More on the US aerial laser weapon; BC/Canada declares state of emergency; spiritual reading

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From Twitter: The USAF Airborne Laser aircraft sits on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base, (now “JointBase Andrews”) outside Washington, June 21, 2007. The modified 747 aircraft uses a high-energy Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser to generate an energy beam from the aircraft’s nose to intercept and destroy a hostile ballistic missile during the boost phase of its trajectory.


How It Works: The Flying Laser Cannon

Boeing’s new laser cannon can melt a hole in a tank from five miles away and 10,000 feet up—and it’s ready to fly this year

A US Air Force C-130 with the laser weapon

Creating a laser that can melt a soda can in a lab is a finicky enough task. Later this year, scientists will put a 40,000-pound chemical laser in the belly of a gunship flying at 300 mph and take aim at targets as far away as five miles. And we’re not talking aluminum cans. Boeing’s new Advanced Tactical Laser will cook trucks, tanks, radio stations—the kinds of things hit with missiles and rockets today. Whereas conventional projectiles can lose sight of their target and be shot down or deflected, the ATL moves at the speed of light and can strike several targets in rapid succession.

Last December, Boeing, under contract from the Department of Defense, installed a $200-million prototype of the laser into a C-130 at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico in preparation for test flights this year. From there it will go to the Air Force for more testing, and it could be in battle within five years.

How to Melt a Tank in Three Seconds Or Less

1. Find Your Target
When the C-130 flies within targeting range (up to five miles away), the gunner aims using a rotating video camera mounted beneath the fuselage. The computer locks onto the object to continually track it. A second crew member precisely adjusts the laser beam’s strength—higher power to disable vehicles, lower power to knock out, say, a small power generator. The gunner hits “fire,” and the computer takes over from there.

2. Heat Up the Laser
In a fraction of a second, chlorine gas mixes with hydrogen peroxide. The resulting chemical reaction creates highly energetic oxygen molecules. Pressurized nitrogen pushes the oxygen through a fine mist of iodine, transferring the oxygen’s energy to iodine molecules, which shed it in the form of intense light.

3. Amplify the Beam
The optical resonator bounces this light between mirrors, forcing more iodine molecules to cough up their photons, further increasing the laser beam’s intensity. From there, the light travels through a sealed pipe above the weapon’s crew station and into a chamber called the optical bench. There, sensors determine the beam’s quality, while mechanically controlled mirrors compensate for movement of the airplane, vibration and atmospheric conditions. Precise airflow regulates the chamber’s temperature and humidity, which helps keep the beam strong.

4. Stand Clear
A kind of reverse telescope called the beam expander inside a retractable, swiveling pod called the turret widens the beam to 20 inches and aims it. The laser’s computer determines the distance to the target and adjusts the beam so it condenses into a focused point at just the right spot. Tracking computers help make microscopic adjustments to compensate for both the airplane’s and the target’s movement. A burst of a few seconds’ duration will burn a several-inch-wide hole in whatever it hits.


  • How hot is the beam? The laser itself isn’t hot, but it can heat its target to thousands of degrees.
  • Does the laser sear everything in its path? Yes. If a bird flew into the firing laser’s line of sight—
    well, no more bird. Fortunately, the weapon will fire for only a few seconds at a time, minimizing the risk.
  • Does it melt its target or just set it aflame? That depends on what it hits. It will melt metal, but if
    the target is combustible, it will burn.


….Study this photo from Lahaina, Maui

I have no doubt  that the Jew World Order is destroying many forests, especially up in Canada.

Hey, Jews, being satanists, simply love destroying both animate and inanimate things, especially if they are beautiful.

Example: Dresden

But there are other times when they use a weapon with surgical precision which spares trees and incinerates houses literally next to the trees.

Close-up of incinerated buildings and unburnt adjacent trees. The big tree on the right is literally overhanging the building. Was it made of ice water? And why, to the left of this, is one building in the foreground looking like ground zero of a nuke and the other, right behind it, remains untouched? Did the fire get “bored” or take a coffee break?


……BC declares fire emergency

……Video on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons)

If you have not see this, it is worth watching. The vlogger is Peggy Hall. Her website says she is the former Director of Teacher Education at the University of California, Irvine and has been an educator for 30+ years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a Master’s Degree in International Relations, and has years of experience as a health educator and community activist. She served as the national wellness expert for the ABC Radio Network for seven years with more than 500 radio appearances.


……Spiritual reading for August 19

Base all your actions on the will of the heart today. In general, will and heart-energies are seen as
opposing forces, but in reality, the heart has the strongest of wills you will find within yourself.

It is often the case that you think of will as emanating from the mind or being associated with intent. If you give your heart free rein, you will see that there is terrific will, sometimes identified as longing, that comes from the heart.

This is the most powerful energy that you can access. This is true every day, but particularly today. It makes sense to tap into it in order to achieve and to move as you would like. Find the longing and you will be following your power today.

In so doing, you will be able to change your life and your world most effectively. The will of the heart is undeniable. At times this can be very frustrating, especially when heart and mind are at odds.

There is nothing to be done then but to surrender. This force cannot be circumnavigated; there are occasions when your “good judgment” may be allowed to override the wisdom of your heart, but
in general, you will need to attend to your heart’s counsel if you want to become one with the flow of the universal energies.

You know that the era of the mind’s dominance is drawing to a close. It is a marvelously useful tool, the mind, if not allowed to rule. And it is wise to consult it always. However, if you are to know the truth, you must touch into the truth-teller within. The mind is a manipulator and a deceiver at times. The heart never lies.

No news there. The news for today is this: you can realize much that you long for today if you allow that longing to manifest. Don’t censor, don’t judge, don’t silence your heart. You all do this more than you probably realize and it costs you much. Let it loose today, give your longing—the will of the heart—a chance to expand and materialize.

Let your heart take you where it knows you need to go. For many of you, this will require great bravery. It will take you out on a limb that looks too weak to hold you. It may put you in a position that feels unsupportable.

Listen to this: when the energy of your heart is allowed to exist in its fullness, you are completely safe and protected. You cannot be harmed. It is simply impossible. In order for this to be the case, you will need to reach for the highest realms of your heart. We are not talking here of lust or longing to control or own, but of the divine essence which can be found in the hearts of each and every one of you.

When you touch into that place where you are longing for the highest good—formless or in form–the power and the joy and the invincibility of your being will be unstoppable.

Take some time to explore the regions of your own heart today and when you encounter its will, be willing to surrender. These are our suggestions. When you know how to fnd and use the will of the heart you will find that nothing you truly need is beyond your capacity. This is a very clear route to the divine within.

This has the potential to be an incredibly transformative and powerful day. We wish you great success and joy.

We love you and send you all our blessings.





    • Thanks.

      I also see this involved with the mass murder at the World Trade Center on 9/11 — with the jews using BOTH nanothermite (a very proven fact) and also a DEW to ensure a total destruction by using two complementary methods.

      My theory is that Building 7, so mysteriously “pulled,” housed a DEW, and that it began blasting the WTC towers (which had been built with phenomenally strong steel, as skyscraper-builder Donald Trump pointed out, sounding very puzzled in an interview that fateful day over the collapse) while the nanothermite that the Israeli “art students” had secreted into every floor was doing its devilish work.

      For psychopaths, all this was delightful fun with two different goy-killing death toys.

  1. Regarding 9-11 I think nanothermite plus explosives explains the event completely.

    Anyhow, the Twitter article is from 2007, and apparently laser weapons were just beginning to be employed.

    This implies that we had these weapons in our recent action in Afghanistan. But there was no mention in the news of their being used. Why not?

    Also, if we had these weapons in 2007 Russia must have obtained them shortly thereafter. But there is no news of their use in Ukraine. Why is Russia firing missiles when it has air superiority and can use lasers?

    • Good questions.

      I would presume two things:

      1) that laser weapons are incredibly expensive, and especially the electricity and battery costs must be staggering (think of these Tesla electric cars and their batteries costing over $20K…

      2) the US Deep State does not want the American public as a whole to think about and fear airborne laser weapons/DEW, since they are criminally using them on Americans

      Lahaina: it looks like Hiroshima, and WE SEE YET AGAIN THAT MOST TREES ARE FINE. I guess flames don’t rise in Hawaii, nor was there any wind blowing flames sideways. 😉

      In the Dresden and Hamburg firestorms in WWII, people were picked up by the fiery winds and thrown hundreds of feet. Thank you, Sir Charles Portal of the RAF. Nice nose, buddy.

  2. Don’t know if you recall this, but several months ago (may have been longer), there were mainstream news reports of red laser beams seen near Hawaii, originating from above (space) and directed towards the open ocean off Hawaii.

    No one seemed to know what they were, but one theory was that these red laser beams were from an orbiting Chinese satellite, and were being used for “atmospheric research” purposes only. Then the story seemed to vanish down the memory hole – I don’t know if there’s anything still on the Internet about it.

    Could this have been an actual test-run Chinese DEW attack on the U.S., allowed by the Jews who control both countries?

    The most common excuse given for the unburnt trees is that their root systems allowed them to “stay hydrated” during the fires, but if that is true, then why do any trees ever burn at all? All trees have root systems, and the bigger the tree, the deeper and more extensive its root system. Yet the Canadian wildfires are burning up probably millions of such trees. So that excuse makes no sense, whereas an electromagnetic discharge weapon might affect only certain types of materials, while leaving others unscathed.

  3. Of all the dozens of news reports I’ve viewed and read, NOT ONE solitary mention of the wildlife killed/suffering/habitat destroyed in the man-made “wildfires” (arson). Probably easily exceeding a million. I guess they don’t count or matter. They’re of no consequence. Speciesism.

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