Half of Ukraine is Russian-speaking, ethnically Russian, and has been for a thousand years. No Ukrainian,and especially no Jewkrainian, has even the slightest right to ban their language, as was done in 2014 by the Maidan putsch regime, or their Russian heritage, or to otherwise oppress them.
It was the psychopathic bolsheviks that added huge Russki areas to Ukraine!
While Putin has every moral and legal right to recognized these republics, historically this is a provocative step.
When, during the US Civil War, Great Britain moved to recognize the independence of the Confederacy (the Southern slave-owning states) Abraham Lincoln, president of the Northern States, threatened to invade and annex Canada with his gigantic Union Army, ripping it away from the British Empire!
Britain, knowing Canada could not be defended from its giant neighbor (and 90% of all Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border), then reluctantly dropped its planned recognition of Southern independence.
Since 800,000 Donbassers already have Russian citizenship, and their republics are now recognized by the Russian Federation, Putin now is morally, legally and politically OBLIGATED TO DEFEND THEM AGAINST ANY UKRAINIAN ONSLAUGHT.
Perhaps the “Collective West” (to use the phrase the Russians and Chinese now employ to depict the Jewish Empire over 500 million White Slaves in Europe and the white anglosphere) will now “punish” Russia by cancelling the COMPLETED Nordstream 2, the giant gas pipeline which the GERMANS requested, and specifically Angela Merkel.
Cost of Nordstream 2:
“Nord Stream 2 cost the Russians €9.5 billion (US$10.6 billion) to build and, at 1,230 kilometers long (764 miles), is the longest subsea pipeline in the world. First conceived more than a decade ago, construction began in May 2018 and was completed in September 2021.”
A Frenchman made this pertinent comment (followed by my translation):
“L’intérêt primordial des États-Unis, pour lequel nous avons mené des guerres pendant des siècles – la Première, la Seconde et la Guerre froide – a été la relation entre l’Allemagne et la Russie, parce qu’unies là, elles sont la seule force qui pourrait nous menacer. Et nous devons nous assurer que cela ne se produise pas.” (((George Friedman))), PDG de STRATFOR au Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs
La crise ukrainienne n’a rien à voir avec l’Ukraine. Il s’agit de l’Allemagne et, en particulier, d’un gazoduc qui relie l’Allemagne à la Russie, appelé Nord Stream 2.
Washington considère ce gazoduc comme une menace pour sa primauté en Europe et a tenté de saboter le projet à tout bout de champ. Malgré cela, Nord Stream est allé de l’avant et est maintenant pleinement opérationnel et prêt à être utilisé.
Dès que les régulateurs allemands auront délivré la certification finale, les livraisons de gaz commenceront.
Les propriétaires et les entreprises allemands disposeront d’une source fiable d’énergie propre et bon marché, tandis que la Russie verra ses revenus gaziers augmenter de manière significative.
C’est une situation gagnant-gagnant pour les deux parties. L’establishment de la politique étrangère américaine ne se réjouit pas de cette évolution. Ils ne veulent pas que l’Allemagne devienne plus dépendante du gaz russe, car le commerce crée la confiance et la confiance conduit à l’expansion du commerce.
À mesure que les relations se réchauffent, les barrières commerciales sont levées, les réglementations sont assouplies, les voyages et le tourisme augmentent et une nouvelle architecture de sécurité se met en place.
Dans un monde où l’Allemagne et la Russie sont des amis et des partenaires commerciaux, il n’y a plus besoin de bases militaires américaines, d’armes et de systèmes de missiles coûteux fabriqués aux États-Unis, ni de l’OTAN.
Il n’est pas non plus nécessaire de conclure des transactions énergétiques en dollars américains ou de stocker des bons du Trésor américain pour équilibrer les comptes.
“The primary interest of the United States, for which we fought wars for a century – the First, the Second and the Cold War – was the relationship between Germany and Russia, because if their forces are united, they are the only force that could threaten us. And we have to make sure that doesn’t happen.” (((George Friedman))), CEO of STRATFOR at the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs
The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. This is about Germany and, in particular, a gas pipeline that connects Germany to Russia, called Nord Stream 2.
Washington considers this gas pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Despite this, Nord Stream 2 went ahead and is now fully ready to use.
As soon as German regulators issue final certification, gas deliveries will begin.
German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean, cheap energy, while Russia will see its gas revenues increase significantly.
It’s a win-win situation for both parties. Of coruse, the US foreign policy establishment is not happy with this development. They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas, because trade creates trust and trust leads to expanded trade.
As relations warm, trade barriers are lifted, regulations are relaxed, travel and tourism are increasing, and a new security architecture is put in place.
In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no longer a need for US military bases, expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, or NATO.
Nor is it necessary to do energy payments in US dollars or store US Treasuries to balance the books.
I’ve run it a hundred times and here it comes again.
There is no Anglo-Saxon desire to rule the world!
The JEWS are using the US and UK to try to conquer our planet!
And Russia and China, huge and powerful, thank God, refuse to bow to jewry! We must see them as potential allies in the desperate struggle for white survival!
Non è proprio un modello di civiltà
Solo il Nazional-socialismo lo è sempre stato.
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