The movie “Bullitt”; huge luxury hotels in once gorgeous San Francisco abandoned by owners as Black/homeless crime and stench make tourism collapse; San Fran’s glory when it was White; spiritual reading

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The lobby of the San Francisco Hilton, a five-star hotel being abandoned by its owners — that is, the owners refuse to make any more mortgage payments on it, so the bank will seize it that lent the purchase money.


….Crime-Ridden Chaos Forces Top Hotel Chain To Make A BOLD Move In San Francisco

Written By BlabberBuzz | Thursday, 08 June 2023 23:45

Park Hotels and Resorts CEO, Thomas Baltimore Jr., announced on Monday that the company has ceased making mortgage payments on its $725 million loan due in November for two San Francisco locations.

The company stated on its website that it intends to work with loan servicers to determine the most effective path forward, which is expected to result in the ultimate removal of these hotels from its portfolio.

Baltimore Jr. explained that the decision was made after much thought and consideration, believing that it is in the best interest of Park’s stockholders to reduce their current exposure to the San Francisco market. He cited several challenges that the city is facing, including record high office vacancy, concerns over [ahem, euphemism alert] street conditions [=black & homeless crime and stench], and lower return to office [after the Covid lockdown-work-from-home period] than peer cities.

Additionally, a weaker-than-expected citywide convention calendar through 2027 will negatively impact business and leisure demand and will likely significantly reduce compression in the city for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, the continued burden on the company’s operating results and balance sheet is too significant to warrant continuing to subsidize and own these assets, the CEO concluded. The Hilton San Francisco Union Square location is the largest hotel in the city, and the Parc 55 location is the fourth largest, according to the Daily Mail.

The move comes as businesses around the city close their doors due to rising crime. Companies like Old Navy, Nordstrom, Whole Foods, and T-Mobile, among others, have all announced they’re leaving, citing rampant retail theft, violence from homeless vagrants, and loss of foot traffic. One store owner claimed the city was worse than his home country of Afghanistan last week.


San Francisco has been the slowest city in the country to recover its foot traffic since the COVID-19 pandemic, a Willamette Week survey of cellphone data in August showed. The town had only recovered 31% of its activity. Park Hotels expects to save over $200 million in capital expenditures over five years by letting the properties foreclose.



……San Fran was not exactly crime-free when white….

Trailer for the famous 1968 film “Bullitt” with Steve McQueen, a cop whose witness is killed, and who suspects a politician leaked his location to the Mob. Literally every main character is white in this movie.


Wiki: Bullitt is a 1968 American neo-noir action thriller film[4] directed by Peter Yates and produced by Philip D’Antoni. The picture stars Steve McQueenRobert VaughnJacqueline BissetDon GordonRobert DuvallSimon Oakland and Norman Fell.[5]


Bullitt is notable for its extensive use of actual locations rather than studio sets, and its attention to procedural detail, from police evidence processing to emergency-room procedures. Director Yates’ use of the new lightweight Arriflex cameras allowed for greater flexibility in location shooting.[24] The film was shot entirely on location in San Francisco. In the emergency room operation scene, real doctors and nurses were used as the supporting cast.[25] According to McQueen, “The thing we tried to achieve was not to do a theatrical film, but a film about reality.”[25]

The VERY famous chase scene: two hitmen in a Dodge Charger go after Steve McQueen in his Mustang. Note zero homeless people on the streets of S.F., almost no minorities, period, and all the cars are from white countries (from the US or from Germany):




……San Fran and northern California in their glory under white rule 

This great city not only kept the blacks under control and the homeless were arrested for vagrancy, but it also limited the influx of the Chinese and Japanese — who were at least hard-working but, then as now, posed a huge threat to the jobs and wage levels of the white working class.

When San Francisco & all California were NOT libtard — and BANNED East Asian immigrants

San Fran voters, furious at black crime, recall jewish DA who is a literal communist would hesitate to crack down. (This raises the question of why a communist — except for jewish reasons, such as hating the goyim —  would be soft on crime, since in all communist countries both crime and vagrancy — called “social parasitism” — at least are very severely punished. Communist China, for example, is nearly crime-free, because the communists vaunt their caring about the welfare of the workers and many workers live in somewhat rough, downtrodden neighborhoods with lots of bars and liquor stores, not in gated communities, and they certainly have no bodyguards. A true communist certainly never hesitates to lock someone up or shot them!! But the Jew DA Boudin has other motives…. creating chaos — economic, crime, food-supply, and environmental/droughts/earthquakes in order to trigger a jew dictatorship, and gun bans, chipping PEOPLE, a cashless society, etc.

No wonder Hispanics are tending Republican — black violence; EVEN libtard San Francisco recalls criminal-loving jewish DA Chesa Boudin; his violent communist family




……More paintings by the late Steve Hanks of a white San Francisco






……Spiritual reading for June 9

The next couple of days offer an opportunity to work with the potential of unhelpful external energies. You may encounter them and you may not at this time. If not, congratulations! But the suggestions we make about dealing with tough times in the world will be useful to read and refer to when you hit a spate of rocky days.

The critical act is surrender. If you try to hold tight, you will suffer. There is little doubt of that. And yet, if you are able to let go and trust that you will be held safely, you will be rocked gently on the waves of energy that are likely to move through.

If you surrender, you will be raised up to a point where nothing can hurt you. You can float on the surface of the movement. The power and the depths of what is happening below you will be moderated and you will be safe. Such as safety is. If you find yourself attempting to control, isolate, or organize your life, you are likely to encounter some difficulties.

So when things aren’t working, consider this: detach, let go, surrender.

Let these be your mantras and you will ride out the day without wounding yourself or others.

There are days when our messages are complex or subtle. There are other days when we want to exhort you to move in a particular direction or to make use of the prevailing energies to go where you want to go most successfully. Today, we offer advice of the most straightforward sort.

When there are powerful environmental factors at work–extreme heat, storms, cold—it is imperative that you attend to them and act wisely to avoid problems. When you run into a day like that on the energetic front, please do all you can to stay above the fray.

The other thing you can do is to look for sweetness. Especially within, but finding it anywhere will be something of an antidote to a general flavor of “maelstrom.” Find it and celebrate it. Gentleness, kindness, generosity, playfulness—all these in addition will help to hold you in a space of light while the storm rages below.

Reaching for your gratitude could be useful too.

If you should find yourself needing to grapple with something or someone, do all you can to postpone. Tomorrow will probably yield far better outcomes. If you can’t postpone, then let go of your original agenda, and try to find all the sweetness, the generosity, the kindness that you can and let them do your work for you.

Energetically tough days can be ok if you don’t descend into the storm. If you end up in the midst of it, you will survive, but you may feel pretty despairing, frustrated, angry or battered. Remember that lots of other people could be falling into the same tempest and may be quite cranky or combative. Just walk away, we say. And hold yourself in a bubble of sweetness. You’ll do wonderfully.

We love you and send all our blessings and sweetness to you.



  1. I have lived in San Francisco (in the same neighborhood) for 22 years.

    Until recently my neighborhood was a safe place. Now, not so much.

    Since Biden and his open southern border there has been a huge influx of Mexicans into my neighborhood, and into my apartment building.

    These Mexicans usually do not speak English, and while many are okay, some are unfriendly with apparent attitudes toward White natives.

    Recently one of them met eyes with me then spat.

    • I could almost see Mexicans wanting to reclaim the parts of their territory the US took in the 1840s: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah and Nevada.

      But then why are they flooding into and taking over my native Rhode Island, 1,800 miles from Mexico — an area which was never hispanic?

      It is not about justice, but all about jews weaponizing the minorities to kill Whitey.

      • I think the Jews have decided that Whites should no longer have countries of their own.

        The United States was 88 percent White in 1965 when the national immigration policy, which was to maintain the existing population mixture, was overridden, presumably by the Jews. Today the White population of the States is only about 60 percent.

        We see the same thing happening in England and in continental Europe — a huge influx of non-White immigrants.

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