Militant gays denounce Whites having sex as “white supremacy”

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This meme is pretty scary, and one of the more hate-filled tweets I saw on Twitter in reaction to this straight-pride parade.

If you’re on Twitter, here are some more of the many, many violently- worded screeds:

On FB:


On the uncencensored Russian-run answer to Facebook “VK”:

I’m the worst of the worst to them.. I’m a straight white woman who has only ever been with straight white men.. And I demand the same of my kids,..

Simon Tomlin

Sheila, well done, respect and who gives a damn what those perverts think

Rosemairi Macleod

I have had interest in white men only all my adult life, I have always been racially aware….so that makes me a white supremacist as well

Simon Tomlin

Rosemairi, true and good for you 😊

Sasha Marie

Lol wtf is that logic those lefties has, they want to make the whole world brownish and mixed lol

Simon Tomlin

Sasha, they’re nuts, absolutely batshit crazy 🤪

Caelan Bowman

What? Wow, why the Whites will win. We are simply better than them. Look how desperate they are.

Simon Tomlin

Caelan, true, assholes

“Sex with whites is white supremacy” — Well, it’s meant to be offensive but actually is very true in a way. When WE reproduce, we add to a supreme, and glorious race, and migrants from every colored country wish to stream into our various white nations.


What I have come to realize is that non-whites, deep down, are themselves really hard-core white supremacists. They absolutely realize that we ARE superior.


I strongly recommend reading /viewing this blog of mine about an actor playing Hitler and surprising people at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, These scenes are not faked!!! People of ALL RACES welcome him!

They miss him when he’s gone

1 Comment

  1. Yes, the world is becoming sicker and more insane.

    I’ll give you a quote to show how mad the Left has become. Under the term of sexual racism is this quote ” to reject or to exclusively prefer sexual partners based on perceptions of their racial origin,and of further implications of this origin, are equally discriminatory, generalising and violent acts. Regardless of the sense of empowering black men by acknowledging their sexual prowess, it is still a form of aggression since this acknowledgement rests on a tragic history of objectification and racism, deeply engrained on the very surface of the black male body. So let’s stop and think about this statement it means that if a black man approached a white women and asked her for sex, and she declined because she didn’t want to have sex with a black man, she is guilty of committing a violent act against him.

    Does this also mean that if a black women propositioned a white man for sex and he also declined her request he also has committed a violent act against her?

    This insanity is going to get worse.

    In Sweden, white children are being taken from their families and given to Muslim families to raise. The former French president [Sarkozy] has said that if French people refused to interbreed with blacks or Arabs the government would use force.

    Now, not even Stalin or Mao went that far, but modern liberalism has mutated into something satanic.

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