More murky things about Corona

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…..Supposed Los Angeles hospital’s Corona intake area

Cue the tumbleweeds.


….German investigator: NO Coronavirus patients at all in major Berlin hospital with, say the media, “1,000 cases”

This is consistent with what is being reported from all over (including, from Day One, Gosia of Cosmic Agency, who claims Nordic aliens, Taygetans, are feeding her info).

It’s a HOAX to get  the police state!

Excellent english subtitles!

He says people are dying with Corona, not from it. They also may have dandruff and gray hair. No causal connection.

…..October 2019:  just before Corona outbreak in Wuhan, the US military (with 2.2 million personnel) fielded there a team at the World Military Games that came in a puzzling 35th


After the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemicconspiracy theories about COVID-19 attributing the virus’ creation to the CIA emerged[27].

Some articles on popular sites in Chinese have accused American athletes participating in the Wuhan Military World Games to have deployed the virus.

They claim the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below-average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.[28][29]


It is astounding that a country with a gigantic military like the US (2,205,050 active-duty and reserve soldiers) would fall from 15th place in the number of medals in the 2007 Games to 35th in 2019, behind Tunisia and Slovenia.

It was 24th place in 2015, which bad enough, so the US tally was already declining, but a drop from 24th in 2015 to 35th in 2019 is still very large.

Why on earth would the US military be so bad at athletics? Why the sharp decline?

It sounds ominous in any case for supposed warfighters. Reports have indeed come in that many US military personnel are overweight or obese.

66% of US military fat or obese; Pentagon hasn’t fought a real foe in decades; weird tech from aliens?

But this fat soldier factoid could also be just a cover for something more sinister. Maybe it was CIA operatives pretending to be soldiers who performed poorly — not because they were overweight, but because they were total non-soldiers, total non-athletes, sent there solely to spread a deadly virus, which would then be blamed — in vicious, jewy, accusatory inversion — on China itself, the victim. (I have very mixed feelings about China, but why would they poison their own people?

Or are their labs really so much sloppier than ours? Their military is very high-tech and excellent in many areas. So are many electronic products.

Is China a bumbling Third-World country? Guess again.

People walk on a sightseeing platform in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China, August 1, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer 



…..Spectator (UK) pathologist: Corona is only as bad as the regular flu

Dr John Lee

How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear

I’m a recently-retired Professor of Pathology and NHS consultant pathologist, and have spent most of my adult life in healthcare and science

[…] the headline death rate due to this virus is likely to be … 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent. That puts the Covid-19 mortality rate in the range associated with infections like flu.

[…] if any of these patients dies, staff will have to record the Covid-19 designation on the death certificate — contrary to usual practice for most infections of this kind. There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes.

[…] Early evidence from Iceland, a country with a very strong organisation for wide testing within the population, suggests that as many as 50 per cent of infections are almost completely asymptomatic. Most of the rest are relatively minor. In fact, Iceland’s figures, 648 cases and two attributed deaths, give a death rate of 0.3 per cent. As population testing becomes more widespread elsewhere in the world, we will find a greater and greater proportion of cases where infections have already occurred and caused only mild effects. 

[…] Covid-19 can clearly cause serious respiratory tract compromise in some patients, especially those with chest issues, and in smokers. The elderly are probably more at risk, as they are for infections of any kind. The average age of those dying in Italy is 78.5 years, with almost nine in ten fatalities among the over-70s.

[…] when drastic measures are introduced, they should be based on clear evidence. In the case of Covid-19, the evidence is not clear. 

[…] It will take months, perhaps years, if ever, before we can assess the wider implications of what we are doing. The damage to children’s education, the excess suicides, the increase in mental health problems, the taking away of resources from other health problems that we were dealing with effectively. Those who need medical help now but won’t seek it, or might not be offered it. And what about the effects on food production and global commerce, that will have unquantifiable consequences for people of all ages, perhaps especially in developing economies?

Governments everywhere say they are responding to the science. The policies in the UK are not the government’s fault. They are trying to act responsibly based on the scientific advice given. But governments must remember that rushed science is almost always bad science. We have decided on policies of extraordinary magnitude without concrete evidence of excess harm already occurring, and without proper scrutiny of the science used to justify them.

In the next few days and weeks, we must continue to look critically and dispassionately at the Covid-19 evidence as it comes in. Above all else, we must keep an open mind — and look for what is, not for what we fear might be.

John Lee is a recently retired professor of pathology and a former NHS consultant pathologist.


  1. They did pull off 9/11, and virtually no one noticed – so they are prob hoaxing us again. Maybe this rate of infection is totally bogus, as they are faking a lot of the numbers. & you are certainly right that they are pumping mass hysteria. People around me are irrational now; but I warned them long before that this was coming and they seem more receptive now. Currently I am telling them quarantines are not the answer, and that it is not as dangerous as the media is making it out to be. On the contrarian angle tho, this rate of infection seems to be repeated in nearly every country, 15-22% per day. Seems kinda hard to fake on that big of a scale.

    As it stands, South Korea is using Keletra generics and HydroxyCQ, and their reported death rate is under 3%. Now whether this low death rate is the result of extensive testing, or these drugs, IDK. I suspect it is the drugs. All I know is that terminal patients are recovering within a few days, and testing from SK, China, and France says these drugs work very quickly. Here’s a study from France that was released today:

    I want to warn those who choose to take these drugs, should they get infected: The keletra generics have SIGNIFICANTLY better side effects than the malaria drug. HydroxyChloroquine (malaria) is extremely toxic, and appears to do damage to the brain and eyes. Keletra’s side effects are dangerous but indicate it does not do anywhere near as much damage. If I get sick, I will wait until it is hard to breath. At that point I plan on taking a keletra generic, not HCQ. The more you know!
    Even if you chose not to approve this comm, at least check out the video. Goodnight John.

  2. I think the U.S. military athletes did poorly in Wuhan simply because they are not in very good shape, and possibly because those games don’t mean much to them, whereas to military athletes from other countries, it’s likely a matter of national pride to do well. Also, who knows what type of people the U.S. military sent there? Certainly not the U.S. military elite, like Navy Seals, Delta Force, or Green Berets, most of whom are great athletes and would have done very well. Maybe it was a “diversity experiment” where the U.S. sent only fat, out-of-shape Mexicans, blacks, and women, whereas all the other countries sent their elite special forces soldiers. Given that the U.S. didn’t do very well in previous years, either, those are the simplest and likely best explanations.

    As I suggested some days ago, the Chinese wouldn’t have poisoned their own people, and neither would the U.S. release a bioweapon in China, knowing that China has its own biowarfare capability, would realize that they were attacked, and could then easily retaliate in the U.S. Also, as I said, viruses are very dangerous to use as weapons, since they are constantly mutating, and not necessarily into a more benign form, as Gosia has claimed happened. If used as a bioweapon, the coronavirus could just as easily have mutated into something much more deadly, which would eventually spread to infect those who sent it.

    The evidence is mounting that the entire “coronavirus pandemic” is a massive hoax, just as I said, with the active participation of China, Iran, Italy, Spain, Germany and the United States. The over-the-top fakery evident in China was my first clue that this was a massive hoax, which militates strongly against it being a real virus that spread to Iran. If the virus was real, why would the Chinese use crisis actors to stage comical face-first pratfalls in the streets, and use other crisis actors to spray steam on office workers sitting at their desks (LOL), etc., etc.?

    Given that the virus was clearly fake in China, it means that the Iranians were faking it too, with all that implies. As I suggested earlier, either the Iranian leadership are traitorous crypto-Jews, or Soros / the Rothschilds sent representatives to China and Iran who persuaded them to go along with this hoax as a way of removing Trump from office – a President who has sanctioned and threatened China and Iran. So both countries would certainly have the motivation to go along with the coronavirus hoax if they were promised a removal of sanctions and cessation of U.S. military threats. As for the EU nations and the U.S., the Jews have such total control over the government, media, and medical establishments there, that it was relatively easy to hoax in those countries.

    • How would scenes of Iranians dying, among them high officials, remove Trump from power? Iran is the “Great Satan” for jewry. More of them croaking would cause the hate-ridden jews to hate Trump less, and approve of him more.
      As for the Wuhan military games, your idea might be true, or not. I have never seen the US not care about winning medals. The US likes to be number-one in everything, and has been the big medal winner in almost every Olympics since 1932, excepting only the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. 😉
      But FDR once famously said “in politics, there are no coincidences. If something happens, it was planned that way.”
      To have this Corona whatever-it-is break out in a Chinese city right after hundreds of US military were there, and at a time of huge and EVER WORSENING Chinese-US tensions, including very hostile US economic, media, subversive (Hong Kong riots) and military moves (including massive new aid for Taiwanese forces), with a hate-China movement quivering all over FB and the “666” “FOX” New Channel, and then claim it is all just a coincidence that US soldiers were in Wuhan for a very planned event right before the outbreak, no.
      The very plannedness of the Wuhan games was an invitation to the US Deep State to get something nefarious going, exactly as with the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia “Unite-the-Right rally,” which was used to set up the incident with the WN supposedly brutally crushing the peaceful antifascists with his car….
      The Boston Marathon bombing –same thing. Lots of time to set something up. It’s an annual and very high-profile event.
      Was it a coincidence that in the summer of 2001, US hijacked-plane policy abruptly changed and the Vice President (who was the lugubrious Deep-Stater Dick Cheney) suddenly authority which had belonged to the control towers under federal law to either order the shoot-down or not of any off-course passenger jetliners?

      And then Cheney refused to order the shootdowns, enabling the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

      Afterward, US hijacking policy reverted to its original default, namely that control towers resumed having control. Why? Because the deed had already been successful accomplished, the irrational panicking of Americans into supporting the delusional Bush war agenda, into swallowing the PATRIOT Act, and over time, being groped at airports, and there was a new pickup-truck-redneck willingness to send our boys right into the Middle Eastern quagmire en masse to “git them Ayrabs” and regime-change everyone, etc.

      I do not believe in coincidences, especially not after watching the David Icke video.

      And here Occam’s Razor is valid,and the Gosia version fits what we see. It WAS weaponized and it WAS lethal at first, and the US Deep State (Big jews) hates China, Iran, and also Spain. It is insane revanchism.
      The jews still hate Italy, as a profoundly vengeful, vengeance-obsessed people, for what their Roman ancestors did in AD 70 and 132 to Jerusalem, for the persecutions by the Vatican and the Inquisition, and they hate the Roman Empire per se when it went Christian and began persecuting and restricting both pagans and jews.
      Proof of this is what major jew historian Norman Cantor said here:

      As for hating Spain, that is obvious. The Spaniards expelled the huge, rich and once very powerful jew population in 1492, and instituted the specific Spanish Inquisition, using the ex-jew Torquemada, to root out and burn alive the conversos, the jews who had stayed in 1492 by faking their conversion to the hated worship of the “blasphemer” Jesus of Galilee entirely in order to remain and then infiltrate and take over the whole Spanish political, military, religious and economic structure.
      Same goes for Iran, both for the Esther-Haman stuff in ancient times, which is real in the jews’ minds if nowhere else, and then the massive Iranian support for Hezbollah and Assad and enmity toward the Saudi royals, who in this case really are crypto-jews. So we disagree, and strongly. I am not going to publish any more comments about Iranians faking it. I see not only zero evidence Iran is pro-jew, but massive evidence it hates the jews, and exposing the “Holohoax” is sufficient proof. Half the power of jewry is based on white guilt over that ludicrous myth.
      So I will not dump on anyone whom the jews hate, defame, and make war on.

      • As you said in your article above:

        “It is astounding that a country with a gigantic military like the US (2,205,050 active-duty and reserve soldiers) would fall from 15th place in the number of medals in the 2007 Games to 35th in 2019, behind Tunisia and Slovenia.

        It was 24th place in 2015, which bad enough, so the US tally was already declining, but a drop from 24th in 2015 to 35th in 2019 is still very large.”

        So, as you admit, the U.S. military has not even placed in the top 10 in these military games since at least 2007, and maybe not ever, depending on the year these games started:

        2007: U.S. finished in 15th place
        2015: U.S. finished in 24th place
        2019: U.S. finished in 35th place

        So, the U.S. has apparently never done well in these games, and is getting worse each year, which only strengthens my hypothesis that the U.S. either doesn’t care much about these games, or they don’t send their best athletes from the special forces, etc., whereas other countries likely send their elite special forces athletes as a matter of national pride. I’d never even heard of these military games before the Wuhan hoax, and I’m sure that very few people in the U.S. had either, so the U.S. military would not lose any prestige among the U.S. populace by placing low.

        “How would scenes of Iranians dying, among them high officials, remove Trump from power?”

        You seem to have missed my main point that it’s not scenes of Chinese or Iranians dying that would remove Trump from power, but the economic crash in the U.S. that would result from a “coronavirus pandemic” spreading to the U.S. from China and Iran. In order to establish the “reality” of this fake pandemic, the Soros / Rothschilds likely persuaded the Chinese and Iranian governments to go along with this hoax, with the promise that sanctions and military threats against them would end once Trump was removed from office. These types of backroom political deals happen all the time. China was chosen as “ground zero” for this fake pandemic because so many other “pandemics” have originated there (swine flu, etc.), so it would be seen as much more believable than if a pandemic had suddenly originated in the United States. Iran was chosen as the next country to be “infected” because, as an enemy of the “Great Satan” U.S., who would ever believe they were part of this hoax? It established “credibility” that the coronavirus was a real pandemic which originated in China, then spread to other countries.

        While everything you said about the Jews hating Iran, Italy, and Spain is true (they hate all “goyim,” actually), you failed to address my question of why the U.S. would use an unpredictable, mutatable virus bioweapon against the Chinese, which could easily mutate into something much more deadly and could eventually infect those who sent it. Also, why would the U.S. use a bioweapon against China, a superpower which has its own biowarfare capability, would certainly detect the attack and respond in kind in the U.S.? Yet both the Chinese and U.S. government officials have vehemently denied that any kind of bioweapon was used in China by either side. If the U.S. did use a bioweapon in China, why would the Chinese government officials be so quick to absolve the U.S. of any blame for it?

        • Your theory in the third paragraph, I admit, is interesting.

          Countries can retaliate while smiling and denying it, and they do this in asymmetric ways… like Trump palling around and bromancing with the North Korean leader or Macron — at first.

          Xi may have said he does not suspect the US (where-and-when, however?), but that may be just a throwaway. The Chinese Net is full of the accusation the US did do it, and Xi can make this theory his own at any time. He could also censor it, but chooses not to.

          “Chinese media and officials also have insinuated that the virus is a means of U.S. warfare.” (

          Okay, Russia, America and China (and IsraHell) all likely have effective race-based bioweapons.

          Russia is a good example of avoiding direct and disastrous confrontation, but striking back in other ways. Example: crashing oil and gas prices in a faux feud with the Saudis in order to bankrupt the stupendous US fracking industry, which cannot be solvent if gasoline stays far below $3 a gallon. The US could take a huge hit if fracking goes belly-up, which US energy-industry and finance experts have been saying for years. So Putie slips the stiletto in in another way besides firing a missile at Peoria. 😉

    • public law 105-85 page 287
      (a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary of Defense may not
      conduct (directly or by contract)—
      (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical
      agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
      (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological
      agent on human subjects.
      (b) EXCEPTIONS.—Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the
      prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment
      carried out for any of the following purposes:
      (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical,
      therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or
      research activity.
      (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against
      toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
      (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose
      related to riot control.
      (c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense
      may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) only
      if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human
      subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
      (d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 30 days after
      the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of
      plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving
      the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent
      or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to
      the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee
      on National Security of the House of Representatives a report
      setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment
      or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-
      day period beginning on the date such report is received by those
      (e) BIOLOGICAL AGENT DEFINED.—In this section, the term
      ‘‘biological agent’’ means any micro-organism (including bacteria,
      viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized
      component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable
      of causing—
      (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a
      human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
      (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or
      materials of any kind; or
      (3) deleterious alteration of the environment.
      (f) REPORT AND CERTIFICATION.—Section 1703(b) of the National
      Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (50 U.S.C. 1523(b))
      is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:….

  3. Here’s a very good and informative article from Andrew Anglin. He initially reported that the “coronavirus pandemic” was real, but he now agrees with me that it’s a massive hoax:

    However, the Jew Jeff Rense is still spewing his sky-is-falling hysteria, doom-mongering, and Trump-hatred at Here’s a typical title he gave to one of the articles he recently posted:

    “Trump Says Keeping US Coronavirus Deaths To 100,000 Would Mean He Did A ‘Very Good Job’ – Four Weeks Ago He Called It A Democrat Hoax”

    It IS a hoax, and Trump knows it, but he’s been forced to go along with it because of the overwhelming propaganda spewed from the Jew media and the CDC (Cohen Disease Department), which has convinced most people that it’s real. If Trump were to come out and rightly say that the “coronavirus pandemic” is a massive hoax, the Jew media would crucify him, saying, “Oy vey, you monster – look at all the deaths!” So he has to reluctantly go along with it. So, Rense’s criticism of Trump is very unfair and displays appalling ignorance of what’s really going on.

    Jeff Rense is the same guy who said repeatedly that the BP oil spill would result in the Earth’s crust cracking open and the Earth literally cracking apart in space. He also said repeatedly that the Fukushima nuclear disaster would end all life on our planet, neither of which has happened, or will happen. I lose more respect for Jeff Rense daily – he’s clearly just a Jewish liberal, fear-mongering nutcase, and Trump-hater.

    • I meant to say “Cohen Disease Center” to match the CDC acronym in this post. Oops – it was late at night. Please fix it.

    • All the businesses except food, gas, heat and water are closed, all the bars and all the diners.

      The people are very depressed.

      I just did a radio report for Liberty Defenders in the UK on all this from a US eyewitness viewpoint:

      A nurse-practitioner who swallowed the Cohenavirus hoax hook-line-and-sinker told me one gent died in Gogebic Cty, next door. But it was likely the same pattern: they die with Corona, not from Corona. Gee, they also had dandruff, gray hair, dust on their dashboard and a gum wrapper under the passenger seat. 😉

  4. The MSM and US govt are LYING!!! They are telling us hospitals are
    “war zones” with bodies piling up everywhere, hospital workers exhausted, that we are in a medical emergency, yet that is NOT what heroic citizen journalists are finding when they take their cameras to their local hospital!

    I’m compiling a master list of citizen videos (updated daily) showing the empty hospitals here:

    Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM

    Nothing is going on, quiet, no ambulances racing in, empty, nothing happening…It’s all BS!!!! The MSM is giving the impression that hospitals are war zone, bodies are piling up, we are in the medical crisis of our lives, yet when these people visit their local hospitals, NOTHING is happening, they are ghost towns!! Tons of ambulances just sitting their parked, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, etc, –The MSM and US govt are LYING!!!
    ***Please share the link, email it out, and wake up the sheep!! The bankers are moving ahead quickly with their agenda!! and their agenda is one world govt, one world currency, and Agenda ID2020!!!

    Twitter full of EMPTY HOSPITAL VIDEOS!!!!!! People are WAKING UP!!!!
    Looks like people are waking up–twitter full of people posting EMPTY HOSPITAL VIDEOS!!!!!!

    Twitter links posted here:!!!!!!-People-are-WAKING-UP!!!!

    ***Please share the link and wake up the sheep!!

  5. **** Please watch this one!!! It talks about fake virus deaths, with family members saying it was NOT the virus and that it was other health issues!!!

    REALIST NEWS – More empty testing facilities and fake deaths

    Okay, this one is worth going through, empty testing center, *** at 2 min, news article about dead 69- yr old retired Milwaukee police office, with family member saying the media and govt are LYING and that his/her father did not die of the virus and had other health issues.
    At 2:47, a family member saying grandmother did NOT die of the virus, and that it was Alzheimers, a case of aspiration pneumonia that worsened.
    At 3:26 Gene Della Salla surprised FL announced he’s dead from virus when still alive!!! “reports of my death have been exaggerated.”

    At 4:03, Miranda Matilda saying dead family member was on hospice at nursing home and already dying (it was NOT the virus)

    Also—more on how they are playing with the numbers:

    Comment from

    Adr- I have an update. The husband of one of my mom’s friends who died of heart failure on Wednesday, was 75 and already dying, and didn’t actually die of Covid-19. They had given him a test that had returned a positive result. Even though he was already dying of heart failure, they marked his cause of death as Covid-19 and added him to the state total.

    Since none of his close contacts tested positive, they retested his body for Covid. The test came back negative. Cause of death is now listed as heart failure. The state has not reduced the Covid death stat by one as of right now. That wouldn’t look good.

    Nor would a story of doctors being so very wrong. I wonder how many deaths have followed that same pattern?

    Below is what I’ve been thinking they have been doing to increase the numbers of deaths from Corona (claiming that elderly who died of old age died of Corona) (Yes, I’m saying they are LYING.)


    Geocentrist- Was speaking with a guy yesterday. He was telling me his wife knew two people who each had one of their grandparents pass away recently. Both had been “on the edge” and infirm for quite a while. Covid-19 was automatically listed as their cause of death, in fact, he said the family of one of them actually called them out on listing it as the cause of death, since they had basically no contact with anyone, apparently it caused a bit of furor.
    Sounds like they are just creating numbers.

    More screwing with the numbers, calling everything the scary virus…

    Comment from

    adr- So the morbidly obese spouse of someone my wife works with has been home from the hospital for four days now. She was on a telepresence call for the school district.

    She went to the hospital early this month for breathing problems and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. After they couldn’t diagnose her, they decided to diagnose her with Covid-19. This was because she had direct contact with someone who was at the Biogen conference in Boston. She was put in isolation at the hospital.

    So people have spent the past three weeks thinking she had Covid. On the call this afternoon, she said that when she was actually tested for Covid, the test came back negative, but she is glad to be recovering and back at home. So she was basically in the hospital for complications of just being morbidly obese. Another Covid story bites the dust.

    Comment from

    schroedingersrat -During a real pandemic like the “the Justinian Plague,” 5000 people died in Constantinople in one day alone. It indiscriminately killed toddlers, children, healthy adults and elderly. Very different from Corona, which only kills old sick people already on palliative care!

  6. John- Thanks so much for posting my comments. This next one is my last one–I’m just very alarmed by what’s happening and trying to spread the word!

    IMO this is a global psyop, and the virus is being used as cover for the central bankers (owners of the Federal Reserve, the hidden oligarchy that prints money out of thin air) to bring in their a new digital financial system and Agenda ID2020.

    *** And if you think this is a “conspiracy theory” look at this:

    Greg Mannarino warning about central bankers NWO, digital, cashless society

    “Look around you. A world in lock down. Cities, states, nations shutting down. Markets in free-fall. Moreover, NOTHING you are seeing is by accident! Something I have been telling you for YEARS. Understand.. A deliberate global meltdown is occurring by design. A second Great Depression is being THRUST upon us, yes thrust. Many, many people are going do die. For how many years my EXACT words have been “It Will Be Biblical.” This is all being done to bring about a NEW financial system.. and methods of control over the remaining population beyond your wildest nightmares are going to occur… what we are seeing now is JUST THE BEGINNING…. GM
    – IMO this is a DELIBERATE meltdown of the world economic and financial systems. The New America is now the epicenter of a new order which will sweep the globe, quickly. I also believe it is by design that The Fed. is flooding the world with dollars now in order to usher in a one world ALL digital currency… GM” (Please listen to GM on y/t, while the MSM and US govt have been terrorizing the American people with fear porn, GM has been warning about what the bankers have been up to and how we the people are being ROBBED!!!)

    The virus will be used as a cover story for the central bankers bringing in their new world digital currency (cashless society). The MSM is already floating stories about “dirty money and coins” and that they could have the so-called virus on them.

    Bill Gates’ Quantum Dot Digital Tattoo Implant to Track COVID-19 Vaccine Compliance

    The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020” -Peter Koenig (former World Bank economist)
    What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. (please read entire article)

    “Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.”

    And if you don’t know anything about central banking, please watch Bill Still’s The Money Masters, Money as Debt, All Wars are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero, James Corbett- Century of Enslavement-The History of the Federal Reserved, and Mike Maloney- Hidden Secrets of Money (he warns this is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world). I highly recommend all of them. IMO–this is the most important thing to learn in order to understand how the world works. It’s not an accident that they don’t teach us this–by keeping us ignorant, it’s easier for them to rob us blind!!

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