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—-— Forwarded message —-—
From: John de Nugent <>
To: Dale Rantala <>
Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2023 at 08:54:51 pm GMT-4
Subject: Deputy outside Pat’s

Dear Sheriff,

When my friend David von Braun emerged today from Pat’s grocery store, there was a female deputy, parked very close to his vehicle, typing on her laptop (in other words, not going in to shop), and she scowled overtly at him.

I would be remiss in my duty to prevent bloodshed if I did not reiterate to you, sir, that any attempt at an abduction under color of law will be met by a

full gun battle here in Ontonagon.

I and David, based on decades of experience, would expect to be murdered while incarcerated if we submitted to “arrest.” The entire justice system is rigged. Fair trials no longer exist, only lawfare to bankrupt and imprison us.

I am publishing this on my website.

John de Nugent


A comrade wrote: “Have your phone camera ready to record and send.” I replied: “Thanks; good advice… but since the court system is totally subverted, I would not take pix but go 300 Spartans. J”



    • Thanks…..
      Soon we will see the beginning of the Great Awakening…..and I do not mean only waking up to the minority and jewish threats, but awakening to our own flaw…..the flaw of the earthlings, the people on this one planet, of having lying minds, minds that are out of control and which lie to them, minds that therefore have no immunity to the lies of the jews because earthlings also lie to themselves! and they lie to others! And they lie about others. Humans are insane, and they were this way long before the jews came into our countries.
      This is the real problem, that earthlings are schizophrenic liars who (and I am deliberately repeating this) talk to themselves constantly, lying to themselves on a daily basis, they lie to others, and they lie about others. The success of the jews comes from this. The jews are only the symptom, not the disease… Jews are the cigarette, not the cancer. It is we insane whites who take and smoke this cigarette from a people who are overtly evil-looking and whom we know to be crooks.

      • Very well spoken, brother. I wish i won a million dollars then i would give half or more to our cause/you, John. The Gods are on our side.

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