fear,

…. as I know this from my Georgetown days, when jewesses came on to me, especially after learning I was in the pre-med program — “jewish girls give good head” was the phrase I heard on campus —  she probably gave him oral sex day-and-night until he actually took up with an enemy female. (Then they cut this off except in return for begging. The famous 1980s book Truly Tasteless Jokes had many jokes about this. Even male jews joke about it: “What is the JAP [Jewish American Princess] idea of foreplay?” — “Two hours of begging.”

IMO — Israeli agent Monica Lewinsky




“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere,” he added.

“And one of the aspects of that phenomenon is that the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say you have this pain and I can solve it for you — I and I alone,” Malone noted further. “Then they will follow that person. It doesn’t matter whether they lied to them or whatever. The data is irrelevant.

“We had all those conditions. If you remember back before 2019 everyone was complaining, the world doesn’t make sense and we are all isolated from each other,” he added.

“Then this thing happened, and everyone focused on it,” he continued. “That is how mass formation psychosis happens and that is what has happened here.”

There is no question that the globalist powers that be saw an opportunity, in the age of Donald Trump, to use the China virus against him. But those same leaders also realized they could apply the same mass hysteria techniques writ large — on all first-world societies around the globe, because remember, the objective is total control of the population.

*** followed by 90% culling and mandatory race-mixing!

Just a cute video with skateboarding girls nd a nice tune which a friend made — WITH GREAT LYRICS 🙂





There is also proof of this, as Summit News adds:

As first revealed by author and journalist Laura Dodsworth, scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior during the pandemic.

The London Telegraph reported the comments made by Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B), a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) the government’s chief scientific advisory group.

The report quotes from a March 2020 briefing, just as the first lockdown was ordered, which said that the government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.”

One scientist on the SPI-B panel noted: “In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear.”

The unnamed scientist went on to say something very telling: “The way we have used fear is dystopian.”

“The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment,” the same scientist added. “Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.”

A different scientist warned, “You could call psychology ‘mind control’. That’s what we do… clearly we try and go about it in a positive way, but it has been used nefariously in the past.”

Yet a third added: “We have to be very careful about the authoritarianism that is creeping in…people use the pandemic to grab power and drive through things that wouldn’t happen otherwise.”

It’s clear that our societies were manipulated by some very evil, undemocratic, power-mad people who have no business being in control of us.


….. Gee, just who might THAT be?


Captain Archibald Ramsay, captain of the Coldstream Guards, severely wounded in WWI while fighting the Germans; later a member of the Queen’s Scottish Guard, and a Member of Parliament. He was imprisoned during most of WWII in a horrible prison by Churchill for opposing war with Germany. In 1952 he published his research on how, in detail, the jews overthrow countries.  



….a WN (Arch Stanton) offers his take

“What the heck happened to Germany in the 20s and 30s? Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. And how did that happen? asked Malone.”

I’ll tell you how it happened, you sycophantic fool – mass Judaism.

At the end of WWI, Judeocommunists infiltrated and began their destruction of Germany. By the 1920s, the German people were starving to death under hyperinflation brought on by Jew bankers. Wealthy, parasitical Jews rode high on the wave of Germany’s economic ruin. By the time Hitler came forth to promise he would fix Germany’s Jewish induced problems, the German people were desperate for a solution; their country was in complete shambles.

Jews had debauched Germany to the point where mothers were selling themselves and their daughters on the streets so they could eat. Berlin was known as the city where every drug and sex perversion was available – for a price of course. Jews were clamoring to their brethren, “Come to Germany where you can buy a farm for a dollar!

One German wrote his bank requesting his entire life saving be withdrawn and sent to him. The bank wrote back that his entire life savings would not be sufficient to pay the postage.

Get ready because obscenely wealthy Jews are about to do it to us again.

Worthless Marks as fuel for the stove

A single slice of Bread Costs 4.6 Million marks during Germany’s Hyperinflation in 1923

Children playing with stacks of worthless Jew scrip

Worthless Jew money-paper

“Mass formation psychosis” is just more Jew psychobabble bullshit.

It was parasitical Jews and their destructive nature that drove Germany into the arms of Hitler’s National Socialists.

When the party did very well by the German people, the Jews had their British and Allied attack dogs declare war on Germany so they could continue their predation upon the world.

Once again, Jews are driving the Covid madness through their complete subversion of the media.

No Jews, then no “mass formation psychosis” problems.

FUCK! I’m sick of idiots, knaves, fools, clowns and sycophants spreading the Jews’ thickly fabricated bullshit about history and the lies they tell about Hitler and Germany!


– Arch

This is war! The white race is under all-out attack on all fronts




Savitri knew it — when Hitler returns, it will be as a warrior prophet to straighten out the white soul and create a universal white faith for all Aryans everywhere. The first thing is understanding your soul is immortal, reincarnation is real, and so you cannot die, just drop off a deteriorating body, one of many HUNDREDS you have had. The second thing is: You must control YOUR mind; it must not control YOU.

The late Byron Jost, WN film maker, made this — LOL!   But it has a big grain of truth.

Over and over I used psychology to lead people in many lives, trying to improve the world, but psychology just manipulates people without really changing them. You find their buttons and push them.

But minus the bombardment of constant psychological tactics, they revert to being cowardly, selfish, stupid humanimals — even if they went to Harvard, Oxford, Georgetown or the Sorbonne and got A#s.

a fellow Georgetowner with an Epstein-Maxwell girl on the Lolita Express



  1. Article on the deceased, disgusting Jew pedophile Bob Saget. The first video contains Saget telling a long, very filthy, unfunny joke amusing only to other filthy Jews, which also, in its punchline, pokes fun at aristocrats, meaning the Aryan aristocrats whom the Jews overthrew in Europe, beginning with their “French” Revolution. Saget, a Jew with a French surname, undoubtedly had that in mind when telling the joke, and it’s why he thought it was so funny. It also proves the saying that Jews are obsessed with shit – they just can’t stop thinking about it, the sick bastards:


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