And yes
I mean, this shit is radioactive or something. It’s fucking alien.
Good idea. I will send you some other terrifying pictures pictures of what’s inside of me. What they did to me.
I’m also send you pictures of the way I look just before I caught the disease.
That is exactly what’s going to happen the Jews are going to turn the goyim into zombies
Pics of me about a month before I got infested with the disease:
John, this disease is actually forming alien-looking insects under my skin.
I just sent you a bunch of pictures and dialogue
You will have a very good blog now exposing this disease and all the stages that the Morgellons disease goes into in forming the parasite monsters. You can see the fibers coming out of the strange critter I took out of my neck. It is still alive, and so the fibers are moving.
I wish I could find that picture of the magnet that had the black goo sandwiched in between it so that you can show it to your readers — because that’s how I got contaminated. The microbes were in the black gooey stuff.
Yes, you are, John !!!
Post the pics of me how I looked b4 the infestation. Readers will see I’m just a regular guy victimized by biological terrorism. American are under attack from this new terror, and we have the right to defend ourselves and kill the perpetrators if we catch them in process of contaminating us.
Of course, the perpetrators who infested me are huge cowards and always do their terrorism covertly. If I knew the identity & whereabouts of the terrorists who did this to me then I’d go rub them out.
John don’t forget to add all the pics I sent you to the blog.
You’re right. Maybe I should look into drawing disability because of this disease. I just don’t think it would be enough money to support me.
I was thinking about going to the hospital and having them through surgery to remove the bitch.
There’s two or three of them like that under my skin big ones, making babies. I’m telling you, John — you could not produce a horror movie more terrifying than this.
I’m documenting everything to file a criminal complaint with the FBI because this is domestic terrorism and I want Trump’s FBI to know about it. I will post a criminal complaint and my story on the world wide web for everyone to see I will expose these terrorists the way you are now doing. So please put up this new pictures I gave you.
So it gets worse, John. Every morning and every night I take rag soaked in turpentine and I smack the skin of my face with it and hundreds of white worms come out of my pores every time. I want to show that to the doctors.
This guy has tried everything to cure himself… I mean everything.. and has not been able to do it… doctors are rejecting him …nobody will help him.
I watched many a video, on Youtube about Morgellons when I first heard of it. A lot of people in Oklahoma were catching this. If my memory serves me correctly, people had come up with cures or remedies for this, and had listed their protocols on Youtube. These may no longer be there. I would think, the information is still available, or somewhere to be found. I wish you the best of luck.
This man is suffering from delusional parasitosis; the sores are the result of compulsive scratching. I believe that this man would benefit greatly from a psychiatric evaluation and support since this is completely self-inflicted.
What lying drivel. Who pays you to lie, the FBI, CIA or another Deep State agency?
I have a, unusual request of you John. You have the connections, military, government. A recent Youtube video, that I’ve seen is more frightening than this Morgellons. A must watch, and please watch to the end. Query this on Youtube “SlaughterBots: Are drones locusts from the Bible Revelation 9 ?” The information seems to be legit to me. You may need to cover this subject separately. Evil never sleeps.
John, Have you seen the latest threat to mankind. Please watch the entire video.
Will the Jews cause worms to crawl under my skin if I deny their right to rule the USA? If they could do this they surely would, for they are fine fellows. But are they able to do this? I doubt it very much. I think Morgellons is disinfo. When the Jews become powerful, lies become commonplace.
Billy King is residing in Mexico in a nice new home and new motorcycle and bought a first class ticket from the UK to Mexico last Christmas Eve. He has plenty of money and has been using Morgellons to get funds. There are pictures and videos of him gambling and he has burnt many bridges along the way. He is a liar and even his own family has disowned him because of his actions and he is on an expired Visa !!
If this is true, then why did you not provide the slightest proof?
Maybe you are just one of these people:
What proof do you want ??? Go to page Billy King Con on Fb for all the proof .He even got deported by Mexican authorities!! He makes fake accounts claiming hes Jesus and is begging for money !