Michael Moore and Don Lemon of CNN both warn riots will reelect Trump

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It turns out not all Whites are spineless libtards who have no problem with this negro yelling “Kill Whitey.”



Trump the so-called blue-collar billionaire, has street smarts. And like Reagan, or Dubya, his uneducated way of talking makes intellectuals drastically underestimate his appeal.

The Donald is letting the Demoncrat-ruled cities go up in flames while the white suburbs and exurbs watch in disgust, move further out, gun up, and get ready to turn out on Election Day in November for Donald John Trump.

I urge everyone to watch the superb documentary “Shadow Gate” that got Millie Weaver thrown in jail.

The feds, as Alex Jones suggests (she did lots of work for him) bribed Millie’s liberal witch mother to come stay with Millie — and then film her and her documents with her cell phone without permission.

When Millie grabbed for the phone, her ineffable, traitor, possibly fed-bribed mother ran off and dialed 911 on her own flesh and blood. 

(Having seen my entire family turn on me, I can believe every word of it. There is no loyalty today, unless one is a committed national socialist.)


Weaver says the Deep State WANTED Trump to win in 2016, and maybe again 2020 (how else to explain the jews choosing the pitiful Biden?),


….so the Fed can collapse the economy on Trump’s watch, and the jewsmedia can then blame it on the rightwing, racist nationalists (and, I myself would add, on all white male conservatives).

As Millie Weaver, says, these people are truly playing the long game.


And the Big Jews never told their slave, Hillary, that they actually wanted her to LOSE.



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  1. “Weaver says the Deep State WANTED Trump to win in 2016, and maybe again 2020 (how else to explain the jews choosing the pitiful Biden?), so the Fed can collapse the economy on Trump’s watch, and the jewsmedia can then blame it on the rightwing, racist nationalists (and, I myself would add, on all white male conservatives).

    As Millie Weaver, says, these people are truly playing the long game.”

    Yep – that is a spot-on analysis. If the Demoncrats had really wanted to win, they would never have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The COVID-19 hoax, the Antifa/BLM riots, and the Demoncrats’ selection of those two leftist radical clowns as presidential candidates clearly indicates that they WANT to lose in November, and the only possible explanation is that they’re planning to use escalated virus hoaxes and increased rioting to crash the entire U.S. economy and government after Trump is elected.

    Trump will be forced to declare martial law, after which the Deep State and its compliant media will label him as a “ruthless dictator” and “the new Hitler,” and will either assassinate him or remove him from office by a coup. One can only wonder if Trump is aware of their plans, and has prepared for them.

    So, the Deep State will win in November, whether Trump wins or loses to the two leftist Demoncrat clowns. Either way, bad times are ahead.

    • Bad times leading to great times.

      If you are carrying a heavy pack and fall into a creek, you will sink until you can push off with your legs at the bottom of that creek. This nation of delusional entertainment, booze and pot addicts needs to hit rock-bottom and it will. We will be there when they come up for air.

    • Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, and Biden is even worse. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, was a powerful candidate. I lived in Vermont when he was rising, and so did my daughter. He was so popular the Republicans did not even field a candidate against him.

      Why would the Demoncrats twice give the nomination to the worst candidate they have?

      We have to think in terms of chess. 🙂

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