Gee, how come we don’t trust a government which, just in my lifetime since 1954, has lied that:
–smoking is GOOD for your health
–Agent Orange may kill entire forests but is harmless to humans
–vaccines don’t cause autism
–cell phones don’t cause brain cancer
–bird flu, swine flu, and Ebola will wipe out the world
And there are ALL the other lies:
–gun control
–Saddam had WMDs
–only cranks believe in aliens
–Osama did 9/11, the SEALs deliberately killed, not captured him, in 2011, and, with no autopsy, instantly buried him at sea “according to Islamic custom” (LOL) Yes, camels love water…
You would have to be insane as a white man to trust a government of Jewish serial liars who openly hate you.
Most people a-r-e insane, but now, due to Corona, more and more are not!
2020 is 1932!
Ieri ho trovato questa cosa…parla proprio dell’influenza del nostro Ego..l’ho trovato incredibile e davvero complicato sulla parte Spirituale.Io mi sono soffermata sull’ non fosse stato per te non avrei mai compreso la sua importanza.