The gifted and once very prominent WN Canadian gal, Evalion — real name Veronica Bouchard — suggested to me this meditation technique for peace of mind in this extremely scary time. Having gone through a lot herself, both childhood trauma and then, as a teenager, jewsmedia attacks and police investigations over “hate speech” in ultra-libtard Canada, which has open limits on free speech, she found this meditation worked for her when her thoughts started racing.
You light a big candle, you put on nice music that you love, and then you peacefully watch the flame dance about on the candle…. It works! Try it! 🙂
The blog today talks a lot about fear, and about meditation to get it under control.
And fear is now universal. It tries to affect me, too.
I have very severe financial worries because 1) the cost of this website has skyrocketed, and it is being hacked many times a day, and is often very slow or even down); and
2) my housing situation, where I uncovered a conspiracy to besmirch me to some key supporters. What happens when I start my movement? Will I be thrown out into the snow?
I went out to a colorful local tavern at midnight, needing to get away from my work and my computer, and three things happened:
1) I ran into a very pretty and bright jewish gal (probably the only one here in this town), a classic “little jew” (not a billionaire type) who actually is very impressed with my message. What we share in common, among other things, is a hatred of pedophiles in high places, of the protected pedophiles who get away with everything, and we both have our personal experiences with this.
2) a cheery young man with light hair came over to me after a pool game and asked me: “So, John, you are always up on things going on in the world. Are we on the edge of World War Three?” I said, honestly, yes, we are.
He replied: “That is how I see it, too.” What is good about this awful situation is that people are waking up, hence the need for me to move forward now.
3) A local waitress with two kids began quietly crying in the bar. I saw her cheeks all wet. There are literally NO apartments in this town, she told me, and she is sleeping on someone’s couch. I bought her a few drinks and we talked. (A housing specialist told me the same thing — there are NO available apartments in Ontonagon.)
There are a hundred houses in and near this town that could be rehabbed and sold or rented out.
But they just sit there un-repaired, the roof decaying and this means water getting into the house, damaging everything, while other people have NO housing at all, and are living with someone they detest or even fear — even with a violent ex-spouse.
Meanwhile, America spends $800 billion on the military and seeks war with powerful enemies: 1) the muslim world, 2) Russia, and 3) China.
….spiritual reading
Please don’t be afraid. There is no reason for you to fear. In the first place, and as you well know, there is no advantage to be gained from being in fear. It just saps your energies.
But more importantly, we want you to know that we are talking to you about coming challenges simply so that you can be prepared for them, so that you are not caught off-guard.
You are all magnificent beings and have all the resources you need, all the wisdom and skill and compassion and love you will need to weather these times and to be beacons of light for others who are in the darkness. If we did not know this for a fact, we would not be here now.
So trust in yourselves and in the grace which is everywhere around you. There will no doubt be some times that test you ahead, but you will meet the challenges. Don’t be afraid. We are aware that it can look quite bleak and foreboding, but we see it all and know that at this very moment you are succeeding, and that you will continue to do so, moment by moment.
And this is a key. You have all thought about living in the moment, but from our perspective, there is really nothing else. It is in the very center of each individual moment that you create reality, and thus, there that you can alter it. So even as you are working to see more deeply into the world around you, try now to feel more deeply into each moment, or each breath, if you will. If you only note one breath out of 750 and acknowledge its infinite and eternal nature, that is a wonderful beginning, a place from which to build.
See if you can take in a breath and find in it the entire universe, time from the beginning to the end.
Again, we are asking you to play with your perceptions, to stretch and add to the ways it is easy for you to experience reality. Please, just play with us a little. Try it out.
Today could be a bit more peaceful than many of the last few for some of you. If you find it so, give thanks, and enjoy the quiet. If you notice that you are feeling more pressure of one sort or another than you would like, then looking into each moment becomes even more important. And given how long a breath takes, also possible to fit into all but the busiest schedules!
Remember to let go of fear in any and all ways that you are able. It will undermine you. We are working on that as well, for it is one of the most devastating vibrations on your planet. Until it is lifted, there will be conflict and suffering.
You make a diference of a magnitude you cannot imagine whenever you unequivocally release fear.
In the meantime, we send love and blessings and much gratitude for your courage and admirable work.
We have discussed how important and beneficial it is to be present — but easier said than done. Presence will inevitably take practice (this is why Eckhart Tolle’s meditation is called a practice), and it will be like a muscle you can strengthen over time. The keys to this practice will be maintaining awareness of both your mind and body.
Here we’ll cover Eckhart Tolle’s meditation tips and guide, from The Power of Now.
Eckhart Tolle’s Meditation Steps:
Being aware of your inner body —your mental and emotional state and the energy it creates within you — keeps you present in the Now. As you move through your day, don’t put all your attention in the external world around you. Keep some awareness on your inner body and mindfulness at all times.
Follow these steps for inner body awareness.
Ask yourself, “Am I at ease in this moment?” Or, “What’s going on inside me right now?” This starts you on feeling mindfulness.
Before you answer, take a moment of self reflection to start your meditation. What kinds of thoughts are you having?
What are you feeling? Is there any tension in your body?
If you notice some unease, reflect on where that is coming from. Are you anxious about a big project at work? Do you have some residual resentment from an argument you got into yesterday with your sister? Are you tired from a long day and annoyed that you have to help the kids with homework when all you want to do is relax? Most likely, you are not present and are resisting the Now in some way. You need to embrace this to break through in your meditation.
If you’re having a hard time connecting with your inner body, try these methods of meditation from Eckhart Tolle.
Get away from phones, people, and other distractions. Sit in a chair. Don’t lean back, keep your spine straight. Relax your body.
Put your attention on your breathing. Observe the air coming in and out. Feel your lungs as they expand with air, and then empty. Accept the world around you exactly as it is. Listen to the sounds around you. Don’t think about them, just acknowledge them. Observe the silence in between sounds.
Look at the shape, color, and texture of everything around you. Again, just acknowledge these objects without interpreting anything about them.
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. With each breath, feel your stomach fill with air and then empty again. Put your attention on your inner body. Do you feel the life in your hands, arms, feet, legs, chest, stomach?
Feel the energy that flows through your body with each breath. If it helps, imagine that you are surrounded by a light that fills your body with every breath. Imagine that light illuminating your entire being, vibrating with energy. Keep focusing on your inner body. Try to feel it without thinking about it.
If possible, let go of the image in your mind of the light. Feel the presence and energy of your inner body. Let that feeling transcend the boundary of inner and outer body, and just envelope your entire being.
Stay in this state of presence as long as you feel comfortable. When you’re ready, slowly become aware of your physical body again. Gently open your eyes and look around with a soft gaze. For a few minutes, just take in your surroundings, remaining aware of your inner body.
The more often you can connect with your inner body and achieve mindfulness, the more presence you are able to maintain. Once you are present, you will not stay there — you will need to remind yourself and practice, and eventually you will spend more time in the Now. When you can do this consistently you have reached enlightenment. More on enlightenment later.
Eckhart Tolle Meditation: Use Your Mind; Don’t Let It Use You
Presence does not mean never using your mind, but rather only using it deliberately. Your mind is a tool; use it productively for specific tasks, then put it to rest.
When you practice meditation, pay attention to your thoughts: How often do you think obsessively about the past, future, or something that is not helping you with the task at hand? Are you in control of your thoughts, or are they taking you on a ride?
Many of us spend unnecessary time and energy in repetitive and unproductive thoughts that can actually do more harm than good. The mind becomes dangerous when it stops being a tool that we use, and instead has control over us, as we discussed earlier.
Practicing Eckhart Tolle’s meditation will keep you more present. And being present will sharpen your mind, so that you can use it when you really need. Here are benefits of meditation.
Eckhart Tolle Meditation Perk 1: Clarity
If you stay present in the Now and face a situation that needs immediate action, you will be able to act with clarity and awareness. In this video, Eckhart answers how we manage any fearful thoughts we might have about losing our job, money, getting sick, or the fear of something happening to a loved one.
………Soy girls?
The slight drop in T-levels could be explained by the fact that the aggression to fight the world’s wars was no longer needed, as well as the fact that people began eating processed foods. Then there’s the fact that the very best men were killed off…
Tbh [= to be honest], many NS who survived the war wanted to help set things right but it was nearly impossible to organize anything bigger than a magazine. [Otto Ernst] Remer’s [Socialist Reich political] party was banned; all of the notable SS men were harassed ([fmr Waffen-SS colonel Jochen] Peiper was burned alive by Antifa in the 70s!), and many of the political-leaning Luftwaffe officers were blacklisted by the American-approved ‘NATO clique.’
A lot of well-meaning people spent decades in limbo hoping for something to change.
This is why vegetarian and vegan men often sound effeminate. They sound and look less masculine than their meat eating counterparts due to the testosterone-killing qualities of soy, the high levels of phyto-oestrogens (phyto-oestrogen means plant-based oestrogen), in fruits and vegetables, and agricultural pesticides in the foods they consume.**
Soy is actually also hard on women. I have a friend (in her 20s, from MN, ethnically Scandinavian & French, active) who started drinking soy milk regularly. A few months after she started doing this, she ended up with thyroid issues. This is actually very common among women who regularly drink soy:
A lot of women believe that phytoestrogens are bad for men but good for women. Pop culture tells women that eating soy = a more feminine body whereas eating dairy products & meat = ‘manly looking women.’
I don’t believe that at all.
I think that the huge amounts of soy in the average American’s diet are part of why many women start to get heavy-set during their college years. I eat a lot of animal protein, a lot of dairy products, beef liver, goat milk, and zero soy and I’ve never had issues staying close to my goal weight.
I also know a woman who does occasional carnivore diets and she’s very feminine and has the clearest skin of anyone I know. It’s a night-and-day difference comparing her to the vegan women that I know (I have a coworker who is anemic and a vegan and refuses to listen to any suggestions… it’s shocking how stubborn most vegans are).
If soy is so bad, is this guy lying?
Same guy
Alright, good points. Thanks.
And this Brian Turner is very likable, reasonable, and certainly looks very muscular, unlike his critics, who seem frankly like maladjusted dorks. 😉
Of course, as Turner says, his experience is just his, and not a scientific study.
My experience at the Himalayan Institute (studying meditation under a very reputable guru from India) in 1993-94 was that women looked fine on soy (tofu, lots of it) but men became very skinny…. like marathon runners.
Here is an article that seems pretty balanced, saying the effects of soy in the diet are inconclusive:
One thing is certain: testosterone is crashing, and at age 69 I really notice a huge difference in the behavior and voice of young men compared to when I was that age. I have a friend here in town who was a shoe-shine boy in the 1930s (he is now 93 but still very sharp mentally), and he says there were nine or ten fist-fights every weekend in Ontonagon. Now? Zero.
My own father, who was a Marine Corps officer and respected businessman, got in fist fights if someone used dirty language in the presence of his wife, my mother. “Step outside” was what he said. In fifteen seconds it was over.
So something is causing this change. Is it soy?
On VK, one of my big supporters commented:
I will ask the author to respond.
Thanks, John.
Yes, it would be good to know the truth as Brian Turner and other vegans seem to thrive on veganism, and, as the link shows, his testosterone level was even slightly increased on 35 days of only eating soy.
Well, that could be true…..
Or Turner is getting money from the soy industry. Boosting testosterone can be as simple as taking 50mg of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a testosterone precursor which actually very many men over 40 take, myself included, and other men I know.
We saw with both the supposedly deadly Coronavirus and with the purportedly “safe and effective” Covid mRNA vaxx that some people are perfectly capable of lying just for the money. If the word got out that soy makes men effeminate or even sexually impotent, it would be a multi-million-dollar disaster for the soy industry…… What would $5,000 under the table be in comparison to losing millions? One thing is for sure: a lot of farmers grow soybeans here in America.
Soy is a $124-BILLION business, and much of it is with genetically modified soybeans…..
OR Turner is an honest man, telling the 100% truth about HIS experience, but his body chemistry is unusual……
Not sure…. 🙂
Some of us are just unusual in our makeup.
My eyes are so dark-blue, like Hitler’s, that in his case and in mine, they show up as grayish-brown in some indoor photos andmost people think Hitler had brown eyes…..At age 69, I have never met anyone with my DARK-blue eye color…… 🙂
John, true.
Im’ still baffled at how many Rotchilds have blue eyes. look how blue this guys eyes are. Every Rotchild death is a cause for celebration
same guy
He just uploaded a new vid on the subject -the verdict is still up to debate .-)
Thanks very much for this new info, brother.
The brutal truth is this — growing soy beans is, in the US alone, a $124 BILLION business.
Money talks.
It did with Judas…..
You’re welcome, brother. Thanks for your hard work for our cause.
Forgot to write: He could be on steroids or testosterone though -I have seldom seen a guy that big without a little ‘help’, or he could be a genetically gifted person.
I had a past life regression today. It was amazing, because again it was shown to me that I was a German soldier in the Second World War. I had also spiritual contact with the fallen comrades. They are so happy and proud of me to come here to fight for their honour.:-)
Such a thing is quite possible. Most German men under 40 served in the military then, and from private to field marshal, they fought bravely and well.
And the Allied terror bombing of German cities and the awareness in the German public of the Morgenthau and Kaufman Plans to either enslave the Germans forever as starving peasants in a 17th century economy or to abolish the country entirely led German men to fight fiercely — from love and a noble, chivalrous feeling for their folk.
And for those still alive in the fall of 1944, there was the Nemmersdorf film to strengthen their resolve.
There was no braver or better army in world history. I am sure you were exemplary.
He made a vid trying to ‘prove’ he’s clean – a commenter wrote: ‘This video proves nothing. When I used to pin myself, I could get my testosterone level to normal levels just by waiting it out. You didn’t show FSH and LH which indicate exogenous testosterone.”
This type of video is exactly what I’d present to people who have no understanding of steroids/hormones, to “prove” to them that I’m clean.
Well, this video also doesn’t prove that you are on gear so there’s that going for you. The sad thing is that you could cycle off and show normal FSH and LH levels fairly quickly and create this type of video again as proof, but, yeah, it’s a bit suspect that you hide the other hormones…’ – I’m now pretty convinced that this guy is not clean.
Una terza guerra mondiale:
Sono meno catastrofista dei nuovi santoni contattisti “emergenti”, nessun ET può schiacciare il pulsante per eliminare la civiltà umana, Putin non vuole la guerra(non la voleva neanche Hitler).
Questi anni mi sono serviti per comprendere, affrontare tante cose, nelle mie possibilità.
È vero, mi arrabbio spesso ultimamente.
Ma riesco a spegnere la rabbia.
Non abbiamo bisogno delle stigmate per catturare tutto il karma del pianeta(come dicono loro).
O catturare anche gli Ingenui disperati 😉
Ma so che il N.S. è la Ricetta vincente di questo pianeta…
Una ricetta “semplice” ma tanto sofisticata e pungente.
Come diceva Giovanni Lionardo Da Vinci.
Giovanni 🙂 🙂
Quanti ciarlatani, alcuni dei quali molto intelligenti e diabolici! Approfittano delle nostre paure ma non hanno soluzioni….. – quite a body builder This is the authoritative book on Soy – read it. (The year of publication is 2005.)
Thank you. I will send these also to the author of the blog article.
How much of an effect soy has probably varies from person to person. Something is definitely slowing people’s metabolisms down, though. I think soy might be part of it.
Women are more prone to thyroid issues / slow metabolism but it can affect anyone. Even my bf had issues with his thyroid a while ago. Other than him I have a few relatives (mostly female) who’ve struggled with it, such as the friend I mentioned, and I’ve had a few coworkers who’ve had similar issues.
I remember reading an article on Carol Yeager’s site a while ago, where someone made a comment that meshed perfectly with my own experiences. She pointed out that whenever she was in a major metro she noticed a lot of thin and feminine-looking women, but many of the men looked effete. In small towns and rural areas the pattern was reversed and there were a lot of strong-looking men whereas many women seemed to struggle with weight.
I’m not judging anyone for having hormonal issues, weight issues, etc. but the obesity pandemic is a very ‘weighty’ issue for society.