Melting the Wicked Jew-Witch of the West

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“Studying politics without considering Jewish influence or power is like studying physics while ignoring gravity.”   — Dr. Patrick Slattery
“If our struggle to save ourselves is to have any chance, as Slattery says, it will only occur when the ultimate taboo which has turned freedom of speech and truth about Jews and Judaism into ‘hate crimes” is finally obliterated. This transforms our conversations into a true, open dialogue which will melt the evils away like water melted away the Wicked Witch of the West in L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz.” — Sigurd Kristensen (from an article in the Unz Review “Destination 1933:  The Holodomor and White Sea-Baltic Canal”)



…..I and Dietrich: the first paragraph


“Yes!” [Adolf] cried. “We’ve been on the wrong track! Consider how an astronomer would handle a similar situation. Suppose that he has been carefully observing the motion of a certain group of celestial bodies over a long period of time. Examining his records, he suddenly notices something amiss:

‘Damn it!’ he says. ‘Something’s wrong here. Normally, these bodies would have to be situated differently relative to one another, and not this way. So there must be a hidden force somewhere which is responsible for the deviation. .

And, using his observations, he performs lengthy calculations and accurately computes the location of a planet which no eye has yet seen, but which is there all the same, as he has just proved.


But what does the historian do, on the other hand? He explains an anomaly of the same type solely in terms of the conspicuous statesmen of the time. It never occurs to him that there might have been a hidden force which caused a certain turn of events.

But it was there, nevertheless; it has been there since the beginning of history.

You know what that force is: the Jew.”




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