One commentator wrote: “If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, today’s events made it increasingly evident the left and right cannot peacefully coexist under the same government. To avoid a civil war, there is only one way out. It is time to end the Union and secede.”
The smart-ass chick who got run over and killed after leftists smashed the car of James Fields
Threats against me right on my FB wall:
Really, geriatric?
Enjoy my collection of canes and dentures….oh, and this Marine shot expert and he always carries.
John de Nugent…/robert-reich-trump-unleashed…
John de Nugent Oh, and this one on how Robert E. Lee was was mean to escaped slaves (other owners usually gave them an ice cream cone, I guess), and how he supposedly was a lousy general. (Gee, if so, why then did Lincoln offer the overrated Lee the supreme command of the UNION Armies? )…/ap-explains-robert-e-lee-went…
……Two really good things about the Charlottesville event
That old divide between Yankees and Rebels is over. We are all REBELS now, North and South united! As Rockwell said: Your uniform now is your skin!
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