Media unanimously blasts Uvalde cops for inaction as 21 died; Project Orion; how Charles Dickens blasted the jews

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This is hardly the first time cops were ordered to stand down during a school-shooting massacre,  and in all cases it was a federal “op” to get more gun control. I am thinking of Columbine High School in Colorado; and of Parkland HS (near Fort Lauderdale) in Florida (where the governor, reflecting public outrage, actually used his powers under the state constitution to remove the jewish sheriff, Steve Israel, from office).



…..William Cooper, murdered by cops in his own driveway in 2001, predicted school mass shootings in 1991 to get gun bans, calling it “Project Orion”

Wiki (slanted)


See for yourself:



….Was it all a setup? Yep

Teacher Propped Open Door to Texas School Before Shooter Entered: Official

By Jack Phillips
May 27, 2022 Updated: May 27, 2022


Panicked children and teachers placed half a dozen calls to 911 emergency services from the Texas classrooms where a massacre was unfolding, according to an official on Friday, who also said that

a teacher propped open a door minutes before the shooter entered.

At least two children called the 911 emergency number from the two connecting classrooms after 18-year-old Salvador Ramos entered with a rifle, said Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Some of the students trapped in the classrooms with the shooter survived the massacre, including at least two who called 911, McCraw said, though he did not offer a specific tally.

Ramos also entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde through a door that was propped open by a teacher just minutes before, McCraw added. McCraw said that there was also

no school resource officer at the school, and he could not say why. The officer, he said, later responded when someone called 911.

At around 11:27 a.m. Tuesday, the teacher propped open the door at Robb Elementary, coming about 1 minute before Ramos crashed his vehicle nearby, McCraw said. The same teacher about two minutes later at 11:30 a.m. reported the crash and a male with a gun.

It’s not clear why the teacher propped open the door or didn’t close it after they saw the suspect crash.

The on-site commander, McCraw said, thought Ramos was barricaded in a classroom and that children weren’t at risk, giving police time to prepare.

“From the benefit of hindsight where I’m sitting now, of course, it was not the right decision,” McCraw said. “It was the wrong decision” to delay engaging with the suspect, he added.

In all, 21 people, including 19 children, were killed by Ramos in the attack. The shooter was also killed by responding law enforcement officials.

“A decision was made on the scene … that this was a barricaded subject situation, there was time to retrieve the keys and wait for a tactical team with the equipment to go ahead and breach the door and take on the subject,” he said, adding that he wasn’t there at the time. “At that point, that was the decision; that was the thought process.”

Someone whom McCraw did not identify called the 911 line multiple times starting at 12:03 p.m., telling police in a whisper that there were multiple dead and that there were still “eight to nine” students alive, the colonel said. One student called at 12:47 p.m. and asked the operator to “please send the police now.”

Officers did not go into the classroom until 12:50 p.m., according to McCraw, when the U.S. Border Patrol tactical team used keys from a janitor to open the locked door and kill Ramos.

Reuters contributed to this report.

Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter at The Epoch Times based in New York.





……First comes the mission to destroy the enemy, then comes officer safety

I was talking with a fellow former Marine and we agreed  that one of the first things you learn there is

1) the mission comes first, not

2) the safety of your men.

You are there to risk your life in order to close with and destroy the enemy — so he cannot destroy your citizens.

So I say “Whoah, Nellie” on bashing ALL the Uvalde cops. They were ordered to stand down. I am sure most of them were horrified to be doing nothing.

I thank that former Marine also for sending me $105 in cash, plus some natural blood-pressure supplements, a Marine Corps decal, and a vintage copy of Oliver Twist by the great British author Charles Dickens.



…..Dickens on the Jew Fagin in Oliver Twist

Automaker Henry Ford, British novelist Sir Walter Scott, and, in our time, cinematographer Mel Gibson, all blasted the jews, but then, not being hardcore national socialists, they always, always back down, grovel and apologize.  🙁

Same with Charles Dickens, because the jews knew how to “cancel” even huge careers 150 or 200 years ago!

Who was Dickens?

*** Wiki:

Charles John Huffam Dickens FRSA (/ˈdɪkɪnz/; 7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.[1]

His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime and, by the 20th century, critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories are widely read today.



In Oliver Twist, nine times in two pages Fagin is called merely THE JEW!



Fagin and antisemitism in Oliver Twist[edit]

The jewish criminal Fagin, based on a  jew that Dickens knew, Ikey Solomon, awaits his hanging for murder

Fagin /ˈfɡɪn/ is a fictional character and the secondary antagonist in Charles Dickens’ 1838 novel Oliver Twist. In the preface to the novel, he is described as a “receiver of stolen goods”. He is the leader of a group of children (the Artful Dodger and Charley Bates among them) whom he teaches to make their livings by pickpocketing and other criminal activities, in exchange for shelter. A distinguishing trait is his constant—and insincere—use of the phrase “my dear” when addressing others. At the time of the novel, he is said by another character, Monks, to have already made criminals out of “scores” of children. Nancy, who is the lover of Bill Sikes (the novel’s lead villain), is confirmed to be Fagin’s former pupil.

Fagin is a confessed miser who, despite the wealth that he has acquired, does very little to improve the squalid lives of the children he guards, or his own. In the second chapter of his appearance, he is shown (when talking to himself) that he cares less for their welfare, than that they do not “peach” (inform) on him and the other children.

Still darker sides to the character’s nature are shown when he beats the Artful Dodger for not bringing Oliver back; in his attempted beating of Oliver for trying to escape; and in his own involvement with various plots and schemes throughout the story. He indirectly but intentionally causes the death of Nancy by falsely informing Sikes that she had betrayed him, when in reality she had shielded Sikes from the law, whereupon Sikes kills her. Near the end of the book, Fagin is captured and sentenced to be hanged, in a chapter that portrays him as pitiable in his anguish.

In popular culture, Fagin (or at least his name) is used in comparison with adults who use children for illegal activities.

One of the most controversial characters created by Dickens is the British Jew Fagin in the novel Oliver Twist, first published in serial form between 1837 and 1839. The character of Fagin has been seen by many as being stereotypical and containing antisemitic tropes, though others, such as Dickens’s biographer G. K. Chesterton have argued against this view. Scholars have noted that the novel refers to Fagin 257 times in the first 38 chapters as “the Jew”, while the ethnicity or religion of the other characters is rarely mentioned. Paul Vallely wrote in The Independent that Dickens’s Fagin in Oliver Twist—the Jew who runs a school in London for child pickpockets—is regularly seen as one of the most grotesque Jewish characters in English literature.[18] The character is thought to have been partly based on Ikey Solomon, a Jewish criminal in Victorian era-London, who was interviewed by Dickens during the latter’s time as a journalist.[19] Nadia Valdman, who specialises in the portrayal of Jewish people in literature, argues that Fagin’s representation was drawn from images of Jews created by non-Jews as “inherently evil” as associated with the Devil and beasts.[20] Antisemitism: A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution argues that the image of Fagin is “drawn from stage melodrama and medieval images”. Fagin has also been described by scholars as one who seduces young children into a life of crime, and as someone who can “disorder representational boundaries”.[9]

In 1854, The Jewish Chronicle published an article which questioned why “Jews alone should be excluded from the ‘sympathizing heart’ of this great author and powerful friend of the oppressed”. Eliza Davis, whose husband had purchased Dickens’s home in 1860 when he had put it up for sale, wrote to Dickens in protest against his portrayal of Jews (specifically Fagin), arguing that he had “encouraged a vile prejudice against the despised Hebrew”, and that he had done a great wrong to the Jewish people.[21] Dickens had described her husband at the time of the sale as a “Jewish moneylender”, though the former would eventually describe the latter as an “honest gentleman”.

Dickens protested that he was merely being factual about the realities of street crime in London in his depiction of criminals in their “squalid misery”, yet he took Mrs Davis’s complaint seriously; he halted the printing of Oliver Twist, and changed the text for the parts of the book that had not been set, which is why Fagin is called “the Jew” 257 times in the first 38 chapters, but barely at all in the next 179 references to him. In his later novel Our Mutual Friend, he created the character of Riah (meaning “friend” in Hebrew), whose goodness, Vallely writes, is almost as complete as Fagin’s evil. Riah says in the novel: “Men say, ‘This is a bad Greek, but there are good Greeks. This is a bad Turk, but there are good Turks.’ Not so with the Jews … they take the worst of us as samples of the best …” Davis sent Dickens a copy of the Hebrew bible in gratitude.[18] Dickens not only toned down Fagin’s Jewishness in revised editions of Oliver Twist, but he removed Jewish elements from his depiction of Fagin in his public readings from the novel, omitting nasal voice mannerisms and body language he had included in earlier readings.[22]





Only this can save us now, back and better than ever.


  1. Angel Garza, a child supposedly killed in the Uvalde shooting hoax, has two dads – Alfred Garza III and Angel Garza. Note also the totally fake crying from Angel Garza as he holds up a conveniently large photo of his supposed daughter, just like the Sandy Hoax parents did:

    The Uvalde incident, like Sandy Hook, was a complete hoax. No one was killed there, and also like Sandy Hook, the supposed killer probably didn’t even exist as a real person, with composite photos of different people used to generate his alleged face.

    Here is why (((they))) are doing this:

    • If this is true, then I suppose a motive would be to try to build support for gun control amongst Hispanics, since this was a (purported) all-Hispanic incident: victims, shooter, cops and sheriff.

      I was pleasantly surprised it was not yet another “white supremacist” shooter this time.

      • I agree this was fake and also agree with your comment, John. I have many Hispanic friends at work and most are conservative gun owners that don’t believe most of the media/government lies either. The elite really want to break that demographic as well as God-fearing whites. They are starting to come from all angles now lol.

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