Alfred Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Tennessee Woman Left Paralyzed And Unable To Walk After Taking Pfizer Vaccine
Alfred Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Tennessee Woman Left Paralyzed And Unable To Walk After Taking Pfizer Vaccine
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Why in hell are people still lining up to get the gene therapy aka “vaccines”???
I could give you a superficial answer, but I think you want the real and underlying reason.
The egoic mind.
So the truth is irrelevant. Just try enlightening the vaccine zombies and you will see.
The egoic mind makes them want to obey, and to conform to what their friends are doing, and to virtue-signal to others and above all themselves, and to be infantile, trusting the media and tghe statre as if they were our loving parents when NOTHING but lies is what they have put out for generations. In every poll, 80%of the people say the politivians and media lie, but still they believe every new lie they tell!
This the egoic mind, which is insane.
Earth is a planet under a curse, where liars reincarnate.
Earthlings lie to themselves and to each other.
The vile jew Howard Levy, the founder of modern satanism under the name “Anton LaVey,” said an accurate thing once:
It is for the same reason also true what this meme says:
Thus, the egoic mind is stronger than even the survival instinct!
BUT this egoic mind, while especially strong in libtards and leftists, is just as strong in conservatives and white nationalists.
Look at Trump trusting his Democrat jew son-in-law Kushner. Wishful thinking is a well-known expression of the egoic mind….. or his appointing thehalf-jew Wm Barr as Attorney General or three Supreme Court justices recommended by Sen. Mitch McConnell, who all betrayed him!
Look also at white nationalists.
In 2010 I began saying the truth about aliens (that we hare anytibng but alone in htis vast universe) and about reincarnation and the 2,500 fully worked-up case studies of kids with extremely detailed and accurate memories of previous lives and how they died, found at the University of Virginia Medical School.
I lay out hard facts.
Yet they scoff.
As long as I only ragged on my blogsite against n—ers, jews, muslims, etc., and glorified the Confederacy and the Third Reich, everything was fine. 😉
But try to teach self-satisified, intellectually smug people something new and vital, and watch out. 😉
Now you’re kooky. 😉
They refuse — again I am talking about white nationalists, WHO IN THEIR OWN WAY ARE JUST AS CLOSE-MINDED AS LIBTARDS — to consider the facts.
And so I come back full-circle.
Earthlings lie regularly as a pseudo-solution to their problems.
Their own egoic mind runs them and ruins their lives.
A final example: QAnon.
An FBI sting based on the egoic mind.
“We don’t need to do anything, like rise up and take our country back. Trump has a secret plan and he has it all worked out.”
And so the election (the stolen election) came and went, January 6th, and January 20th with no action.
Another important aspect of this is the positive cover story, another way people lie to themselves.
In 1994, in South Africa, so many people lied to themselves that Nelson Mandela -a white-hating black communist — would be into reconciliation and a post-racial, rainbow nation.
Blame the egoic mind in Whites, who then had a huge, combat-tested, victorious army and nuclear weapons!
The jews created a positive cover stoty for the Whites to tell themselves and repeat to themselves every single time they felt anxiety about handing their power over to violent, Stone Age, 70-IQ Blacks:
“We must be realistic [hah!]; we must go with the times [why?]; we cannot take on the whole world [better that than be raped and murdered, one by one]; to give the Blacks power is democracy, tolerance, and racial harmony.”
No to all these lies.
It was lying to yourself to not face the reality that you were becoming an idiotic coward.
Earth is a notorious planet throughout this quadrant of the galaxy because habitual liars incarnate here.
They lie to themselves and they lie to others.
And this is why earth is a hell.
Yes, the jew is a liar.
But our own inner jews likes his lies.
It means we need do nothing. Everything will work out in the end. Things will not get as bad as the left wants. That is all just politicians talking. They won’t take our guns or free speech, or force us to be vaccinated.
Man is the only animal who lies to himself and believes it.
The task of the new religion is to create in us a burning love for the truth; about race, the jews, the Third Reich, but also about ourselves. And root out the inner jew who loves lies. Then the outer jew, a measily 2% of the US population, has no power over the other 98%.
The jews are the smartest people on earth. They have so many scientists:,20014
Lieber Kamerad, perfekter Beitrag.
Alles Liebe
Viktoria Hiesberger
Danke, liebe und holde Kameradin!
Und Ihr Vorname “Viktoria” bedeutet SIEG! 🙂