Modern Germany’s national-masochism

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The German Green Robert Habeck, who as Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister of Germany is very deliberately sabotaging the German economy, has revealed many times in classic Green “national-masochism” his authentic hatred of his own people.

“Patriotism or loving my fatherland were concepts that always made me vomit.”

“I never knew what to do with this ‘Germany’ thing and still don’t.”

An American friend of mine since 1983, Roy G., served in the US Air Force in Germany in 1968, met a nice German girl in Hessen, learned German, married her, had six kids with her, and now they have 18 grandchildren.

He told me: “John, the German tv hammers the Germans literally ever single day of the year, including Christmas, with a show or a mention of the Holocaust, and German shame, and how their grandfathers were cowards or criminals. So, yes, a Habeck is the logical result of generations of sick self-hatred.”


  1. The British greens are ex-Labour scum and hypocrites.
    How’s this for a joke? The Greens in Worcestershire have approved every application to build homes on farm land and green belts.
    Oh, except for one, as the development was too close to where a green councillor lived.
    Their green policies are dangerous:
    1= All failed gimmegrants can return with their families
    2= no border checks
    3= abolish the union flag [JdN: “the Union Jack]

    A certain green councillor refuses to state his family’s income, as his wife has a secret government job. He also failed to declare a 2nd home he rents out to gimmegrants.
    In MALVERN in Worcestershire The green mayor, Julian Roxsham was found guilty of possession of child porn.
    The European green party’s founder Daniel Cohn-Bendit wrote a book about his paedophile experience in a kindergarten.
    Funny how this zionist wasn’t questioned by German police about what he did.

    • Thanks for this, Carl.
      I think the Green movement is just about the most spectacular example in our times of something good — saving nature and having clean air, water and food –being turned by the Jew World Order, the Deep State, into a nightmare.
      I blogged years ago how the German Greens shocked voters by open approval of pedophilia!
      And no one in Germany is more pro-war with Russia than these Green perverts!
      What will happen to the sacred environment if 14,000 Russian and NATO nukes go off?????

      • The real German green candidate was Adolf Hitler. After the war he wanted to create large nature reserves. He introduced laws preventing cruelty towards animals. He had a man sent to Dachau because he kept using frogs (not French people) as live bait whilst fishing. Despite warnings he carried on. So he was packed off to Dachau for being cruel. He was one of the 250,000 inmates released from the camps after rehabilitation.

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