More proof of Solutrean truth; wave of pedophile Jews in greater Jew York

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Why? When New York jewish lawyers tried to get Atlanta Jew businessman Leo Frank “off” after he raped and murdered  his 14-year-old female employee (the cute, shapely, blue-eyed Mary Phagan, product of a Christian farm family outside Atlanta)

— bribing a governor,

–harassing witnesses,

–browbeating a jury, and

–blaming an innocent black man for the crime,

…..the great US southern state of Georgia exploded in outrage.

After a blatantly bought governor commuted Frank’s death sentence to life in prison,  in 1915 the Texas Jew Leo Frank (from the same milieu as crypto-Jew Lyndon Baines Johnson) was lynched by irate white Christian Georgians, in fact, by the créme de la crème of Georgia society! They burst into his prison WITH GUNS DRAWN and hauled him away to the nearest tall tree! And Frank was the HEAD OF B’NAI B’RITH OF GEORGIA!

I urge everyone to check out this dynamic and ever-growing website,


Yes, by blatant arrogance, New York Jews, who had trained down to Atlanta to push Southerners around and treat them like yokels, had succeeded into taking a previously jew-friendly, Old Testament-cherishing Christian society — and turning it anti-Jewish overnight.


The result of this PR disaster was the founding of the sinister ADL! The ADL was henceforth to apply brutal pressure in much more invisible and subtle ways to get the same outcome — get Jew criminals off.



If there is one thing that the Frank-Phagan case proves, it is that whites WILL rise up if 1) pushed to the limit AND 2) they have guns, and 3) leaders!


A comrade from the former Yugoslavia wrote me:
Joseph Sobran:

“The problem isn’t Jews; it’s gutless gentiles.”

I replied:

Hi, comrade. Yes, I agree.

And as Dr. Fredrick Toeben says: “Don’t just blame the Jews. Blame Gentiles who give in to them.”

I have another blog with Michael Winkler material coming out shortly on this topic, called, tongue-in-cheek “Saint Lucifer.”

Without Jews we as Aryans would not be tested as we are. Without Jews there never would have been national socialism. Without Jews, and the immigrant hordes they introduce into our countries, there would never be the pan-Aryan solidarity that is now arising worldwide. Before, we were at each other’s throats; now we see our white brother and sister — in a common struggle against a non-white world that is taking us all over.


Coming soon! Laughter, excitement, pride in our race and future, and a standing ovation after I perforate the psychopaths and show the divine path to VICTORY!









The evidence is boiling over and cannot be contained any more. Caucasians were among the earliest inhabitants of North America. Leading experts now strongly believe that Caucasians probably arrived thousands of years before the first Asiatic people crossed the Bering Strait (the word “strait” without the “gh” meaning in naval language a  “narrow” area of water). This stupendous and revolutionary discovery has been covered in documentaries for the BBC, National Geographic, the Learning Channel, twice on the Discovery Channel (1999 and 2002) and more.

In the superb Ice Age Columbus DVD (seen here in its entirety on YouTube),

fascinating new archaeological data and DNA research proves that Europeans discovered the Americas 17,000 years prior to the birth of Columbus. A high definition production, the film takes you on the journey of a determined family from southwestern France as they cross 3,000 miles of ocean. A drama DVD, which includes the risk of starvation and treacherous storms, shows these Europeans settling in what is now the Northeastern United States.

Contrary to the Ice Age Columbus DVD, traditional [= Jewish-supervised] historians claim that European settlers discovered America about the time of the Renaissance. But revolutionary new archaeological data and the latest DNA research reveal that Europeans visited our shores far earlier — some 17,000 years before Columbus was even born.

A drama DVD, filmed in glorious high definition, is a two-hour epic story, which follows an intrepid family of stone-age hunters as they trek from their homeland in southwestern France, cross 3,000 miles of ocean and eventually make their first permanent settlement in what is today the northeastern U.S. As you will see in American history DVDs, they overcome starvation and storms along the way, with the help of a revolutionary weapons technology they would later be wiped out by the invading peoples of Asia. But awaiting the pioneers’ arrival is a stark, empty continent, filled with a plethora of bizarre and lethal animals — all brought to life by brilliant computer animation. The Ice Age Columbus DVD, firmly rooted in the latest scientific discoveries, is a compelling vision of the greatest migration in human history of Europeans returning to the land which once broke off of their own ethnic home lands of Europe.

Now comes this NEW article confirming the above!

American Indian DNA was mixed with ancient Caucasian DNA


A genetic analysis has shown that Northern European people are a mixture of two very different ancestral populations – and one of these populations is related to Native Americans.    The discovery applies to the British, Scandinavians, French and some Eastern Europeans, and explains some genetic similarities among what would otherwise seem to be very divergent groups.    “There is a genetic link between the paleolithic population of Europe and modern Native Americans,” says Nick Patterson of the Genetic Society of America.    “The evidence is that the population that crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia [implying mongoloids!] into the Americas more than 15,000 years ago was likely related to the ancient population of Europe.”    By examining DNA, his team found that one of these ancestral populations was the first farming population of Europe, whose DNA lives on today in relatively unmixed form in Sardinians and the people of the Basque Country, as well as the Druze population in the Middle East.

It was almost comical to read the full article, the author of which was so terrified of saying anything politically incorrect that he gave, “through a glass darkly,” the utterly ludicrous impression that somehow proto-mongols moved to northern Europe!

Au contraire, the actual article in Genetics means the  so-called “Solutrean hypothesis” is no longer a hypothesis at all in any sense of the word, but instead a proven fact!

Solutreanism states the truth — the ominous truth — ominous for what it says about our predicament now:

The first North Americans were whites, and they were massacred by non-whites!

They were an extremely early Scandinavian-type people — living between 25,000 and 10,000 BC, who were mostly (but not all) MASSACRED by overwhelming numbers of very early mongoloids who invaded from Asia via Alaska and Canada.

Those now known as “American Indians” (and the term “Native American” is the cruelest verbal hoax, since they KILLED the real Native Americans who were WHITE SOLUTREANS) in turn have some white blood (as the article barely dares to hint) only from preserving alive some of our white females (as their sex and work slaves, forcing them to be their squaws) after they had slaughtered, in habitual mongoloid ferocity, all their loved ones — all their white men and boys!

And so we see history trying to tragically repeat itself:

a kind, noble, blue-eyed race with a tendency to naiveté (“blue-eyed” having the secondary meaning of “naive” in seven northern-European languages) is letting ruthless barbarians slaughter it.

We need to learn as a race that kindness can be cruelty, and cruelty can be kindness. I myself have experienced this as a very, very blue-eyed person, always trying to help and rescue others, often with disastrous results for myself and other Aryans. “No good deed goes unpunished,” especially when one invites a stranger in need into one’s house.

Over and over we see the non-white takers destroy the white makers, and this has been my own personal experience too.

I have learned the hard way that I and other blue-eyed-type people are far too trusting and compassionate toward strangers.


The embezzlement of $4,000 (desperately needed rent and operating funds) in December was only the latest example among several of a young white person — whom I helped when he was in need — then turning on me in mind-bending treachery when it suited his selfish interests.

We as a northern European race are killing ourselves with kindness to our foes: both

1) non-whites and

2) the white narcissists and psychopaths who physically resemble us but who in no way are of our mindset and spirit.

My new static webpage on the Solutreans goes into the whole ancient Solutrean truth:










Epidemic of child molestation in Rockland County: take a look at these hideous Chosenites

Two haredim [ultra-Orthodox Jews] in bedroom suburbs of New York City got sweetheart plea deals earlier this week from judges in Rockland County. Both haredim pleaded guilty to child sexual abuse charges – one of them involving anal rape. But even though one of those cases involves repeated anal rape of the child, neither haredi man will serve any time in prison.

via Rockland County Judges Give Child Rapist, Child Sex Abuser No-Prison Plea Deals

Who are these gentlemen?

Rabbi Moishe Turner

Rabbi Moishe Turner had anal sex with a 14 year old boy

Herschel Taubenfeld

Herschel Taubenfeld, guilty of forcibly touching a young boy

Several other cases in connection with this are mentioned in the article at “Failed Messiah”:

David Kohn

David Kohn had oral sex with a 12 year old girl

Shmuel Dym

Shmuel Dym sexually abused a young boy

The Jewish District Attorney Thomas Zugibe is accused of being very soft on these vomit-inducing pedophile Jews:

Thomas Zugibe is the district attorney in Ramapo. There were a number of molesters reported in Monsey and New Square, and even some arrests, but everything was whitewashed and the cases vanished.

Here is a list, with images, of earlier cases of child molesting Jews.

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One response to “Epidemic of child molestation in Rockland County: take a look at these hideous Chosenites”

Hyperborean says :

Don’t forget the molesting that goes on during Jew circumcisions. The mohel actually put his mouth on the boy’s penis to suck the blood out.


01/27 @ 02:42 : Rocklin, California, US
01/27 @ 02:40 : Clare, GB [ENGLAND]
01/27 @ 02:39 : Vienna, AT [AUSTRIA]
01/27 @ 02:39 : Bienne, CH [SWITZERLAND]

01/27 @ 02:39 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US

01/27 @ 02:39 : Sweden, SE
01/27 @ 02:36 : Shumen, BG [BULGARIA]
01/27 @ 02:36 : Brussels, BE[LGIUMJ]
01/27 @ 02:36 : Senegal, SN
01/27 @ 02:34 : Vienna, AT
01/27 @ 02:32 : Vienna, AT
01/27 @ 02:32 : Spokane, Washington, US
01/27 @ 02:30 : Bayreuth, DE
01/27 @ 02:29 : Stara Zagora, BG
01/27 @ 02:29 : Le Mans, FR[ANCE]
I saw the 1971 Steve McQueen film “Le Mans” ( in 1971 when it came out, about Formula One racing, and a duel between the Porsche and Ferrari racing teams. A great movie if you like cars and danger. Strikingly, there is NO dialogue at all for the first seventeen minutes! This Youtube has the entire movie and in high-definition….
01/27 @ 02:27 : Fishers, Indiana, US
01/27 @ 02:27 : Burgo De Osma, ES [SPAIN]





01/27 @ 01:58 : Show Low, Arizona, US
01/27 @ 01:58 : Hamburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/27 @ 01:57 : Overland Park, Kansas, US
01/27 @ 01:57 : Anaheim, California, US
01/27 @ 01:57 : Hamburg, DE
01/27 @ 01:56 : Moscow, RU[SSIA]
The elite University of Moscow
01/27 @ 01:55 : Küps, DE

01/27 @ 01:54 : Sofia, BG [BULGARIA]

01/27 @ 01:54 : Berlin, DE
01/27 @ 01:54 : Pacifica, California, US
01/27 @ 01:54 : Hellevoetsluis, NL [Netherlands = Holland]
01/27 @ 01:51 : Flower Mound, Texas, US
01/27 @ 01:51 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
01/27 @ 01:50 : Flower Mound, Texas, US

01/27 @ 01:50 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US
01/27 @ 01:49 : Flower Mound, Texas, US
01/27 @ 01:49 : Burton-on-Trent, GB
01/27 @ 01:49 : Essen, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/27 @ 01:49 : Marseille, FR[ANCE]
Marseilles, on the French Riviera, was founded by the ancient Greeks as “Massilia.” It was actually those ancient Hellenes who introduced the stereotypical French alcoholic drink, wine, to France…. Today Marseille is racked by Arab-immigrant violence, yet also contains many fervent white nationalists who supported the Front National and its leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.


Quite a few French in the region are (or descend from) white French refugees from the former French territory of Algeria, nicknamed strangely “pieds noirs”(black feet). To their extreme outrage, disappointment and bitterness, President Charles de Gaulle, a supposed nationalist, surrendered French Algeria (which had a population of several million whites) to the Arabs in 1961 after 130 years of the white man building that country up. Now the Arabs are pouring into France itself, forming crime gangs, erecting mosques, praying obnoxiously in public on the street, and blocking traffic defiantly with their butts in the sky and brains on the ground, and pushing Islamic sharia law (such as veils and black bags as clothing for women, no matter what the heat). For De Gaulle’s reasoning, which was widely misunderstood at the time, especially by white French Algerians, who lost all their property, but actually designed to keep Arabs OUT of white France proper, yet also seek Arab friendship to be used against Israel, see my article:
01/27 @ 01:48 : Islamabad, PK
01/27 @ 01:46 : Naxxar, MT [MONTENEGRO]
01/27 @ 01:46 : Santa Cruz De Tenerife, ES [SPAIN]
01/27 @ 01:43 : Caseros, AR[GENTINA]
01/27 @ 01:41 : Caseros, AR
01/27 @ 01:41 : Berlin, DE
01/27 @ 01:40 : Hénin-beaumont, FR

John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284



Thanks to a comrade in Europe for these 100 euros, wrapped in aluminum and safely delivered Saturday.


Thanks also to a Canadian who sent $97.

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