Mass shooting in Buffalo (heavily fed town) a TOTAL fed op! & Myths about white mass shooters

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From a New York State resident to me:

This guy was a community-college drop out and never wrote that manifesto.

From the shooter’s town of Conklin, NY State to Buffalo is hundreds of miles away.

You need to take two interstates.
But there are THREE heavily Black cities closer than Buffalo, contradicting what Wiki says:
The manifesto’s author wrote that he started planning the attack in January 2022, and that he targeted Buffalo because it was the city with the most black residents that was closest to his home.[15][4]
I drove that route from the Pocono mountains in Pennsylvania several times as a courier, and a truck driver in summer  and I can tell you, .
John, that there are state troopers (highway police) waiting with radar guns everywhere.
The kid was dressed like Rambo in Rambo 2. His car had high-powered weaponry in it, and in particular one with an illegal modification, scores of rounds, etc. No way he would not choose the truly closest aggloeraitonfo Blacks.
Unless he was disturbed and driving aimlessly and just happened to land up at the Canadian border town of Buffalo he would have thought to stop first at any of those other heavily nogged cities first. This makes no sense from a logistical standpoint

My guess is he was based in heavily fed Buffalo at some sort of special ops house.

Wasn’t that Finn, Henrik Holappa, who betrayed you, held in 2009 at the Fed jail facility in Buffalo? 

A Boer girl, fmr Marine major Bill Fox and Margi in 2009

A reminder about the recent (((false flag?))) mass shooting in Buffalo in NY state :

Opinion: The numbers undercut myths about mass shootings and White men

Opinion by

March 27, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. UTC
Shortly after news broke of the mass shooting underway in Boulder, Colo., a familiar sequence began playing out on social media: condemning the White male entitlement assumed to fuel the majority of such attacks.
“Extremely tired of people’s lives depending on whether a white man with an AR-15 is having a bad day,” tweeted Julie DiCaro of Deadspin.
“It’s always an angry white man. Always,” wrote Hemal Jhaveri of USA Today. When the alleged perpetrator was apprehended, crime fiction author Don Winslow offered a mordant epigram:
Many tweets were deleted after it emerged that the suspect was Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a 21-year old immigrant from Syria. (And Jhaveri was fired by USA Today on Friday.) This was not the first time that left-leaning Twitter prematurely blamed another sort of White man — you know, white supremacistentitledconservative, marinated in gun culture — for a massacre committed, in fact, by a different type of person.
One could argue that it’s an understandable mistake, as Meena Harris, the vice president’s niece, suggested: “I made an assumption based on his being taken into custody alive and the fact that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. are carried out by white men.” Harris is right about one thing: If you just predict that every mass shooter will be a White man, statistically you’ll be right more often than not — like calling coin flips on a rigged coin
But that doesn’t justify inferring some sort of White pathology from that fact, or because the murderer survived. That, the data won’t support.
A judge in Boulder, Colo., on March 25 ordered Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, be held without bail. Alissa is accused of fatally shooting 10 people. (Reuters)
James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, maintains a database in collaboration with USA Today and the Associated Press that covers all mass shootings in the United States since 2006. When I asked him to analyze the data around incidents such as the Boulder massacre, he confirmed that about 55 percent of perpetrators in such incidents had been reported as White. (In some cases, race was unreported). Using a different dataset that ran from 1976 to 2019, with more inclusive criteria for inferring race, Fox found that some 64 percent of shooters were White.
But this commits a common statistical fallacy — thinking that if most mass shooters were White, that means that White people must be particularly likely to commit mass shootings. That doesn’t follow. Most Americans are White, so the majority of people doing almost anything will be White if there’s no racial discrepancy.
Let’s dig a little deeper in the numbers. Most mass shootings are committed by adult men, and census data shows that about 67 percent of adult men in the United States are non-Hispanic Whites. So it appears that the number of White men committing these crimes is close to what we’d expect from pure chance, maybe even slightly lower — the opposite of what we’d see if white supremacy culture were at fault.
Of course, that’s not the only evidence of racial gaps here; White attackers do seem less likely to be shot by police. According to Fox, five of the 87 public mass shooting attacks in the database involved White shooters who were killed by police. During that same period, 10 non-White shooters were killed, as were five others whose race was unknown.
Yet that doesn’t mean, as some have suggested, that Whites are more likely to be apprehended alive in these public massacres; apparently, White shooters more often commit suicide before police can get to them. Overall, Whites are both half of those who commit mass shootings and also about half of those who die during their crime.
So hearing that a shooter has been apprehended by police won’t help you guess the shooter’s race. You could do exactly as well by flipping a coin.
Now, I’m not saying that there is no racial aspect at play. Fox notes that media coverage tends to focus more on White shooters — possibly because most violence happens within racial and ethnic groups, not between them. So White shooters tend to have White victims — and to be covered more intensively by the mostly White media. And attacks that get more coverage are easier to remember.
That memorability feeds a psychological distortion known as the “availability heuristic”: when examples people can readily call to mind are assumed to be highly representative of whatever larger phenomenon we’re thinking about. Yet, often, people remember things vividly precisely because the incidents were unrepresentative — especially horrifying or politically charged.
In short, there are indeed subtle racial angles to mass shootings that we might profitably explore. But this particular narrative, which is unfortunately the dominant one, is an analytical dead end. It’s also a harmful racial stereotype for which there is no good evidence.
We won’t advance the cause of racial justice by propagating false stereotypes about any group — even the majority. And we certainly won’t make much progress on mass shootings if we wrongly convince ourselves that an all-too-common national failing, afflicting Americans of all colors and creeds, is mostly the peculiar pathology of a single privileged class. [end]


  1. This story is being published in the British Daily Mail paper every single day now. Not just once but many sub articles. “White supremacist” is their trigger word. When a black or muslim goes on a killing spree, “They have mental health issues.” Oh, bless them……

  2. Since Fetzer’s Nobody Died at Sandy Hooksuddenly people doubt the reality of current events.

    Fetzer made a suspicious claim regarding the Wellstone airplane crash. Several months after Professor Jones had published his finding of nanothermite in 9-11 dust, with the implication that nanothermite, which can be made into a paint, was used in the Wellstone event, Fetzer claimed White Phosporus was used.

    I find this suspicious. It seems meant to divert attention from the important discovery of nanothermite in the 9-11 dust.

    • Sometimes there are ego battles and pointless feuds among the truthers as well.

      I get emails from AE911, and they are obsessed with HOW the Twin Towers came down, not with WHO brought them down! Asking THAT might get into antisemitic territory….

  3. Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth has had the stance from its beginning that they would not look into _who_ did the deed. Nevertheless, the answer to how the buildings fell throws light on who could have done it.

    Nano technology was brand new in 2001. Hardly anyone could make or have access to tens of tons of nanothermite — which were used.

    • While nanothermite may also have been used, the twin towers were brought down with small nukes, which explains the strange effects seen at street level of cars being fried, and the elevated radiation levels after the event. Also, nanothermite would not have created the huge explosions clearly visible as the towers came down, throwing huge amounts debris many hundreds of feet horizontally. Fetzer wrote a book about this, and I believe he is correct.

  4. This false flag looks a lot like the New Zealand false flag hoax shooting. Shortly before (the week before) the NZ event, the corporate powers and some US agencies held a crisis training event called CrisisX. They were promised “real world” training in the event of a crisis, and whala, this happened on the closing weekend of the event.

    After that, the little hag Jacinda who has been busy giving every national asset in New Zealand to the Maori, and playing by the South Africa playbook that whites cannot do business with the government, got a “well being budget” and also got gun laws and went after and jailed a few people who would have potentially stood up against the covid op. This was clearly planned in preparation for covid. No one knows what became of the character that supposedly shot up the mosque, as he was an “out of towner” just like our Buffalo character. The totally and easily recognizable as fake video was banned by NZ (this was how they got the patriots they wanted in advance – everyone had a copy).

    In the US, they often use Canadian crisis actors hired by G4S or other international security firms for these events. In the past the US crisis actors had been doxxed regularly and now they bring in Canadians (from about the Orlando fake shooting onward).

    These events are a favorite of the cabal owned security complex in this country as they dream up articles that such and such a belief is a threat then they come up with legislation then they come up with the events. Problem / fake prediction about the “emerging threat” / crisis event / reaction / pre planned solution.

    • Interesting.

      Can you back up your claim, which I do find plausible, that Canadians are being used? They are indeed almost ideal because they are so similar to us, and they might even have a leftist bias against rightwing Americans which would enable them to pull the trigger on us, but many do have a strong Canuck accent.

      • My observation is more based on the participants (crisis actors) than the shooter, and I am unable to substantiate other than to say I have been to all 50 states and every Canadian province and territory other than Nunavut. I live in Canada as a child and have been there over 50 times on trips.

        There are many many things wrong with the participants and victims once one looks into the stories as many conspiracy researchers do.

        This is unrelated to the Canadian actor theory, but another observation is how the Orlando hoax was handled. Anyone that has ever been in the hospital for even the slightest procedure can recognize that this supposed victim was NOT SHOT and NOT operated on that day.

        The stupidity of these events can be seen with even the slightest application of thought, but that seems to be lacking with the tv watching public.

    • Thanks, Carl, I read it all.

      This is classic, bureaucratic going-through-the-motions of doing something, while actually aiming to fail.

      We see it also with the muslim grooming of British girls. The cops just pretend to be getting serious.

      The only possible explanation is the scariest and most sinister one, that Britain, like its offshoot, America, is ruled behind the scenes by monstrous psychopaths who hate us.

      Peter Hitchens, the part-jewish former leftist, had the honesty and courage to make quite a confession:

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