MK-ULTRA and the jews

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A comrade asked me to explain the connection between MK- [mind control]-ULTRA and the jews.

The connection is obvious:

MK-ULTRA is mind control and gentile enslavement; the Jews are into mind control and gentile enslavement.

It is sadistic and psychopathic, and so are the jews.

It is about raping, torturing and murdering white children, and so are the jews, and they have been into child murder since the days of their founding ancestor, Abraham.

The key man was Sidney Gottlieb.

The Central Intelligence Agency launched MK-Ultra, a covert investigation into the behavioral manipulation of human beings through drugs, hypnosis, abuse, sensory deprivation, and torture in 1953. The program involved 80 institutions, including colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies, and was headed for more than two decades by Sidney Gottlieb (born Joseph Scheider), a chemist who specialized in poisons and became known for administering LSD in nearly 150 known experiments, sometimes on unwitting human beings.

Gottlieb, who joined the CIA in 1951, also proposed several ideas for the assassination of Fidel Castro and aided in the CIA’s attempt to assassinate the Congo’s Patrice Lumumba.

MK-Ultra was exposed by the 1975 [US Senator Frank] Church Committee’s Senate investigation of CIA activities within the U.S.

Senator Church also exposed CIA control of the American media by paying (bribing) major American journalists:

Gottlieb retired from the CIA in 1972.

Another key person was Henry Kissinger:

Kissinger, the founder of MK-ULTRA

By the way, the Bourne film trilogy starring Matt Damon clearly points to jews as the key people in the CIA and in MK-ULTRA. In the Wiki article on the “Bourne Ultimatum” movie we read:

Six weeks later, CIA Deputy Director Pamela Landy divulges the audiotaped confession of Ward Abbott, the late former head of Treadstone, to [CIA] Director (((Ezra Kramer.)))

As for the real Sidney Gottlieb, here they work him in with another overtly jew name:

“Dr. Albert Hirsch, who ran Treadstone’s behavior modification program, ….”

So the jews are not even hiding it, confident that the majority will remain in stubborn denial about what they are blatantly stating — “Hey, goyim, we are murderous monsters killing your kids.”

As for the jews’ deity, Yahweh chose an enormous band of roaming thieves, pimps, whores, fences, hitmen and and mercenaries called the “Habiru” as “His People”, and the jews, knowing humans love denying the plain truth, cheekily admit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:


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