More serious discussion of civil war over the election if both sides contest it

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The 2024 movie “Civil War,” starring Kirsten Dunst as a photojournalist, is a mostly good and pretty impartial film. It lays out a believable scenario where 19 states secede from the Union, saying the incumbent president lost re-election but refused to leave office. The Western Forces then send in commandos — to storm the White House and get the “president” OUT….

(11) CIVIL WAR Trailer (2024) Jesse Plemons, Kirsten Dunst – YouTube

As for the video below, host Nick Freitas did nine years in the US Army infantry and is a very conservative member of the Virginia House of Delegates. He sees the red states and their national guards as refusing to obey federal orders if the presidential election is once again stolen, and says, in harmony with my view, that the infantry units are 80% rightwing and he implies, white working-class Trump types.

He says the big step was Texas governor Abbott building a border wall  against the wishes of Biden and eleven state governors sending him troops to do so. This was states defying federal authority. And a national guard is a serious military formation with modern weapons, including modern fighter jets in the Air National Guards, up-to-date training, and reservists who are often experienced combat veterans.

In “Civil War”  the US breaks up along state lines into several chunks:

The two men also discuss how a 5-6-week crisis (food, water, utilities) would be necessary for the public to acquiesce in the end of all our freedoms.


Two comments:

1 month ago
I’m in my mid-40s. I was sold the boomer lie and did 8 years military. Got a 4-year degree, got married, bought a house I have started, and ran 2 small businesses. I was a patriot and I belived that hard work and being a good man will lead to success. It doesn’t. America is no longer a nation where the best and brightest thrive. Then, in 2022, I was fired from a great career for refusing the jab, which led to marriage stress and divorce.
I’ve spent the last 2 years homeless refusing to work. I dropped out of this broken society, and aside from my phone, I have no contact with the outside world. I refuse to give my time, energy, and talent to a society that hates me and can take it all away on a whim. I can only imagine how younger men feel.



58 replies

1 month ago
My son is 27, he is traditionally masculine and has NO interest in getting married or even dating. He has assured me he’s not gay, even though I told him if he was, I would not stop loving him (he’s a GREAT son), but he assured me he’s not anyway. He doesn’t drink, smoke or do drugs. But, he has shunned traditional life. He was brilliant in school, top 10 in his class….and yet hated school (Bush’s Common Core did that). He just works very hard at a blue color job for about a year, banks every penny and then quits and goes and climbs mountains and extreme hikes for several months. Comes back home, does a bunch of stuff for us at our house, then gets another job…goes and climbs some other mountain…all solo.

He has vowed he will NEVER fight in a war if Democrats are in charge, knowing he will be fodder. It just makes us sad we will never have grandchildren to give our values and what wisdom we have gained to. But, looking at how nearly all women in their 20’s and 30’s are these days, I do not blame him one bit. They are so breathtakingly shallow, vapid, self-absorbed and narcissistic. They are more concerned with social media and drama for attention than anything real.


  1. I say i don’t go off left or right, those are just terns, i go off something different.
    I would be adopt buddist spiritualism if i had to choose one of the major religions.
    But christianity has never been able to denounce the jews, and that religion has caused us nothing but suffering and misery for us.
    And jews have used it to manipulate us,
    your right about todays young women,
    the vast majority of them are entitled self centred and fake,shit lib communists.
    And white women still have victim status as a woman which a lot of them use against white men they date.
    And they’ll team up with a cucked self hating white male liberal or become lesbians or date black and brown men.
    I know what you mean, i was coherced into getting those shots that i did not want to do.
    I did not know at the time they were a bio weapon, i would never have had those death jabs if i knew those psychotic monsters were behind them.
    I’m sick of the communist hippy attitude and way of thinking that is so heavily inbedded in so most white people now.
    I don’t care about contributing to a society that hates white males.
    It’s much safer here in Australia because our demographics are different but not any whiter.
    Our scumbag prime minister has let in 1.5 million people in 2 years.
    Most being non white from India, east Asia and the middle east and Africa.
    All our politicians serve the jews and do whatever the jews want.
    The politicians are the most hated people in Australia and are all retarded communists who have outlawed nearly all freedom of speech.
    I’ve met normal white people that are conservative and know what cultural marxism is,
    But their hard to find and theres no avenues to meet normal people anymore. And a lot of shit lib communist whites are moving to Thailand to live because it’s much cheaper to live there.
    Why does the conservative mention Bill Maher who is another psychotic lying jew who is good at putting on an act so people view him in a certain way.
    Bil Maher is just another lying deceivimg psychotic jew, and zionism is not the problem because it’s only from the 19th century onwards.
    It’s jewish ciminal behaviour that is the biggest problem, their vile subhuman gruesome mass crimes and criminal behaviour has been documented for thousands of years.
    My life is a fucking meaningless existence and i do things for my self and don’t give a damn about Australian society or the people in it.
    Because of being treated like shit and hated and blamed for everything for being a straight white male.
    I’m 38 years old and i don’t have much hope for the future.
    People only care about money and materialism.

  2. Seriously if Kamala Harris wins i think they’ll be a backlash and civil war. If Donald Trump wins i don’t think it will be much better.

  3. Seriously if Kamala Harris wins i think they’ll be a backlash and civil war. If Donald Trump wins i don’t think it will be much better.
    As well that speech with Lydon Johnson does that mean the jews want to destro the moon.
    It sound so asurd but jews are so foriegn to this planet with their dna and destructive behaviour that i think nearly anything is possible when it comes to that group.

  4. As a father of both sons and daughters, I can tell you that finding a suitable mate is a challenge for all my kids. I refuse to get into this white-girls-are-the-devil rhetoric. I’m seeing plenty of blame to go around.

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