Max Blumenthal — smart, brave anti-Israel and anti-neo-con with a white mother

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Max Blumenthal looks 90% Aryan (which means “noble” in Sanskrit) with his light hair and blue-gray eyes….and, more importantly, he acts it.

His mother (photo) seems to be a Gentile; she was born Jacqueline Jordan.

His father, Sidney Blumenthal, was a close advisor to President Bill Clinton, and is to this day a strong ally of the un-stomachable witch Hillary Clinton.

My question: Does looking Aryan (or Aryan behavior by his mother?) make Max feel a secret kinship and sympathy for us Whites? We know from his actions how much he cares about the Palestinians. Are we not in effect WHITE Palestinians?

Seen at a bus stop at Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Blumenthal got kudos from the left (and from me, too at the time) in 2007 for bashing college Republican “chicken hawks” — hawkish on the Iraq War, but, ummm, NOT willing themselves to join the military and fight over there.

He has also bashed Israel for years. Here now is Max once again bashing the Jewish Strate, jewish Demoncrats in Congress and the Administration, jewish neo-cons, and the project to make Ukraine over into a “Big Israel.”

This means great, big Ukraine (the size of Texas) should become like little Israel, that is,

1) heavily militarized;

2) a police state with spy- tech everywhere; and

3) at perpetual, profitable war with its neighbor (Palestinians for the Israelis …and Russia for the Jewkrainians).

Of course, Max, being a jew, albeit a brave fellow, gets to attack other jews, such as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Daniel J. Shapiro, former US ambassador to Israel under Obama, and the mastermind behind the idea of remaking Ukraine from the slavic country it was for 1,000 years into “Big Israel.”

But Blumenthal will never say that it was the most important jew on earth, Lord Rothschild, who is  the real backer of Ukraine becoming Big Israel, and the villain who sabotaged the agreed-on Ukraine peace deal in April 2022.

Rothschild at his Waddesdon Manor on  the right along with his lackey, former two-term mayor of London and then British PM (2018-22 )Boris Johnson 

In Istanbul, Turkey, Ukraine’s jew president, Volodimir Zelensky, told his negotiators to agree to key Russian demands for

1) Ukrainian military neutrality, meaning to never join NATO, and

2) autonomy for ethnic-Russian, Russian-speaking, Russian-culture areas in the east of the country.

These Russian areas the psychopathic Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin had high-handedly put into Ukraine in 1922 without, naturally, asking a single Russian there if they wanted to be PUT into an ethnically Ukrainian state at all.

Yellow and yellowish areas are mostly or totally Russian

The Biggest Jew of them all, Lord Rothschild, had the lights on his mansion shine in yellow and blue to show support for his fellow Jew, Zelensky, the American jew neo-cons, and the whole Jewkraine project.

In April 2022, Rothschild sent the British PM, Boris Johnson, to talk Zelensky out of the peace agreement he had agreed to, an agreement which could have saved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives, prevented the shattering of the Ukrainian ecenomy, the flight of almost half the country to western Europe, and saved American taxpayers $150 billion in US funds given to Jewkraine for weapons and other aid.

Blumenthal explains that Israel is a world leader in spy tech for spying on the citizenry; its tech is used on the Palestinians; and the new goal of this Shapiro is to use this tech on a much bigger country, Ukraine, to crush all dissent there and keep the country as a gigantic, militarized thorn in Russia’s side.

New estimates say 400,000 slavic Ukrainians have perished in a hopeless jew-caused war against mighty Russia.

In Soviet times Ukraine had 47 million inhabitants; new estimates are of just 20 million. Ukrainian thugs here in a park in Odessa seize and dragoon a young Ukrainian (“dragoon” means to drag someone away by force to put him into the army):

Blumenthal says that the only way to avoid conscription is to illegally flee the country or to pay a $10,000 bribe to the local draft board. He says many Ukrainians have died of exposure (freezing) trying to get through the woods and swamps to cross the border and get out of their own country.

Btw, Max Blumenthal uses the term “Jewish Americans,” which the Big Jews REJECT.  It does sound kind-of harmless, like “Irish-Americans” and “Greek-Americans” (who feel American but still like drinking Guiness or eating baklava.)

But no, the approved term, and the Washington Post always uses it, is “American Jews.

This means Jews who — at the moment — are making a living in America.

Who could live in Tel Aviv tomorrow. Or in Paris. Or in Madrid.

Money- and power-seeking nomads who do not identify in their hearts with any of the despised goy countries which they loot.

Max also informs us that William Kristol, jew neo-con, wants to create a Ukraine Lobby in Washington that will force the US Congress to back Ukraine as much, as blindly, and as servilely, as it has done since 1949 for Israel.

Being a jew, Max can get away with attacking many, many fellow jews, such as Congressman Jamie Raskin, who represents ultra-Demoncrat, ultra-jewy, ultra-affluent Takoma Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington DC next to where Max Blumenthal himself grew up.

No surprise that as a jew, Blumenthal gets away with being the only jew-basher permitted at this Ron Paul event. (Ron Paul, MD, long a US congressman and twice a serious presidential candidate, is a German-American and long-time Texan, though from heavily German Pennsylvania.)

Max gives examples of how these hypocritical Takoma Park jews were against the Vietnam War (which was a war AGAINST communism) — the types of horrid leftists who, as I remember, SPIT at US soldiers and Marines returning from combat in Nam. (This outrage deeply embittered them.) Their kids are now fanatic supporters of the Ukraine War, which is perceived as FOR THE JEWS.

And Ukraine is depicted amongst American jews as an ultra-woke LGBTQ, minority- and heavily women-run society.

Max also says that many young Israelis have left Israel in disgust for Berlin, Germany (which I know to be true), and for major cities in Italy, another warm, sunny Mediterranean country, unlike cold, rainy Germany.

He reports on the actual, literal Ukrainian kill list of people to assassinate who speak out against Zelensky and his war on Russia  (and on the terrified Ukrainian people). This list is no joke.

Inside Russia, Ukraine murdered with a car bomb Darya Dugin, the daughter of Russian writer Alexander Dugin. (

Anyway, this Blumenthal is one brave “jew.” Or does he even feel jewish any more? He hardly looks it. He acts ARYAN! And he is risking his life. Jews could see him as a mamzer, a jewish traitor.

Yitzhak Shamir, a chimp-faced, 5’0″ (152cm) Irgun terrorist during WWII, and later a PM of Israel (1983-84 and 1986-92), would take other jews out “for a walk on the beach” and only Yitzhak would come back….. He also was behind the deaths of many British soldiers who were trying to protect the Palestinians from the jews.

Quarter-jewish US senator Barry Goldwater (a handsome, square-jawed fellow with bright blue eyes whom I met in 1968), was a fierce conservative who also opposed “civil rights” for negroes (thus carrying many southern states when he ran for president in 1964). Here he holds up a CIA assassination gun during 1975 hearings of US Senator Frank Church’s “Senate Committee on Abuses by the CIA.”


  1. The Stern gang even proposed to the Germans to furnish 40,000 jewish commandos to help Rommel invade Palestine and drive the British out — if the Germans could arm these 40,000 Jewish commandos.

    The Stern gang saw the Nazis as allies as opposed to the British, whom they saw as the enemy.

    It’s sad that the jews paid more compensation for the damage done to the USS LIBERTY than tothe families of the 34 Americans killed and wounded.

    Why was LBJ “I want that ship sunk, I don’t give a damn how many Americans die — sink that ship!” not arrested, both he and Defense Secretary Robert MacNamara…. never arrested or shot for collusion to commit mass murder?

    • Sorry, but for some reason this mp4 would not open, but Musk did USE to be a libtard and a Demoncrat.

      In the major new biography of him by best-selling author Walter Isaacson, he says that when his SON, at university, turned leftist on him and said he/”she” hated him and that he/she was now a FEMALE, he began rethinking his whole libtard life.

      Musk has now swung to the right on many issues:

      — free speech;
      — letting Trump back on Twitter/X;
      — promoting Tucker Carlson;
      — vaccine dangers;
      — guns;
      — open borders;
      — transgenderism; and
      — white-bashing.

      Sanme goes for Tulsi Gabbard — Klaus Schwab had made her a “Young Leader,” but she turned against his WEF, and she left the Demoncrat Party.

      People do change. 🙂


      Elon Musk says his daughter who ditched his last name ‘doesn’t want to spend time with me’

      Grace Kay Sep 1, 2023, 3:52 AM EDT

      Elon Musk sitting on a chair in a dark room holding his clasped hands to his mouth. Walter Isaacson said Elon Musk was hurt when his daughter cut off contact with him.



      Elon Musk was “pained” by the fallout with his eldest daughter, his biographer wrote in a new book.

      Musk told Walter Isaacson that his daughter “doesn’t want to spend time with me.”

      Musk’s daughter legally changed her name in 2022 and said she didn’t want to be associated with him.

      Elon Musk’s relationship with his daughter is a source of turmoil for the billionaire, his biographer says.

      Walter Isaacson, who spent over three years trailing the Tesla CEO, said in a recent excerpt in The Wall Street Journal from his forthcoming biography on Musk that the billionaire’s dislike for woke culture partly stemmed from his relationship with his eldest child. The biographer said Musk was hurt when his transgender daughter, whose full name is Vivian Jenna Wilson but who appears to go by her middle name, Jenna, cut off communication with him. Musk only learned she had transitioned through a secondhand source, Isaacson wrote in the excerpt.

      The wife of Elon’s brother got a text, Isaacson wrote, which said: “Hey, I’m transgender, and my name is now Jenna”. The text from the child, as in the biography, added: “Don’t tell my dad.”

      The biographer said that Musk was “generally sanguine” when he found out she had transitioned but was hurt when she cut off communication with him.

      “The rift pained him more than anything in his life since the infant death of his firstborn child Nevada,” Isaacson wrote of Musk’s feelings about his relationship with his 19-year-old daughter.

      Musk’s firstborn son died in 2002. Musk and his wife at the time, Justine Wilson, found their son wasn’t breathing when they went to wake up the infant, according to a biography on Musk that was written by the former New York Times reporter Ashlee Vance.

      Isaacson said that Musk blamed the disconnect between him and his daughter on her schooling at Crossroads, a private school she attended in Los Angeles. Musk has made similar comments publicly.

      Last year, he told the Financial Times his daughter didn’t want to be associated with him because of what he called the “full-on communism” taught in schools. He made the comment after Reuters reported in June 2022 that the Tesla CEO’s daughter had applied to legally change her name in order to reflect her gender identity and that she said:

      “I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”

      “She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil,” Musk told Isaacson in the biography. Musk told him he’d “made many overtures,” but “she doesn’t want to spend time with me,” Isaacson wrote.

      Over the years, Musk has made comments criticizing transgender issues, including pronouns and gender-affirming surgery for minors. In 2020, he posted on social media: “I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare.” Earlier this year, he posted a series of anti-trans content on Twitter, now known as X, and spent time during Pride Month liking transphobic posts.

      “I will be actively lobbying to criminalize making severe, irreversible changes to children below the age of consent,” Musk wrote in June, expressing support for long-term prison sentences without parole for those involved in the procedures.

      In August, Musk’s ex-girlfriend Grimes told Wired she had a long conversation with Musk about his past comments on transgender people, seeking to “dissect why you’re so stressed about this.” Musk’s issues with transgender culture came down to potential “fertility issues” that can accompany transitioning, the singer told the magazine.

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