Grieving Mom Asks For Sign When She Visits Son’s Grave. What Happens Next Had Me In Tears…
A mum was reduced to tears when she asked for a ‘sign’ from her little boy on the anniversary of his death – and got one later that day at his grave.
Marie Robinson, 45, from Waterlooville, lost her son Jack on April 1, 2014.
Jack had been diagnosed with a brain tumour in January of the same year. He died at the age of four, leaving behind his identical twin brother, Liam, and his three older sisters.
Marie had been finding last week difficult, knowing the third anniversary of his death was approaching.
On Saturday, three years on from losing him, she asked for a ‘sign’.
Marie told Mirror Online:
“Early Saturday morning I got in the car and said out loud, ‘Jack, please show Mummy a sign’ and thought I’ll see him after I finished work. At 1pm I left work and walked up to his resting place. I was overcome with emotion and I sat on the grass next to Jack.
“With that a little robin kept flying around me trying to land on me, eventually landing on my foot – he didn’t seem scared at all.
“He went and sat on a nearby headstone so I got my phone out to film him being close to me and he flew over and landed on my hand. “He kept looking at me directly in my face and at one point he landed on my shoulder and nibbled me a couple of times.”
She shared the video on Facebook, saying:
“Can’t believe what’s just happened, come (sic) to see my precious boy Jack – just sat down on ground next to him and this happened. Yes, it brought me to tears. Taking it as a sign from Jack.”
Robins are often seen in the spiritual community as a symbol that loved ones are still there.
The Spiritual Centre website explains: “This bird is a visitor and as such should be appreciated as a welcome visitor bringing gifts, it is for you to interpret the gifts it brings.
“Someone recently passed may be showing you that you are being watched, maybe just letting you know that they still love you.”
…..My experience like this
I did two video about my grandfather and my eerie experience 15 years after he died.
15 years after he did, my grandfather “returns”?
John Thomas Colwell of Goole, Yorkshire, England, grilling burgers on an outdoor grill in 1965 at a family event in Glocester, Rhode Island, USA (named after Henry Stuart, Duke of Gloucester, England:,_Duke_of_Gloucester). He contacted me with comfort, strength and guidance, when I was in great despair, 15 years after his 1974 death, in 1989.
“Grampy” Colwell, as we called him, with my grandmother, Elizabeth, née Angell, descendant of Thomas Angell who co-founded Providence in 1636, in front of their house — built in 1790. In this house, upstairs, in 1959, I discovered a hidden, framed Adolf Hitler letter stamp, and was mesmerized, staring at it until my father grabbed me. I had no idea they were Hitler sympathizers until after their deaths together in 1974.
Their youngest daughter, Constance Cowell, who married my Marine Corps captain father, James Nugent, in 1953 and gave birth to me on July 14, 1954 — the very day of the murderous Lavon Affair, when Israeli Mossad agents first (tried to) attack Americans (and Brits) in Egypt to kill them and then blame it on “the Arabs.”…..
This alone could be interpreted as a supernatural “coincidence,” because I loathed Jews as a whole even as a little kid, and despite having individual Jewish friends at my prep school, Moses Brown. T
hen discovering the hidden, lovingly framed Hitler stamp at my grandparents’ house jarred me into thinking —
Who rules America? Why are Germans “bad”? Why did my dad get furious at me for staring at a Hitler stamp?
Anyway, here is my experience with my British grandfather, 15 years after the grandparents’ deaths. It strengthened me for the divorce hell I was about to undergo just as I feared, and gave me a sense of a higher and loving power watching over me,but not babying me, in my subsequent career in white nationalism.
The seer, Ann Gehman, the subject of two HBO documentaries (, described my grandfather to a “t” and said he was right in the room with me. It was scary, but in a good way, to realize I was being watched….by a very strict but loving ancestor, whom I had revered during his life, and who had tried to talk to me about race despite my liberal Republican/country club upbringing. He planted seeds in the boy that sprouted in the man.
What are the odds of flipping a coin and getting tails 13 times in a row? 🙂
Now this very surpising thing had happened before, about 100 feet away from the location of the video shoot, near Freeport, Pennsylvania, on a bike path along a side branch of the Allegheny River:
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