UPDATED Moroccan gunman who killed four French white people was on the most-urgent terror watch-list in 2014, got French citizenship in 2015

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Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud [ = Arnold] Beltrame of the French police, a real racial Kelt and Aryan with blue eyes (now rare in France after the genocide of the original French racial stock during the bloodbaths of the French Revolution, of Napoleon, of WWI and WWII). Beltrame nobly offered himself as a hostage in exchange for a civilian — and was then murdered by the psychopathic, “Allahu-Akbar”-ing, Moroccan muslim gunman, Redouane Lakdim.


His girlfriend married him in the hospital in a ceremony conducted by a Catholic priest.

Beltrame was an Army parachutist in 2005 and served in Iraq.

Fifty percent of the French (a mostly keltic-germanic people) in 1800 had blue eyes, according to draft records kept by Napoleon’s military. Napolone himself had blue eyes. But constant wars killed most of them off, and French governments brought in swarthy Sicilians, Spaniards, Portuguese and later Arabs to replace the dead Aryans.

A French poilu in WWI carries a wounded comrade out of the trenches

French girl in Paris in WWII

French peasants in the Middle Ages

Joan of Arc, a facial reconstruction done using software of the German Federal Police in Wiesbaden

A typical French face today:


The mass murderer Lakdim obtained French citizenship under the Jewish then-president of France, Francois  Hollande.

Hollande on the right with an open pedophile, the “Green” Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who has both French and German citizenship

Lakdim was on the urgent terrorist watch list called “Fiche S” (“File S” for “S”-urveillance).  Lakdim began his rampage by holding up a car in Carcassonne, 60 miles south of Toulouse, killing a passenger with a bullet to the head and then wounding the driver. He then fired six times at four off-duty riot police officers who were returning to their base after a run. One officer was wounded in the shoulder. Lakdim then drove nine miles to Trèbes, where he stormed Super-U screaming ‘Allahu Akbar [Arabic for ‘God is the Greatest’], I’ll kill you all’. Among those murdered in the supermarket was a butcher, while dozens of others were wounded.  [Interior minister] Collomb described Lakdim as a ‘radicalised petty criminal and small-time drug dealer’.

My comment: It is such a criminal waste of a good heart, a good soul, a good education, extensive police training,  and fine and rare Aryan genes to see such a man as Colonel Beltrame die because the Jews let such a (pardon my outrage) human turd as Lakdim stay in France – and AFTER he was put on the terror watch list!

The white genetic loss was brought home to me today by another atrocious story — killed by a gas leak.


Bottom line: At this stage, we just cannot afford genetic losses such as these.





 …..RT:  Terror list in 2014, French citizen in 2015? Twitter blames Paris for failing to stop Trebes gunman

France’s Twittersphere is mourning the death of the officer who swapped himself for hostages during the supermarket siege, speculating that the tragedy might have been avoided if authorities had monitored suspected extremists.

Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame volunteered to take the place of hostages to save the lives of people inside a supermarket in the town of Trebes. He was then shot and fatally injured by the gunman during the siege.

READ MORE: French hero cop injured after hostage swap in standoff with ‘Islamist terrorist’ dies

On Saturday morning, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb wrote on Twitter that the heroic policeman had succumbed to his wounds. The post gathered hundreds of comments, praising the bravery and sacrifice of Beltrame. The veteran officer was decorated with the National Order of the Legion of Honour, the highest order of merit for both military and civil deeds in France.

Le lieutenant-colonel Arnaud Beltrame nous a quittés.
Mort pour la patrie.
Jamais la France n’oubliera son héroïsme, sa bravoure, son sacrifice.
Le coeur lourd, j’adresse le soutien du pays tout entier à sa famille, ses proches et ses compagnons de la @Gendarmerie de l’Aude.

Yet, many on social media suggested that Beltrame might have been alive if the French government had better monitored individuals on its terror watch list. “He died because you refuse to neutralize those Islamists on Fiche S list,” one man wrote on Twitter.


Si le terroriste fiché S avait été mis en prison ou expulsé, le gendarme Arnaud Beltrame serait vivant ce matin.

The enigmatic Fiche S is an indicator in France to flag an individual considered a threat to national security who should be kept under constant watch. The list once included Amedy Coulibaly, an Islamist behind Île-de-France attacks back in 2015.

The Carcassonne and Trebes gunman, Radouane Lakdim, was put on the Fiche S list in 2014. He was suspected of “radicalization and links with the Salafist movement” of ultra-conservative Islamists. Closely monitored in 2016 and 2017, according to Collomb, the man was later found to be no threat to national security.

French authorities confirmed that Moroccan-born Lakdim was a French citizen, without specifying when exactly he became naturalized. Yet, according to some media reports, Lakdim got his French passport in 2015, right after he was placed on the notorious watchlist.

“Beltrame was killed by a Moroccan offender who received French nationality in 2015 from blind authorities. Will this masquerade stop one day?” one woman exclaimed on Twitter. “Fiche S in 2014 + French national in 2015 = 4 dead in 2018,” another person fumed.

“Our leaders are accountable for the bloodshed yesterday,” another angry commenter said.

Pour avoir naturalisé après l’avoir condamné plusieurs fois et l’avoir fiché S, nos gouvernants sont comptables et coupables du sang Français versé hier à . Quelle ignominie.

The ire of the Twitterati seemed to be directed both against the shooter and the French government, which seems to have just ignored the threat the attacker posed.


Valérie Boyer, a member of the National Assembly, wrote on Twitter.

Un étranger condamné ou faisant l’objet d’une fiche S ne doit pas accéder à la nationalité française et doit être immédiatement expulsé. J’ai déposé un amendement en ce sens dans le . Les Français ne peuvent plus supporter de telles incohérences. Agissons !

[Translation: A foreigner already sentenced to prison or who is in the S File must not be allowed to obtain French citizenship, and instead must be immediately expelled. I tabled an amendment to that effect in #PJL immigration. The French can no longer tolerate such inconsistency. Let’s act! # Trebes]

“Indeed, we must get serious explanations why the authorities granted [French] nationality to this individual,” another person added.

Hommage au lieutenant-colonel 🇫🇷 tombé pour la France, pour sa patrie face à l’ennemi islamique.
Pensées à sa famille et à ses proches.
Un mort de plus au nom de l’islam, trop de morts à cause des fichés S.

Translation: Tribute to Lieutenant-Colonel #ArnaudBeltrame, fallen for France, for his homeland, in the face of the Islamic enemy. Our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones. One more death in the name of Islam. Too many deaths because of people in the S File. # Trebes

The majority of those behind recent terrorist attacks in France were known to intelligence services, according to ex-MI5 intelligence officer Annie Machon. But for some reason they are not being monitored carefully enough and were not followed around, the former MI-5 agent believes. The perpetrators “are allowed to get more radicalized and carry out these appalling deeds,” she told RT.



Annie Machon is a former intel­li­gence officer for MI5, the UK Secur­ity Ser­vice, who resigned in the late 1990s to blow the whistle on the spies’ incom­pet­ence and crimes with her ex-partner, David Shayler.

Draw­ing on her var­ied exper­i­ences, she is now a pub­lic speaker, writer, media pun­dit, inter­na­tional tour and event organ­iser, polit­ical cam­paigner, and PR con­sult­ant.

She has a rare per­spect­ive both on the inner work­ings of gov­ern­ments, intel­li­gence agen­cies and the media, as well as the wider implic­a­tions for the need for increased open­ness and account­ab­il­ity in both pub­lic and private sectors.


Machon, who resigned in 1996 to blow the whistle on the incompetence and crimes of spies, insists that the intelligence agencies have “an over-reliance” on electronic surveillance. “They ignore to a certain extent the real importance of pre-emptive human intelligence, when you send agents to these communities to find out what people are thinking, what they are planning, what they are about to do. That is what is lacking at the moment,” she said.

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