Massive brute-force attack yesterday on this site; jews losing hope of world domination

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I was not able to post yesterday due to a huge attack on the site. The WordPress system kept demanding I change my password. But that worked for only a few minutes.

Here is an article on brute-force attacks:

Basically, only governments (or major criminal hacking organizations, which may be working for a government) can do this, using thousands of computers.

You may not even realize that a virus on your computer, and on thousands of other computers, is forcing it against its will to hack someone else you never heard of!

But this time off yesterday was good for me. I was very busy planning devilment for the jews, and leadership for us.

In any case, here is some news:



……Why the Russia-China alliance is momentous

You can watch the videos and read the articles to which I link, or simple absorb and ponder my conclusions.

And reflect also on WHY the jews are so desperately hacking at my website.

Maybe because 1) my analysis of declining jewish power is correct and 2) I am a huge, huge threat to them.

One, Duran video on Russia assuring China it will not be tricked by Biden

Russia and China, if one thinks about it, are the most natural allies there can be (except for a FREE Germany with Russia). One country has infinite raw materials, and oil/natural gas/hydroelectric power, while the other boasts massive factory production that needs these raw materials.

Both countries have strong militaries that protects each other’s back so as to allow Russia to confront EU/US in the West (Europe, etc.) while China confronts Japan/US/India in the Pacific region. Pakistan and Iran will keep India occupied too.

Why should Russia fall for some US trick and abandon its new and very firm alliance with China? By sticking together, they are more than a match for the Jewnited Snakes.

And, as earlier Duran videos have shown, it is beyond delusional for the US to think it can beat Russia in Europe, on its front doorstep, or defeat China in Asia.

Yes, the US has aircraft carriers, but the new Chinese missiles can sink these. US flat-tops will have to stay a thousand miles away from the Chinese coast, but US fighter jets have only a 500-mile range! If China retakes Taiwan, there is nothing the US can do about it.

And how can the US glorify Lincoln for crushing the southern states that separated, yet say it is evil for China to do the same thing regarding its province of Taiwan? Taiwan has been Chinese for 400 years!

FACT: China is now an economic, nuclear, land and naval superpower. WITH Russia, China can now defy the US at will.

The Jewnited Snakes either gets used to this new reality, or there will be a third world war. Both countries also know the jews run this country for their own ends, and they have no desire to be under the jewish boot, or submit to Gay Pride marches, drag queens, gender studies….

…an Icelandic Lutheran Sunday-school book for children shows a transgender Jesus on the cover, and two of the four kids being non-Scandinavian — the Chinese call all this zaibuo, meaning “crazy white liberals”:

…..critical race theory,

….Muslims or African running rampant,

…..or printing and spending money like a drunken sailor.

Two, Duran video on the latest Hunter Biden laptop revelations, 1) using the ngr word constantly, and 2) saying God is a myth.

I posted two comments under it:

“God only knows what else is on this laptop.” Are you aware of the photos of him with a seven-year-old girl in a scarlet bikini — who is giving him oral sex?

I see another scenario… SCOTUS overturning the 2020 election and Trump returning to the WH, but not the same Trump.

No, instead, this time, he comes back, chastened, as an obediently raving neo-con, “GOOD Orange Man,” who will INSANELY try to “get tough” and “stand up to” China, Russia, Syria and Iran.

No more “Munich-like appeasement,” and “we must stand up to the dictators,” bla-bla-bla….

But this neo-con folly, using “the new Trump,” will end in a catastrophic third world war.

–China announces massive aid to Israel’s arch-enemy, Syria:


China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi

The j-team knows a lot is going wrong for them. Latest example: China is now planning, along with Russia, to invest in Assad’s Syria, a total defeat for Israel and the US Deep State.
The Assads are fanatical enemies of Israel, and Syria is located, as we know, right on its northern border, and is friends with fanatically anti-Israel Iran.


The new Shiite Crescent — Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon — strongly rejects Israel, ISIS and the US

The jewish US foreign minister Henry Kissinger wrote once that while he talked with Hafez Assad, the then leader of Syria, and father of the current leader, Hafez Assad openly, slowly, contemptuously picked his nose. 😉

Of course, that may be just a nasty jewish lie…, but the point was that Hafez Assad saw in K just another lying, treacherous jew, and was saying “You can’t intimidate me.”

It is important to understand the whole Israeli strategy of inciting civil war in every single neighboring Middle Eastern country, and breaking them all up into little feuding pieces, called “Securing the Realm.”

Here is the Middle Eastern situation: all these countries are divided into two different kinds of Islam, the Sunnis and the Shiites. They hate each other as much as Protestants and Catholics used to hate each other, and that means with great bloodshed and violence.

Then you have the ethnic divisions.

There are the Kurds, spread over Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, who are not Arabs at all, but speak an Indo-European language.

There are also the Druze and the Allawites, who, to avoid persecution, both pretend to be muslims but actually teach reincarnation, and many of them have ancient, ancient white blood.

A Druze

Assad, an Allawite, has blue eyes.

His Lebanese wife, Asma, is Middle-Eastern white, too.

Then you have the Yazidis, who are even more white racially, and they have an openly pagan religion.

A Yazidi girl

Yazidi boys

Yazidi girl raped by ISIS

The symbol of their god is a peacock; but the muslims insanely defame them as devil worshippers!


What is ISIS? Muslims killing other muslims (and also many innocent Whites) — it is a goy-ON-GOY killing machine!


I will reiterate what I wrote before, and again ask yourself why my site is being so massively attacked and by whom – who can control a thousand computers?

America is totally jew-controlled, but is declining in power because the jews are killing off the honest, hard-working, intelligent white race that sustains it.

And a brown and black, Third World US can never compete with Russia or China.


Both China and Russia are standing up to Israel and grasping that the US, as the jews’ enforcer, is a threat to the very existence of the Chinese and Russian nations, as well as to all nations everywhere.

The jews grasp that Russia and china have tuernd against them. So their millennial dream of jewish world domination is slipping from their grasp.

They must find some way to either crush Russia and China, or bring them back in line.

Now, who can rally the gullible white Americans to stupidly confront these military giants?

Donald Trump.

Mr America First…

…and he already caved in to the russophobe Deep State when he bombed Syria in March of 2017.

Then he closed Russian consulates.

Sanctioned Russia.

…allowed the imprisonment of Julian Assange, who had had made him president via the Wikileaks that exposed Hillary and her pedophilic chief of staff, Pizzagater John Podesta!

Just to lick Deep State boots one last time, while outgoing President Trump issued presidential pardons to all sorts of people, he refused to do so for Julian Assange.


Seven years long this Australian was cooped up on a tiny foreign embassy in London, and now he has spent two years in solitary in England with no charges pending!


That was the most potent symbol possible that Trump would now “play ball” with the Deep State.

To let a man rot illegally in prison who had made him president.

But face it — It has always been about the Donald.

I am preparing my own path. That means no more Donald Trump.

My other blog today will lay out what the Real America, White America, wants, and it is not Israel First or Nuclear War with China and Russia!

It means a true America First, and America butts out of foreign countries, solves our own problems here at home and puts our military on OUR border, not in Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere else!! Our own people are hurting!

Trump II is this — nuclear devastation of America, Europe and the world





  1. Chissà quando si sveglieranno i suoi sostenitori CovidTrump…
    Trump è un flop.
    Responsabile delle vaccinazioni in corso…con la terza dose (no placebo) sarà una carneficina.
    Migliaia di bambini e ragazzi saranno resi sterili..altri moriranno sul colpo.
    È quello che ormai vedo..
    Solo pochi sopravvissuti a questa catastrofe.

    • Transl:

      Who knows when his CovidTrump supporters will wake up …
      Trump is a flop.
      Responsible for ongoing vaccinations … with the third dose (no placebo) it will be carnage.
      Thousands of children and young people will be made sterile … others will die instantly.
      That’s what I see now ..
      Only a few will survive this catastrophe.


      Yes, and thanks for the comment.

      What a spineless idiot to walk away from hydroxychloroquine (and ALSO INVERMECTIN) and trust his jewboy son-in-law Jared Kushner and the snake Fauci!

    Poi mi chiedono perché non entro più in Chiesa, perché i miei figli non possono fare la comunione con una mascherina in faccia, già, con queste regole sataniche.
    A questi cattolici genuflessi non da fastidio nulla
    Che importa mi dicono i catechisti:
    “È solo un tempio materiale,di pietra,conta solo la Benedizione del prete!”
    “Non dobbiamo preoccuparci di quello che succede intorno a noi!”

    Ecco,sono davvero fuori di testa.
    Beati loro che non si preoccupano di nulla!!

    • First link:

      Removal of the Tabernacle: the Church obeys the orders of Freemasonry
      WARNING: You may have passed this way by chance. Whatever the reason, now you are there: be patient and READ. You will discover amazing things.
      Tabernacle in the center
      This is the most just and decent place for the Tabernacle. The Lord must be at the center (he is the master of the house!) And not hidden in places where no one sees him and no one reveres him as is right and proper! Just read HERE

      There is a disturbing document circulating. It is not now that it has been made public and many – very many – have read it but it must be said that it has not been given the attention it deserves. This is a plan, a precise plan, drawn up by Freemasonry, to destroy the Catholic Church . It, naturally very secret, came to light after a French priest, having abjured from that infernal sect, decided to make it public.

      He himself followed him when he was part of the lodge and it is very certain that even today it is followed in all its points by the ecclesiastics (priests but also bishops and cardinals) who, betraying Jesus Christ and His Church, obey the directives of fecal Freemasonry.

      It is enough to take a look, even a quick glance !, To realize how these directives, contained in the plan, have actually been carried out: it is sufficient to enter the churches – modern ones but not only – to verify the effects. It is not a question of details: they are substantial things that sacrilegiously wound upright Doctrine.

      We now report, in full, this plan. With a very lively prayer: read it. Please read it! We will realize how Freemasonry now commands even within the Catholic Church.

      Tabernacle in the centerI would just like to underline one of the points: the sixth (concerning the abolition of genuflection and even of kneeling during Holy Mass: for this purpose in many churches the pews are deliberately deprived of kneelers) and the eleventh. This, the 11th, I want to report in full now: “Stop the practice of celebrating Holy Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle.Do not admit any Tabernacle on the Altars that are used for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The table should look like a kitchen table. It must be transportable to express that it is not sacred at all but must serve a dual purpose as, for example, a conference table or to play cards. Later, place at least one chair at that table. The Priest must take his place there to indicate that after Communion he rests as after a meal. The Priest must never kneel during Mass or genuflect. In fact, one never kneels at meals. The Priest’s chair must be placed in place of the Tabernacle. Encourage people to venerate and also to adore the Priest instead of the Eucharist, to obey him instead of the Eucharist. Tell the people that the Priest is Christ, their head. Place the Tabernacle in a different room, out of sight. ”

      Friends and brothers in Christ: this is a very serious thing. And I’m not saying it, but there are precise indications from the Magisterium in this sense . Indications that, needless to say, are disregarded. Today we enter many churches and the Tabernacle is not there : the master of the house, Jesus alive and true, present in the Blessed Sacrament, is hidden. Relegated to secondary chapels, he is almost totally ignored and / or forgotten. This is serious. Very serious. And it is even more serious if you think that this is done in compliance with the orders of the diabolical sect. The Virgin said that “Satan is released from the chains” and in fact his action is evident: in the Church as in the world. Think also and above all of the delicate issues (family, life – abortion, euthanasia , artificial procreation, rented uterus, education, marriage, homosexuality) on which the states legislate in an anti-Christian way and the Church itself, unfortunately, is silent .

      Let’s read this diabolical plan together:

      St. Michael1 Remove once and for all Saint Michael , protector of the Catholic Church from all prayers inside and outside the Holy Mass. Remove his statues, stating that they distract from the Adoration of Christ.

      2 Remove the Penitential Exercises of Lent such as abstinence from meat on Friday or even fasting; prevent any act of self- sacrifice . In their place, acts of joy, happiness and love of neighbor must be favored. You say: “Christ has already deserved Heaven for us” and “every human effort is useless” . Tell everyone that they must take their concern for their health seriously. Encourage the consumption of meat , especially pork.

      3 Assign the Protestant pastors to review the Holy Mass and desecrate it. Sow doubts about the Real Presence in the Eucharist and confirm that the Eucharist – with greater closeness to the Protestant faith – is only bread and wine and intended as a pure symbol. Disseminate Protestants in seminaries and schools. Encourage ecumenism as the way to unity. Accuse anyone who believes in the Real Presence as subversive and disobedient to the Church.

      4 Prohibit the Latin Liturgy of the Mass , Adoration and Chants, since they communicate a feeling of mystery and deference. Present them as spells of soothsayers . Men will stop considering Priests as men of superior intelligence, to be respected as bearers of the Divine Mysteries .

      liturgical abuses5 Encourage women not to cover their heads with a veil in church. The hair is sexy. You expect women to be readers and priestesses. Present it as a democratic idea. Establish a women’s liberation movement. Those who enter the Church must wear neglected clothes to feel at home there. This will weaken the importance of the Holy Mass.

      6 Distract the faithful from taking Communion on their knees. Tell the nuns that they must distract the children before and after Communion from having their hands joined . Tell them that God loves them as they are and wants them to feel completely comfortable. Eliminate kneeling and all genuflections in the Church . Remove the kneelers. Tell people that during Mass they must testify their faith in an upright position. [ON THIS SPECIFIC TOPIC THERE IS A VERY EXPLICIT ARTICLE – WITH VIDEO – ON THE NET]

      7 Eliminate the sacred music of the organ. Bring guitars, Jewish harps, drums, trampling and sacred laughter into the churches. This will distract people from personal prayer and conversations with Jesus. Deny Jesus the time to call children to religious life . Perform liturgical dancesaround the altar in exciting robes , theaters and concerts.

      St. Joseph8 Remove the sacred character of the songs to the Mother of God and to St. Joseph. Indicate their veneration as idolatry. Ridicule those who persist. Introduces Protestant songs . This will give the impression that the Catholic Church finally admits that Protestantism is the true religion or at least that it is equal to the Catholic Church.

      9 Eliminate all the hymns even those to Jesus since they make people think of the happiness and serenity that comes from the life of mortification and penance for God already from childhood. Introduces new songs just to convince people that the previous rites were somehow false . Make sure that in every Mass there is at least one song in which Jesus is not mentioned and that instead speaks only of love for men. Youth will be thrilled to hear about love of neighbor. Preach love, tolerance and unity. Do not mention Jesus , forbid any announcement of the Eucharist

      DON FABRIZIO DE MICHINO CELEBRATES – FIRST MASS10 Remove all the relics of the Saints from the Altars and later also the Altars themselves. Replace them with pagan tablets without Consecration that can be used to offer human sacrifices during satanic masses . Eliminate the Ecclesiastical law that wants the celebration of the Holy Mass only on Altars containing Relics.

      11 Stop the practice of celebrating Holy Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle . Do not admit any Tabernacle on the Altars that are used for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The table must have the appearance of a kitchen table. It must be transportable to express that it is not sacred at all but must serve a dual purpose as, for example, a conference table or to play cards . Later, place at least one chair at that table. The Priest must take his place there to indicate that after Communion he rests as after a meal . The Priest must never kneel during Massnor genuflect. In fact, one never kneels at meals. The Priest’s chair must be placed in place of the Tabernacle . Encourage people to venerate and also to adore the Priest instead of the Eucharist, to obey him instead of the Eucharist. Tell the people that the Priest is Christ, their head. Place the Tabernacle in a different room, out of sight.

      12 Make the Saints disappear from the Ecclesiastical calendar, always some at specific times. Prohibit priests from preaching saints , except those mentioned in the Gospel. Tell the people that any Protestants, perhaps present in the church, could be scandalized. Avoid anything that disturbs Protestants.

      13 In the reading of the Gospel, omit the word “holy”, for example, instead of “Gospel according to Saint John”, simply say: “Gospel according to John” . This will make people think that they no longer have to worship them. Continuously write new Bibles until they are identical to Protestant Bibles. Omit the adjective “Holy” in the expression “Holy Spirit”. This will pave the way. Emphasize the feminine nature of God as a mother full of tenderness. Eliminate the use of the term “Father”.

      14 Make all personal mercy books disappear and destroy them. Consequently, the Litanies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the Mother of God, of Saint Joseph will also cease as the preparation for Holy Communion . Thanksgiving after Communion will also become superfluous.


      15 Make also all the statues and images of the Angels disappear . Why should the statues of our enemies stand between our feet? Define them as myths or good night stories. Do not allow the talk about the Angels as it would hurt our Protestant friends.

      16 Abrogate the minor exorcism to expel the demons; commit yourself to this, announce that devils do not exist . Explain that this is the Bible’s method of designating evil, and that without a wicked one there can be no interesting stories. As a result , people will not believe in the existence of hell or fear that they will ever fall into it. Repeat that hell is nothing but distance from God and that there is never something terrible about it if it is basically the same life as here on earth.

      CROSS MEDAL OF SAINT BENEDICT17 Teach that Jesus was only a man who had brothers and sisters and who hated those in power. Explain that he loved the company of prostitutes , especially Mary Magdalene; who did not know what to do with churches and synagogues. You say that he advised not to obey the leaders of the Clergy, explain that he was a great teacher but he deviated from the right path when he denied obedience to the leaders of the church. Discourage the talk of the Cross as a victory, on the contrary present it as a failure.

      CROWN-OF-THE-ROSARY18 Remember that you can lead nuns towards the betrayal of their vocation if you turn to their vanity, charm and beauty . Make them change the ecclesiastical habit and this will naturally lead them to throw away their rosaries with dissent . This will dry up their vocations. Tell the sisters that they will not be accepted if they have not given up the habit. Favor the discredit of the ecclesiastical habit even among the people.

      19 Burn all the Catechisms. Tell religion teachers to teach to love God’s creatures instead of God himself . Loving openly is a testimony of maturity. Make the term “sex” an everyday word in your religion classes. Make sex a new religion . Introduces images of sex into religious lessons to teach children about reality. Make sure the images are clear. Encourage schools to become progressive thinkers in the field of sex education . Introduces sex education through the bishop’s authority so parents will have nothing against it.

      Sister Faustina20 You suffocate Catholic schools, preventing the vocations of nuns . Reveal to the nuns that they are underpaid social workers and that the Church is in the process of eliminating them . Insist that the Catholic lay teacher receive the same salary as that of government schools. Employ non-Catholic teachers. Priests must receive the same salary as the corresponding secular employees. All Priests must lay down their Clerical Robe and their Crosses so that they can be accepted by all. Ridicule those who don’t fit.

      The Virgin and John Paul II21 Annihilate the Pope (the reference in these directives is Pope John Paul II) , destroying his universities. Detach the universities from the Pope, saying that in this way the government could subsidize them. Replace the names of Religious Institutes with secular names, to favor ecumenism. For example, instead of “Immaculate Conception School” say “New High School”. Establish ecumenical departments in all dioceses and be concerned about their control by the Protestants. Prayers for the Pope and for Mary are forbidden because they discourage ecumenism. Announce that the local Bishops are the competent authorities .You argue that the Pope is only a representative figure. Explain to people that the Papal Teaching is only for conversation but is otherwise unimportant.

      22 Fight the Papal Authority by placing an age limit on its exercise. Reduce it little by little, explain that you want to keep it from overworking.

      23 Be bold. Weaken the Pope by introducing Episcopal Synods . The Pope will then become only a representative figure as in England where the Upper and Lower Houses reign and from them the queen receives orders. Later you weaken the authority of the Bishop , giving life to a concurrent institution at the level of Presbyters. You say that priests receive the attention they deserve in this way. Finally, weaken the authority of the Priest by setting up groups of lay people who dominate the Priests. In this way such hatred will arise that even Cardinals will abandon the Church and the Church will then be democratic … the New Church …

      24 Reduce vocations to the priesthood, making the laity lose their awe for it. The public scandal of a priest will annihilate thousands of vocations. Praise Priests who for the love of a woman have been able to leave everything, defining them as heroic. Also condemned as a scandal that our Freemason brethren in the Priesthood should be disclosed and their names published. Be tolerant with the homosexuality of the clergy . Tell people that priests suffer from loneliness.

      25 Begin to close the churches due to the scarcity of clergy. Define this practice as good and cheap. Explain that God hears prayers everywhere. In this way the churches become extravagant waste of money. First of all, close the Churches in which traditional piety is practiced.

      AVE26 Use commissions of lay people and priests weak in the faith who condemn and retry without difficulty every apparition of Mary and every apparent miracle, especially of the Archangel Saint Michael. Be assured that none of this, to no extent will receive Vatican II approval. Call disobedience to authority if someone obeys the Revelations or even if someone reflects on them. Indicate the Seers as disobedient to the Ecclesiastical Authority. Make their good name fall into disrepute, then no one will think to take their Message into account.

      27 Elect an Antipope . You claim that he will bring the Protestants back into the Church and perhaps even the Jews. An Antipope can be elected if the right to vote is given to the Bishops. Then many antipopes will be elected so that an antipope will be installed as a compromise. You affirm that the true Pope is dead.

      PADRE PIO confessional
      Padre Pio in his Confessional

      28 Remove Confession before Holy Communion for second and third year pupils so that they don’t care about it when they go to fourth or fifth grade and then upper grades. The Confession will then disappear . Introduces (silently) community confession with group absolution. Explain to the people that this is happening because of the scarcity of the Clergy.

      29 Have women and lay people distribute Communion . You say that this is the time of the laity. Begin by placing Communion in your hand , like Protestants, instead of on your tongue. Explain that the Christ did it the same way. Collect some hosts for “black masses” in our temples . Then, instead of personal Communion, distribute a cup of non-consecrated hosts that you can take home with you. Explain that in this way one can take divine gifts in everyday life. Place automatic dispensers of hosts for communions and call them Tabernacles. You say that signs of peace must be exchanged. Encourage people to move to church to stop devotion and prayer . Do not make Signs of the Cross ;instead of it a sign of peace. Explain that Christ also moved to greet the Disciples. Do not allow any concentration at such times. Priests must turn their backs on the Eucharist and honor the people.

      30 After the Antipope has been elected, dissolve the synods of bishops as well as the associations of priests and parish councils. Prohibit all religious to question these new provisions without permission. Explain that God loves humility and hates those who aspire to glory. Accuse all those who ask questions of disobedience to the Ecclesiastical Authority. Discourage Obedience to God. Tell the people that they must obey these Ecclesiastical superiors.

      CROSS MEDAL OF SAINT BENEDICT31 Give the Pope (= Antipope) the maximum power to choose his successors. Order under pain of excommunication all those who love God to bear the sign of the beast. But don’t call it “sign of the beast” . The Sign of the Cross must neither be made nor used on people or through them ( it should no longer be blessed ). Making the Sign of the Cross will be designated as idolatry and disobedience.

      32 Declare the previous Dogmas false , except that of Pontifical Infallibility. Proclaim Jesus Christ a failed revolutionary . Announce that the true Christ will soon come. Only the elected Antipope must be obeyed. Tell the people that they must bow when his name is spoken.

      33 Order all of the Pope’s subjects to fight in holy crusades to extend the one world religion . Satan knows where all the lost gold is. Conquer the world without mercy! All this will bring to humanity what it has always craved: “the golden age of peace”.

      SISTER IONELA 1964
      All the nervous people of this century I call them to prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, the only sedative against nervousness. The only effective treatment with which the excited nerves of men of the present age can be mastered is this. (Jesus to Sister Maria Ionela)

      Photo of a modern Catholic mass with a menorah-like candelabra:

      Caption: Don’t kneel – systematically, clearly and flagrantly do not. Very ugly. And it gets you to think.

      Especially when it is solemnly exposed.

      Then they ask me why [my sons] are no longer in church, because my children cannot make communion with a mask in their faces with these satanic Covid mask rules.

      But these genuflex Catholics are not bothered by anything.

      What matters is this, as the catechists tell me:

      “It’s just a material temple, of stone, but what counts is the priest’s blessing!”

      “We don’t have to worry about what happens around us!”

      At that I go out of my mind with anger.

      “Blessed are those who don’t care about anything!” 🙁


      The candelabra on the Catholic altar has seven arms — JUST as with the jewish menorah!

      One can see why rulers liked and imposed Christianity — to make the populace docile.

      “The opium of the people,” said Marx, but he was not the first one to observe this.

      But it is true of this semitic Saulianity religions, not of the Aryan faith that is arriving.

      I was fascinated to read how the Mass has been gradually and subtly changed.

      I attended Mass frequently in 2017 to learn and study the Catholic religion more. I met many very nice people there, and also got a superb book there on the reality of Jesus as an actual historical person.

      But when the pedophilia scandal involving Cardinal McCarrick of Washington DC (here with President Bush) erupted, I could not stomach it any more, not after my own childhood.

      The RCC itself needs an exorcism! 😉

      • Si John,io non sono atea,assolutamente!
        Ma queste messe così non le sopporto.
        Non sopporto nemmeno la loro superficialità e cecità di fronte a queste bestemmie!
        Leonardo aveva ragione,Gesù invece lo aveva previsto prima di lui:
        “Uno di voi mi tradira’!”
        Non era Giuda…ma Pietro.
        Ho notato nel cenacolo di L. Che Giuda tiene stretto un sacchetto che non ha denaro al suo interno ma acqua che fuoriesce da un buco simile a quello di una bottiglia.

  3. John, don’t underestimate the Jews controlling Russia and China. They both rely heavily on selling their goods globally, and that’s their weakness = lack of money. Chinese companies are already moving abroad to African states or Vietnam or Cambodia, as they are cheaper than mainland China. Automation will replace 70% of manual jobs, that will decrease the world population and global markets.

    It was New York jewish financial speculator something who funded the 1917 Bolsheviks. China and Russia were on the point of a massive nuclear exchange in the 70s.

    • All true.

      Interestingly, both Kissinger and Margaret Thatcher, PM (for American readers) of the UK in the 1980s, both reported that Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev had proposed that the US and USSR carry out a joint nuclear first strike on China, a surprise attack, to wipe it out. Both said that Brezhnev was of the opinion that China was a threat to the white race.

      The Chinese and Russians are well aware of jewish power but it depends on a strong US, which the jews in their hatred of the Aryan are nevertheless steadily weakening. I predict that Beijing and Moscow will increasingly push back on US and jewish pressure.

      Then therw is the whole horrendous Opium Wars scandal, and the Chinese know the jews, especially the Sassoons, were behind that, and they also know who financed the British Empire that twice invaded China, foprcing it to allow the opiunm trade, Rothschild.

      The Chinese, unlike white Americans, Germans, or other white Europeans, also, and obviously, feel zero guilt over the poor jews and their fake Jewish holocaust.

      Same goes for the Russians. Though a white and Christian country, they suffered their own holocaus tunder thcommunists and as for the “Nazis,” they were the key army that defeated them. So Russia too does not want to hear any jewish sob stories.

      Russia can sell China oil, electric power, gold, titanium, lumber, and flour without any jewish middle man or interference at all. There is no way the jew can muscle in either. A huge 90% of the Russian jews left in the 1990s for Israel, the US, France, the Uk and Germany. There are only about 400K jews left in that country, and they are half in St. Petersburg, half in Moscow. No farm work for the Chosen Elite!

    • Transl:

      I’m wondering where all this gender stuff comes from, all this LGBT … from which perverse and satanic mind?!0
      From Loki.

      The Prometheus [not of light and civilization, but] of deceptions …

  4. The day before the massive hack that shut down your site you had put up an article that implied Jewish culpability in the Kennedy assassination. I think the massive hack may have been a response to that article.

    • That could well be, that and other things.

      The masses LOVED the Kennedys.

      When that beautiful man was murdered, it was like Pearl Harbor before it, or September 11 in our time. You just felt sick to your stomach.

      It meant there was something that was evil and very big in this country – to kill a president like that.

      And the jews do not want the blame for this murder they committed.

      Kennedy, beyond his charm, looks, charisma and intelligence, symbolized also patriotism, youth, ideals and action! We were still a young and happy country until that day.

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