Mitch “The Undertaker” McConnell deliberately sabotages $2,000 stimulus with first-grader “mistake” to screw his own party over and hand Senate to Demoncraps

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I swear the man is out to lose the Senate and take his own party down for his jew masters.

The guy in the background of this photo, found in a tweet by jewess Ivanka, is of the same ilk.  (Thanks go to an Italian comrade for finding this.)


The most ominous thing about this telling cartoon is the white guy is OLD.

Dark counties are at least 40% minority; but the Whites in the red counties are not young and fit but largely aging, often obese, even diabetic, sometimes depressed or even mentally ill, and have no military training since the military draft ended in 1974. Many, having drug felonies  or DUI (drunk-driving) misdemeanors, cannot legally own guns. When the 70 million white Baby Boomers of 1946-64 die out, a process called “Boomsday,” the country will become 80% black/brown/yellow. Boomsday is, in effect, Doomsday. 




The old white America of the flag, freedom and apple pie is now a rotting corpse.





The Republicons cater with their lying mouths to the aging white corpse; the Demoncraps to the minority maggots.


Two traitors, Loeffler and Perdue, and a very naive man.

What they’re saying: “A vast majority of the public, Republican and Democrat, strongly support $2,000 checks. An overwhelming bipartisan majority in the House supports $2,000 checks. Senate Democrats strongly support $2,000 checks. Even President Trump supports $2,000 checks,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor.

  • “There is one question left today — do Senate Republicans join with the rest of America in supporting $2,000 checks?” he continued.
  • “Now some of my Republican colleagues have said they support the checks, but there is a major difference in saying you support $2,000 checks and fighting to put them into law. The House bill is the only way, the only way, to deliver these stimulus checks before the end of session.”
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Mitch McConnell’s $2,000 Stimulus Bill Is Designed To Fail



This is what this scumbag McConnell, who has violated his oath to the Constitution, betrayed President Trump, and congratulated the ineffable Beijing Biden on his “victory,” thinks of you.

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