A weary Hitler closes his eyes for a moment of prayer in Nuremberg as the masses parade by, next to the Gauleiter of Nuremberg, Julius Streicher
In Table Talk: Converations at Fuehrer Headquarters, tiny glimpses of the real Hitler come out.
On not being alone in the universe:
[Scroll down halfway to “Brian wrote me” for the Christmas Day update if you already read yesterday the Christmas Eve message.]
Great photo of me in 2008 by Henrik Holappa, back when he was bravely fighting with me for the same great cause of preventing genocide.
From my courageous and loyal friend Brian, born Jewish but, like the great Bobby Fischer, Mordechai Vanunu and Israel Shamir, he broke FREE! 🙂
EN The mission of the coming Aryan religion is for people to stop thinking Jew-injected thoughts — and, like any healthy lower animal, learn again to simply trust their own eyeballs and see reality again!
FR La religion aryenne qui advient a pour mission de faire arrêter aux gens de penser les pensées injectées par les Juifs, pour recommencer, comme tout animal inférieur qui est sain, à faire confiance à leurs propres yeux et discerner la réalité patente!
DE Die Mission der kommenden arischen Religion besteht darin, dass die Menschen aufhören, die von Juden injizierten Gedanken zu denken, sondern, wie jedes gesunde niedere Tier, ihren eigenen Augäpfeln wieder zu vertrauen und die Wirklichkeit wahrzunehmen!
“YOU are calling me a liar, or deluded, or just plain wrong! (And your ideas would make me lose my job and standing with my relatives and my clique of totally conformist friends!)”
Getting them good info is not enough! They just blow it off!
In this article, a sincere (ex?)-Jew with a major magazine exposes how Jews help each other get into Ivy League universities
….. Brian wrote me:
Pre-Nicene Christian faith(s) — which today we would call the various gnostic schools — recognized polytheistic deities, and also recognized that:
1) the demiurge – the god(s) of the OT [Old Testament], the jewish god [Yahweh],
…was distinct and separate from God the Father [ = the loving, forgiving Heavenly Father and Creator of the Universe who was worshipped in the NT, the New Testament], and
2) that reincarnation was an actual thing.
[Gnosticism] was 100% jew-free, which of course is why it ain’t around anymore. 😉
…..I responded:
Gnosticism does have many good elements, but is also overwhelmingly pessimistic and defeatist, with the material world seen as a place ruled by evil divinities, such as the demiurge and archons.
Some of the core teachings include the following:
All matter is evil, and the non-material, spirit-realm is good.
There is an unknowable God, who gave rise to many lesser spirit beings called Aeons.
The creator of the (material) universe is not the supreme god, but an inferior spirit.
Gnosticism does not deal with “sin”, only ignorance.
To achieve salvation, one needs to get in touch with secret knowledge.
What is true is this, that this one planet called Earth, this one rock on which we live out of all the millions of inhabitable planets out there, is indeed unenlightened and full of pointless, unnecessary, self-caused suffering and misery.
Once you grasp that this whole galaxy is full of intelligent life and very advanced civilizations in both material and cultural progress, then your pessimism goes away.
I wish this brilliant book by Hervé Ryssen were translated from the French:
*** Six-foot-tall Hervé, though a Sorbonne graduate, is anything but an ivory-tower scholar.
On the cove of Paris Match, an illustrated weekly which many women read, a bit like “People” magazine
His newest book in English:
In “The Eschatological War” ( “eschatology” means “study of the end times”) Ryssen demonstrates that Judaism and Islam are prevailing over Whites because, unlike Christians, who long for heaven, they are optimistic that in the end, through work and sacrifice we and our god shall win — and rule this world.
*** the Messiah in the OT and Tamudic Judaism
The Talmudic messiah is a earthly king who leds the Jews to victory over the vile Gentiles. Then they will all get vengeance, become incredibly rich, and have 2,500 slaves each for sex and work.
BUT he will not come until after the Jews have applied themselves to take over most of the world themselves.
He then comes to finish the job of global conquest in an open military battle.
Clearly, THIS doctrine motivates the Jews to work harder in this material world, and not let up and put their fate in God’s hands!
Both standard Christianity and its rival, Gnosis, are pessimistic — our world is demon-ruled and will always be a hell.
National socialism, however, like Judaism and Islam, preached ultimate victory. Anything else is defeatism. To predict defeat to the people and the troops obviously undermines our will to fight — and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy!
In fact, the Gestapo rounded up Germans who preached defeat as working for the enemy.
And why should we not win if we refuse to give up?
1) This planet is miserable.
2) And we see now with the Gilets Jaunes in France that misery can transform itself into rage — and the determination to annihilate the wicked and install a just society.
Yellow Vests beat and kick a Macron-serving CRS cop right under the Arc de Triomphe
A brutal CRS cop. injured by Gilets jaunes, is helped away by his colleagues.
“Macron – whore of the Jews!”
It is not demons and archons who keep us down — on this ONE barbaric planet — but our own egoic, cowardly, defeatist mind.
The next stage in national socialism is to become a militant new religion in this world, and to save it from the Jews./strong>
I have been fighting illness myself lately from 20-hour days, partly due to caring for Margi with her cancer, and so I ask for your prayers and support to create exactly this religion and very, very soon.
The great French-Walloon Waffen-SS general Leon Degrelle, whose memoirs we translated into English…
…wrote long after the war in exile in Spain:
“By 1940, due to the economic, social and military triumphs, 90% of the Germans were Hitlerites, but not necessarily national socialists. And after the massive defeat at Stalingrad, this percentage even of Hitlerites went steadily down.”
As the great and heroic martyr Horst Mahler wrote (seen here with Sylvia Stolz confronting the arch-Jew Michel Friedman):
“National socialism had to die [as a military and political movement] to become a spiritual one.”
Hitler manipulated people in a benevolent way via mass psychology, superb uniforms — and fear of arrest by the Gestapo — to do the right thing.
Now it is time to change people inside, and make everyone a Hitler. Had the Germans ben transformed inside between 1933-45, even an Occupied Germany would never have swallowed the Holocaust guilt trip, it would have seen it for what it is, a MASSIVE CRIMINAL FRAUD, and an Angela Merkel ruling the country for eleven years would be unthinkable.
What is wrong with her bodyguards, protecting a traitor? This is a spiritual problem.
These men do not know they are souls and will be judged by God.
Pre-Nicene Christian faith(s), which today we would call the various gnostic schools, recognized polytheistic deities, recognized that:
1) the demiurge – the god(s) of the OT [Old Testament], the jewish god [Yahweh], was distinct and separate from God the Father [ = the loving, forgiving Heavenly Father and Creator of the Universe who was worshipped in the NT, the New Testament], and
2) that reincarnation was an actual thing.
[Gnosticism] was 100% jew-free, which of course is why it ain’t around anymore. 😉
Thanks, Brian.
I added your comment to the blog above and respond to it there.
i have to correct myself because the Essenes considered themselves Jews, but their self-definition was very different from what are today Jews, which originated in AD 70. Obviously there is ongoing debate about this…..
Yes, John, the gnostic outlook is pessimistic, in that humans are trapped in an artificial universe ruled by archons masquerading as “god” — and not in the natural universe with natural laws, but that’s how it is.
It sucks to be told that we’re trapped in an eternal cycle of bondage. But we recall what it was like [in the Reich] to be freed from something as basic as economic bondage… Imagine how it would be if freed from soul bondage?
I could not agree more that 1) this earth has a kind of a curse on it, and 2) that there are demonic entities at work against us.
But suppose we could be free of the egoic mind?
Then we would neither infight nor be slaves to booze, sex, moneyx or fame, but instead enjoy and appreciate each other, and be the now and stop and smell the roses.
I submit that once people are free from their own egoic mind, their tyrannon, then neither Jewry, nor the gentile psychopaths doing their bidding, nor the demons using them both, will have any more hold over us whatsoever.
Alex Jones warns of a coming “prison planet.” The Gnostics say it is already here. I say it is, but not because invincible archons are more powerful than we are.
I say it is because we do not understand even the basics of who and what we are, or why we are even here!