Michigan, a huge and largely rural state, has MILLIONS of hunters and fishermen in touch with nature and all that is real.
Michigan, a huge and largely rural state, has MILLIONS of hunters and fishermen in touch with nature and all that is real.
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Any book I find subversive, or an author is a cock, I pour super glue over the pages whilst it’s in the shelf. You don’t need much — you get a pack of glue tubes for £1 at Poundland shops.
Take that wankey author and singers
We had a singer called Annie Lennox complaining “There’s not enough black faces where I live in London.” So then she moves to the country, to a farm in Dorset, I think.
Glue her CDs over or download for free. Get mad, then get even .
You’re a real hero.
Why, thank you. 🙂
But the best part is coming. 🙂
You are doing gods own work!
Read the part about security, it might be useful:
Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching (from libgen.rs)