UPDATE Meeting with the sheriff today

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Excerpts from two emails to the local sheriff, Dale Rantala of Ontonagon County, Michigan:

Hi, Sheriff.
I and Margaret would like to speak to you in person about something that happened on the beach,  specifically a chubby H[]-type leftwing person who accosted us with constant f-words and even the c-word (!) to my wife, and said she would “keep on harassing” us until we left town.
(Someone like her, and always with the dark hair. If they are born blond, then, being self-hating whites and pathological anti-white racists, they dye it black if not blue.)
She claimed she had a half-black daughter (not in evidence) who would be “afraid to be on the beach with us” — yet she came over to us, shoved her phone in our face, and began screaming obscenities at us in the presence of some local teens who had been frolicking in the water.
Margi had never experienced in her life such a person. She mocked Margi for having a missing tooth, due to her Stage IV mouth cancer — due to radiation weakening her jaw — and called her a “c–t,” proudly recording her heroic deed.
What we are experiencing is the Antifa playbook — confront, harass, scream, invade personal space, and use vile language in front of onlookers. The chronic drunk H[] is the same, thinking she is some kind of hero for yelling at the top of her lungs in a crowded restaurant.
IMO, this should not be allowed to take root in Ontonagon, and females especially seem to love doing it. Over and over, I see women taking advantage legally of their femaleness to come at people, especially men, who of course do not want to hit them.
But a woman is not always some delicate little flower. She can carry a knife, a gun, or another hard object, or vandalize your house or car, and especially a 180-pounder like H[] is capable of it. She once repeatedly urged me to “take a swing” at her, and called me a “pussy.”
When these Antifas start braying, Sheriff, and working themselves up into a fury, you really do not know what they are going to do next.
This is domestic terrorism: “I will terrorize you until you fall silent.”    
John de Nugent
…..Comments on Locals

1 hour ago

@JohndeNugent Be safe, John, and this is, as you noted, typical behavior of the Antifa mindset.

I live in an extremely red area of Commiefornia, but the people here, including the vast majority of law enforcement, have a pretty much zero tolerance for Antifa and BLM types. They are either ridiculed and shouted down or, and this has happened a few times, gotten a beating where miraculously there were no witnesses to validate these leftist claims of attack.

Keep your cool, and stay safe and vigilant, my friend.



We both saw him, and he recommended “Just dial 911 and we will be right there.” He said they had gotten a call and gone there after it happened, but everyone had left the beach by the time they arrived.


….See also


Sheriff calls again saying FBI wants to ”ask some questions”

1 Comment

  1. If you have car insurance, JdN, just run them over. Don’t forget to reverse and back over them to see if they were OK. You pay for car insurance each year, so use it. 😉

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