Massive US-UK medical study shows even many heart-attack patients — still having full brain function and active breathing — have serene Near-Death Experiences

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Though not clinically dead — they are still breathing and have brain waves, in fact, very high brain functions! — 20% are undergoing a classic near-death experience.

This is a finding of a major Establishment medical study in both the US and Britain on 567 patients whose brains were hooked up to electrodes during heart attacks and while undergoing CPR, that is, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

In other NDE studies, the person was, in fact, legally already dead in all three key categories:

no heartbeat,

no breathing; and

no brain activity at all, which is called “flatlining.”

Lucid [as in clear-thinking] Dying:

Patients Recall Death Experiences During CPR


Summary: 1 in 5 people who receive CPR report lucid experiences of death while they are seemingly unconscious and on the brink of death. The lucid experiences appear to be different from hallucinations, dreams, illusions, and delusions. Researchers found during these experiences the brain has heightened activity and markers for lucidity, suggesting the human sense of self, like other biological functions, may not completely stop around the time of death.

Source: NYU Langone

One in five people who survive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after cardiac arrest may describe lucid experiences of death that occurred while they were seemingly unconscious and on the brink of death, a new study shows.

Led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and elsewhere, the study involved 567 men and women whose hearts stopped beating while hospitalized and who received CPR between May 2017 and March 2020 in the United States and United Kingdom. Despite immediate treatment, fewer than 10% recovered sufficiently to be discharged from hospital.

Survivors reported having unique lucid experiences, including a perception of separation from the body, observing events without pain or distress, and a meaningful evaluation of life, including of their actions, intentions and thoughts toward others. The researchers found these experiences of death to be different from hallucinations, delusions, illusions, dreams or CPR-induced consciousness.

The work also included tests for hidden brain activity. A key finding was the discovery of spikes of brain activity, including so-called gamma, delta, theta, alpha and beta waves up to an hour into CPR. Some of these brain waves normally occur when people are conscious and performing higher mental functions, including thinking, memory retrieval, and conscious perception.

“These recalled experiences and brain wave changes may be the first signs of the so-called near-death experience, and we have captured them for the first time in a large study,” says Sam Parnia, MD, PhD, the lead study investigator and an intensive care physician, who is also an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Langone Health, as well as the organization’s director of critical care and resuscitation research.

“Our results offer evidence that while on the brink of death and in a coma, people undergo a unique inner conscious experience, including awareness without distress.”

Identifying measureable electrical signs of lucid and heightened brain activity, together with similar stories of recalled death experiences, suggests that the human sense of self and consciousness, much like other biological body functions, may not stop completely around the time of death, adds Parnia.

“These lucid experiences cannot be considered a trick of a disordered or dying brain, but rather a unique human experience that emerges on the brink death,” says Parnia.


…..Today marks exactly two months since Margi passed over.

Margaret Huffstickler 1948-2022

I can say that on her deathbed — I was there, praying to God and talking to her soul, and her doctor had his hand on my shoulder, and a nurse gently touched my back  — my wonderful wife looked so serene, pain-free and beautiful after she breathed out her last. Four and third years of her constant suffering were over.

And I know that angels and deceased loved ones were welcoming Margi, a just, kind, brave and honorable soul whom so many people loved, not just I, back to the Great Source.

And I have found out something further in the wake of my eery encounter with the vixen who came out of the woods and walked next to me for a hundred yards – on what would have been Margi’s 74th birthday.

I had just written this blog:

Remembering my national-socialist girl, Margi Huffstickler (1948-2022) on this day, Nov. third, on what would have been her 74th birthday

…and then went for my usual hour-long walk through this lovely town on Lake Superior when a wild animal emerged from the dark forest to walk alongside me.

Contact from my dead wife? A strange meeting in the dark

A barmaid, the daughter of a Marine and the wife of another (I met him for a Marine Corps birthday drink the other day),  had told me that many “Yoopers” (UP of Michigan people) believe that a friendly fox approaching you means a deceased loved one is reaching out to you.

I have subsequently “field-tested” with Ontonagon people if this belief is widespread that a friendly, wild fox is a messenger from the afterlife —  and it is. Not one person laughed at my story. In fact, they interrupted me to say “That was your wife, through the fox.”

And my story is not impeached at all by me having had it alone with no witnesses to confirm it. People CONSTANTLY  have supernatural experiences when by themselves. And when one does happen, believe me, you KNOW it happened. It is awe-inspiring. You are an ordinary mortal with all your earthly cares and flaws, and suddenly something intrudes into your life from the other aside.

You can only say — wow.

Thank you, Margi. I miss you so keenly, but I am so happy that you are in a beautiful world, free of jews: drag queens; beheading, raping muslims; nauseating, lying politicians; lethal vaccines; chemtrail-etched skies; autism; and the real fear of World War III.

You went where the white heroes and heroines go.  I will do my duty and honor you here until I see you again.


Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.



  1. I don’t know how I ended up here if there is any where else to be, but you are in my prayers of thanks, the prayers I make to my creator when I dont know what else to say. I say thanks for family, friends, and anyone who has been kind in some way, even things they might have thought small and forgettable. It feels good. I think God likes it when people thank him. After all he hung the moon and stars, whole galaxies, just to make the clockwork that keeps us from burning to smoke or freezing into icy glaciers. What a narrow window it is, human life.

  2. I once shared the same dream with my sister when I was roughly 19 years old. The same dream, word for word, location for location, in what I would describe as ‘passive telepathy’.

    The dream itself was a mundane affair. It was random and not based on some domestic upheaval earlier in the day. I happened to mention to my sister upon awaking that I had a dream about her. She replied so had she.

    Then we spent the next ten minutes cross-examining each other in total disbelief we had experienced the very same dream. right down to the smallest detail.

    It was that experience that left me convinced another realm existed and that we are indeed eternal beings.

    • Thank you very much for this comment. I would say that a guardian angel and/or deceased loved ones made this double dream possible.

      My< whole goal is to use such experiences to create a credible religion, free of all dogmas, miracles and sayings by stranger whom we never met supposedly said or did two or three thousand years ago, as related by another stranger we have never met. So many, many people -- normal, mentally healthy, hard-working and basically decent folks, but not flawless, of course, which is not necessary -- have had these genuine supernatural experiences that shake them up in a good way..... Yet still people fear being laughed at if they recount them. From this we can see that functional atheism and materialism are de facto the rule in our society. And thus we are no different in this sense from the Soviet Union. Hypercapitalist Jewmerica and the Soviet Jewnion are both products of the same scoffing, sneering, ego-driven jew spirit, where the pursuit of money, sex, power, fame and vengeance are the uninspiring and tawdry soul of our empty lives.

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