Mind-boggling German neoswing dancer; better pray to God than cuddle the bottle; the misery of our veterans

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Sven Otten is a “neoswing” dancer from Germany — what talent and discipline, and what aerobic conditioning, flashing a different great dance move every three seconds! Wow!

Proof not all Germans are stiff.  And is any black this good? ….

I love to see excellence, which our Ancient Greek racial brothers called “areté” (“ah-ray-tay”). This Sven Otten is one of many examples of the Aryan race shining 🙂

More from this kid:



…..Being a WN is stressful

To a comrade getting an operation who thinks being stressed out over the race and jew problems has seriously hurt his health:

“Yes, brother, I could easily see constant aggravation heating that health issue up even worse for you.

I have known five WNs who killed themselves out of extreme disgust and despair. Poor Byron Jost was one — a fabulous documentary filmmaker of German heritage who did a superb, conscientious film about illegal-alien Mexicans taking over America, “A Line in the Sand.”


“The Line in the Sand” was a documentary film produced by October Sun Films and directed by Byron Jost. The film, released in August 2005, dealt with issues such as illegal immigration, security on the United States’ southern border with Mexico and the Minuteman Project.

You will see up-close the devastation of the environment and the effects of looking the other way as violent criminal aliens bring their gangs, cartels and smuggling operations into the heartland of the US. You see the dark side of die-versity as it rears its dark face.

The film featured activists Glenn Spencer, Chris Simcox, Cindy & Ed Kolb, John Petrello, Kevin B. MacDonald, Jim Gilchrist, then-Congressman Tom Tancredo, Wes Bramhall and many others.


Well, Byron started drinking after a while, went downhill, called me a few times drunk at 3 am (which I more and more firmly protested), became an English tutor, flopped at that (because it was not his true calling, anyway).. He obviously then gave up on life, himself and the Cause, flew all the way to Thailand, had sex with a whore and shot up some heroin to die. 🙁

But he would not listen to me about spirituality, which for him was just fluff, as if The Bottle were the answer! — and not evolving our thinking!

What a waste of a fine mind and a courageous Aryan heart!

RIP, Byron.

……’Anyone who believes in aliens is a kook,’ sez onetime activist who is now inactive


Patrick is a textbook example of the egoic mind, the tyrannon, ruining a really good man. Fearless, yes, but arrogant and full of himself in several Internet podcasts I have heard, and rigidly close-minded, he would not even acknowledge a thoughtful letter and donation I sent him.

Not long ago, he met another activist in Idaho (where he lives now, having abandoned California, which still has 20 MILLION Whites in it), and the first thing out of his mouth was:

“Now you don’t believe in aliens, do you?”

Unlike this kook 😉


Or this kook….

First director of the CIA, Admiral Hillenkoetter


or this nutcase…. 😉

What makes a man immune to the facts?

I saw this with my own dad. And it baffled me for a while, until I read the German spirituality author Eckhart Tolle.

Like Patrick Little (or me in two previous incarnations), my father was a veteran of lots and lots and lots of combat.

Of lots of reality.

He was here, for example, where 6,000 Marines died in the spring of 1945, at Iwo Jima.


He was later an outstanding Marine Corps officer in Korea, commanding 600 men, a battalion, at age 25. One of his men contacted me and told me what a great leader my dad was, firm but fair, very popular and highly respected.

at a cocktail party with Henry Kissinger

Later, my father was a self-made millionaire and partner in Davis, Bateman and Nugent, an insurance brokerage,and he did it by hard work, integrity and reliability. He had a whole floor, and 70 employees, in this building in downtown Providence, Rhode Island.

My dad with Reagan

But dad once confessed to my mother that he had “stopped believing in God after [the horrors of the war in] Korea.”

Amazing, considering he was an ELDER in the Presbyterian CHURCH here! 😉

Vero Beach, Florida — “First Presbyterian Church”


Dad grieved all his life for his closest friend ever, Marine Corps lieutenant Edward Flanagan.

“So many good young men died in Korea, John, so many good men. And for what?”


This was Ontonagon (in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, right on Lake Superior) where I have lived since 2014, on the Fourth of July back in 1951.

In some ways it was the Good Old Days — lots of jobs, marriages, and kids, and all our men served in the military, learned discipline and showed respect. It was imperfect, but a sensible, down-to-earth country. There were so many babies back then (BECAUSE THE MEN HAD UNION-PAY JOBS!) that part of this town was called “Diaperville”!  I remember it all. And I REFUSE to get used to the disgusting chaos we see now. This filth today is not why I served in the US Marines and Army infantry. 

John De Nugent

Diane King so true — thanks for posting. I can say that PTSD comes less from combat but more from feeling betrayed –you suffered for nothing, or even for evil. My father was in two wars with the Marines but Korea shook him up a lot. and he left active duty in the Mariine Corps (which he had loved). My dad was very strong and tough but he would say softly sometimes: “John, so many good men died in Korea, and for what?” His best friend died there, a fellow Marine lieutenant named Ed Flanagan…

While I respected my dad immensely, and his lifetime achievements — and at times he helped me out also with his wealth, especially to attend and graduate from Georgetown University —  and I still recall wise advice he gave me from time to time about life and people, and even, quietly, about the Jews…..

My dad lower-center, me upper-left and Margi lower right

…..he was as stubborn as a mule about the topic of life after death. 😉

“No one has ever come back, John.”

“But, Dad,” I retorted,” just read this book!

Thousands of people have come back literally from the dead since the mid-1960s! No heartbeat for 30 or 40 minutes, no brainwaves, no breathing either! Dead as a doornail, flatlining! It’s not like WWII or Korea any more, dad! They bring people back from the dead in the ER every day now!”


“Life after Life” is also out in French….

..and in German….


…..but dad’s proud egoic mind had already kicked in.

“I am a tough-minded realist. I am not a ‘flake.’ I have both feet on the ground at all times. That is how I survived in two wars and built my business. I don’t believe in ‘pie in the sky,’ John. When you’re dead, I think that’s it. “

And don’t confuse me with the facts.  😉

“So Dad, how did this two-year-old with purely civilian parents acquirte suddenly an encyclopedic knowledge of the Corsair fighter plane, …and the aircraft carrier “USS Natoma Bay”….. and know the nicknames of his then pilot buddies, now old men in their eighties, at a Natoma veterans reunion…. 

….and why did he have flashbacks, PTSD and nightmares, kicking up against a glass cockpit in his dreams,  over being shot down by the Japs and then drowning — and it was during that same battle of Iwo Jima that you were at, Dad?”


So, now, was my dad in denial a “mental coward,” afraid of the facts and reality?


By facing facts, he had kept himself and his Marines alive and winning.

He had five notches on the grip of his Smith & Wesson .38 Detective Special revolver from the trenches of Korea.

By drumming up new business, paying bills in time, and delivering great service, he and his partner John Bateman built up a $5 million insurance brokerage.

He was the youngest president ever of a Rotary Club in 1962, with a sparkling diamond in the center

But Dad’s tyrannon, his egoic mind, this mental entity that was ruling over the otherwise highly admirable James W. Nugent, THIS THING that controlled James felt threatened by what I was saying to James.

More on this horrible tyrannon soon.

But now you might begin to grasp this: you are not to blame. When you dig your heels in, it is not you that is doing it.





  1. I live in California and I remember Patrick Little’s “Name the Jew” campaign. I was a strong supporter of Little.

    That he looks down on belief in aliens is news to me. But, truth be told, I don’t either. There is insufficient evidence for the belief that extraterrestrials are interacting with us, given the extreme distance to the nearest star. Moreover, the existence of extraterrestrials is a mere hypothesis notwithstanding the sightings of UFOs.

      • Our government has become ruled by international Jewry, and this entity seems to be pushing the extraterrestrial thesis.

        • Well, the truth is that the jew-puppet regime from Truman on to the Trump era (1950-2017) basically ridiculed all UFO/alien reports, while simultaneously pushing via Hollywood movies that scary, evil, hideous-looking aliens could come and annihilate us.

          Then in 2017 the Jew York Times began reporting on the famous “tic-tac UFO” film footage, it was shown on network tv and on YouTube, and two US Navy pilots, who came across as honest, credible and very sane, testified before Congress about them and that these things were spotted constantly near US aircraft carriers, which carry nuclear weapons.

          As I have blogged, there is basically a total blackout on the Nordics — who are benevolent, handsome, Aryan-looking humans who have no illusions about earthlings, yet wish that we would awaken from our generalized mental illness of denial.

  2. Do you know the iranian-swiss banker Pascak Najadi?

    He became very sick after he had taken the Pfizer shot.
    Now he is a hardcore antisemite and Q-Anon-fanatic.
    He believes to be the reincarnation John F. Kennedy. N. also
    believes he is married to princess Diana.
    In his videos he calls for the killing of all the jews and freemasons.
    He also says, Nazis were controlled by jews and Hitler was a jew himself.
    According to him, Donald Trump is the saviour of humanity and he is total in charge of everything. The deep state will soon be done, and then the golden age beginns…


    Watch from minute 49.


    Watch from 45 till 48.

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