1. It’s easy to understand why Jews hate white Europeans so much, and seek to destroy us in every way possible. Jews have no history or culture of their own, and have never created anything of value. All they have is their book of lies and false history called the Bible, in which they promote themselves as “God’s chosen people.” Like blood-sucking parasites, all they can do is destroy us and everything we have created, which will lead to their extinction as well.

    • Oy, you are forgettingk they invented the bagel! This outweighs ten gulags and hellstorms! 😉

      But yes, you are so right.

      But as Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS (Leibstandarte AH) once said to me,

      “without the Jews, and their Versailles Treaty, the Great Inflation, Bolshevism and the Great Depression, the glories of national socialism would never have happened either. 🙂 “

      The Aryan is brought out in us by the Jew. 🙂

      ….just as tremendous pain accompanies the birth of every new white baby…

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