May is Jewish American Heritage Month! Celebrate it by soft-killing a shegets or a shiksa; Mich. Gov. (((Whitmer))) removal gets 327,000 signatures

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Trump issued a proclamation about this wonderful, month-long event, hoping in vain to appease his and our mortal enemies.

But actually every day is Jewish-American Day, iddn’t it?

As the Phil Collins song goes, slightly modified, “Another day for jewish glee in paradise”…..

Well, here is what is not so paradise-like.

Since in the name of the Cohenavirus all rational thought has ended, and therefore all supposedly non-essential medical procedures have been cancelled:

1) my glaucoma exam (I take four meds a day for this disease) so I do not go, ummm, BLIND, was postponed from April to July — see, it’s a “non-essential procedure”….

2) so hard also for Margi, even a once terminal cancer survivor in recovery, to see her doctor.

Margi’s Mayo Clinic radiation oncologist warned that her recovery from the massive chemo and radiation (thirty-four sessions) against her terminal throat cancer would take a solid year.

It has indeed had many lasting side effects, though the tumor (right photo) was zapped (left).

One of the after-effects was thrush, candidiasis, an infection of her esophagus.

— as in not being able to eat, to swallow, by her throat

— as in not being able to take certain vital oral meds

The meds against the thrush have caused nausea and vomiting, and by her not keeping her food down, even food by a feeding tube, a few days ago her weight fell to a skeletal 81 pounds (37 kg).

Margi was a perfect 120 pounds in the summer of 2018.

And, btw, up here in the UP of Michigan, on Lake Superior, we are still getting freezing weather in the a.m.

On a walk on the beach the wind nearly literally blew her over.

And we wait and wait and wait for a doctor appointment.

While nurses and doctors are being laid off.

And others sit around in the hospitals in their masks and post cat videos on Facebook.

It is sure hitting home to this couple that banning “non-essential medical procedures” is a great jew way to blind or soft-kill even more hated white people.

……..Gretchen Esther Whitmer in ever hotter water

Petition To Recall Michigan’s Radical Governor Gets Over 327K Signatures…Whitmer’s Legal Counsel Delays Petition Hearing Due To “Notification Error”

Petition To Recall Michigan’s Radical Governor Gets Over 327K Signatures…Whitmer’s Legal Counsel Delays Petition Hearing Due To “Notification Error”


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