Massive wog riots, arrests, destruction in France despite 40K cops — Macron fiddles while France burns

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…..40,000 French police officers can’t get the migrant riots under control

The third night of rioting following the deadly shooting by a police officer of a worthless 17-year-old Arab crook named Nahel is also the worst so far: 670 people were arrested.

Buildings and cars have been burned, shop windows smashed, buses overturned and set on fire. There were attacks on town halls, schools and even police stations!

Around 1,900 cars have been burned and ruined.

At a bus depot in Aubervilliers, north of Paris, 12 buses were destroyed in a fire.

Fires were set at 500 public buildings such as police stations and city halls. Shops and supermarkets were looted. Hundreds of police officers were injured.

The Arabs and negroes constantly throw fireworks at the police

The Greens are naturellement NOT complaining at this incredible, toxic air pollution. Jewry has ruled that all wogs get special privileges and zero criticism in all enslaved white countries, which is all white countries except Belarus and Russia. 

40,000 police officers were deployed nationwide but could not get the outbreaks of violence under control.

This reminds me of something my then father-in-law in Tyrol, Austria, Herr Kajetan Atzl, who was a devout Catholic (in his own way), told me in the early 1980s.
There was a “prophecy” that a huge mob would gather in Rome and surround, plunder and burn down Vatican City!
With the immense number of Muslims in Italy, and also of leftists and communists, something like that is now conceivable.

And how many Italians of this generation would rush at the risk of their lives to the rescue of this papal state after four decades of Catholic-priest-child-molester headlines in the newspapers, priest arrests, heartbreaking victim testimonies against these sexual predators in the courtroom, and trials with RC priests getting long prison sentences?

The Vatican = a top criminal hideout!

Really drastic things are now becoming conceivable.

As for migrants in general, I just heard some expert surmise that by 2040, 80% of all menial, low-skill jobs will be done by robots and artificial intelligence.

Therefore we need ONLY smart migrants, and very FEW of them, not hordes of low-IQ brown people who hate our guts!


A repeat showing of the Bordeaux incident. A skill-less, worthless, totally unproductive and parasitical ngr who attacks a 73-year-old grandma on her doorstep — and her sweet little granddaughter — should not be breathing oxygen:



There is only one solution. Evil must be crushed before it crushes us all!


And good women will support real men that see their duty and do it.


  1. The pope asked for open borders, yet the high walls around the Vatican city are designed to keep people out.
    A lot more gimmegrants have to enter Europe (1) for a race war (2) to replace whites and get the wogs in debt for life.

    The coming cashless society will mean that all those Turd-World taxi drivers and shitty fast-poo[fast food] employees will suddenly have to pay tax on everything for life.

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