MSNBC, Yahoo starting to push the big “UFO invasion scam” that Wernher von Braun foretold; spiritual reading

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UFO the Size of a Football Field Visited Air Force Base According to UAP Hearing

Story by Cassandra Yorgey • Yesterday 9:00 AM

UFO the Size of a Football Field Visited Air Force Base According to UAP Hearing

UFO the Size of a Football Field Visited Air Force Base According to UAP Hearing© Provided by Exemplore

AUFO appearing as a red cube the size of a football field interacted with Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2003, according to the bombshell Unidentified Aerial Phenomena House Oversight Committee hearing. Allegedly it hovered in the air for just under a minute before darting off over the mountains.

[JdN: My experience as a onetime interrogator tells me, and Joe Rogan said it too, that this Maor Davidh Grusch is lying big time about something and is “whistleblowing” exactly what the Pentagon wants him to say.]

  • 3:58
  • US concealing programme to retrieve UFOs, says ex-intelligence officer

    PA MediaUS concealing programme to retrieve UFOs, says ex-intelligence officer
  • UFO whistleblower calls for transparency from Congress: 'This is a national security risk'

    FOX News/FOX NewsUFO whistleblower calls for transparency from Congress: ‘This is a national security risk’

It wasn’t just one incident either, according to witness testimony the craft returned later in the evening and was reported by some at the base as displaying aggressive behaviors. It allegedly approached security guards at rapid speeds which seems to be the basis for the “aggressive” descriptor, but that seems dubious because nothing actually happened. It’s also possible any “behavior” would be considered aggressive when it comes to the military, especially if they were unexpectedly confronted with alien space ships.

The witness was asked if he could sketch the large UFO he was describing, which was strange on two accounts – the first being that he didn’t witness that event himself and was instead told about from those who did see the event, and second because it happened at an Air Force base which presumably has video surveillance of the entire area (and if it doesn’t, wouldn’t that be in and of itself a huge security threat?) that could be checked.


Some believe this enormous red square UFO to be a sort of mothership, possibly like the kind hypothetically described in a Pentagon report described as more of a thought experiment rather than an actual report. The hearing witnesses can only repeat what they were told by trusted sources regarding the giant UFO, however they did witness smaller examples of unidentified crafts described as dark cubes in a transparent sphere that were able to maneuver in ways that defy our understanding of technology and physics.


…..Yahoo is in on it too

Red, square UFO hovered over Vandenberg base in 2003, congressional witness testifies

C-SPAN screenshot

A red, square unidentified flying object about the size of a football field was spotted at Vandenberg Space Force Base in 2003, a former U.S. Navy pilot said at a House of Representatives Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

The National Security Subcommittee hearing focused on UFOs, now known as unidentified aerial phenomena.

Former U.S. Navy pilot Ryan Graves formed nonprofit Americans for Safe Aerospace to give pilots an opportunity to report UFO sightings. He urged the United States to create a better reporting process for pilots who see UFOs.

“These sightings are not rare or isolated. They are routine,” Graves said.

UFO spotted at Vandenberg base

Graves shared testimony from a pilot who saw the UFO at Vandenberg.

In 2003, a group of Boeing contractors operated near the launch facility of what was then known as Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County, Graves said.

At about 8:45 a.m., “they observed a very large, 100-yard-sided red square approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities,” Graves said. “This object remained for about 45 seconds or so before darting off over the mountains.”

The UFO returned that evening after the sunset, but this time with more “aggressive behaviors,” Graves said.

“These objects were approaching some of the security guards at rapid speeds before darting off,” he said.

More than 30 pilots have reported UFO sightings to Americans for Safe Aerospace, Graves said, but pilots often keep sightings to themselves.

“The stigma attached to these sightings are real and powerful and challenges national security,” Graves said. “This silences commercial pilots who fear professional repercussions.”

Graves urged the committee to push the government to create a “system where pilots can report without fear of losing their jobs.”

“The American people deserve to know what happening in our skies. It is long overdue,” Graves said.

UFO sightings at Virginia Beach, San Diego

In 2014, Graves saw a UFO 10 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, he said.

“The object, described as a dark gray or a black cube inside of a clear sphere, came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft” of his squadron, Graves said.

His squadron submitted a safety report, but there was no official acknowledgment of it, Graves said.

Two other former military members testified at the hearing alongside Graves.

Former U.S. intelligence officer David Grusch said he was informed of a “multi-decade (UFO) crash retrieval and reverse engineering program,” when he worked for the U.S. Air Force UAP Task Force from 2019 to 2021.

Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. David Fravor said he spotted a UFO while flying off the coast of San Diego in 2004.

On a clear day, his team saw “a white Tic-Tac object … moving abruptly over the water like a ping-pong ball,” Fravor said.

When his team flew toward the object, “it rapidly accelerated in front of us and disappeared,” he said.

Fravor and his team submitted a standard debrief of the incident, but no further investigation was done, Fravor said.

When asked, Fravor said he believes UFOs are a national security risk that should be investigated.

“The Tic-Tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had (at the) time, have today, or are looking to develop in the next 10 years,” Fravor said. “You’re talking something that can go into space, go someplace, drop down in a matter of seconds, do whatever it wants and leave — and there’s nothing that we can do about that.”


…If Meghan McCain, the daughter of the ultimate Deep State/warmongering lackey, Senator John McCain of Arizona, is saying it, then UFO scares are now policy

MEGHAN MCCAIN: The chilling UFO encounter when I was just 12 that made me a believer – and why I’m so relieved Congress is finally searching for the truth

Story by Meghan Mccain For Dailymail.Com • 2h ago
No one living in or around Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997, could possibly forget the night we all witnessed something in the skies we couldn’t explain.

I was 12 years old and winding down in our family living room before bed when our neighbor called.

She told my mom, Cindy, that strange objects had been spotted hovering over the city.

After they hung up, the phone kept ringing off the hook.

Friends and neighbors were trying to get a hold of my mother. They wanted to know if she was seeing what they were seeing.

At first, mom wasn’t sure how to react. My dad was away in Washington D.C., and she didn’t want to terrify a house full of kids, especially, right before bedtime.

Eventually, she allowed me and my brothers to go out to the yard to take a look for ourselves.

And there it was. Giant, bright objects floating in a straight line in the distance.

Even today, it is hard to explain, and there are varying descriptions of what happened over Phoenix between approximately 7:30 PM and 10:30 PM.

But there are hundreds of videos and news reports documenting the incident.

See it for yourself.

The first sighting was of an impossibly huge V-shaped object with five spherical lights flying from north to south.

No one living in or around Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997, could possibly forget the night we all witnessed something in the skies we couldn't explain. (Above) Amatuer footage of 'The Phoenix Lights'

No one living in or around Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997, could possibly forget the night we all witnessed something in the skies we couldn’t explain. (Above) Amatuer footage of ‘The Phoenix Lights’© Provided by Daily Mail

I was 12 years old and winding down in our family living room before bed when our neighbor called. She told my mom, Cindy, that strange objects had been spotted hovering over the city.

I was 12 years old and winding down in our family living room before bed when our neighbor called. She told my mom, Cindy, that strange objects had been spotted hovering over the city.© Provided by Daily Mail

The second incident, which I witnessed, was of nine seemingly stationary lights hanging over the city for hours, before suddenly disappearing over the horizon.

My brothers were elated. They begged to scramble on to the roof and started singing the theme song for the X-Files.

I was petrified. Was this the war of the worlds? An invasion of little green men? (Hey – I was 12.)

My mom herded us inside and tried to calm us down, but I was restless all night.

‘The Phoenix Lights,’ as it is called, is still considered to be one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history.

And I couldn’t help but think back to that night, as three U.S. military veterans testified before Congress on Wednesday.

They all say they have first-hand knowledge of unidentified anomalous phenomena, or what everyone else knows as UFOs.

Among the witnesses were former Navy pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, who says that after his squadron, stationed in Virginia, began using advanced radar technology in 2014, they started detecting signs of fast-moving objects, darting across the skies, making seemingly impossible changes in speed and direction.

Then, Graves reveals, some pilots experienced ‘near midair collisions with these objects’ that he described as ‘dark gray or black inside a transparent sphere.’

Official reports were filed, and incidents were captured by aircraft cameras.

And there’s retired Navy pilot David Fravor, an apparent eyewitness to the famous ‘Tic Tac’ incident.

He was stationed onboard the USS Nimitz in November 2004 in support ground troops during the Iraq War.

'The Phoenix Lights,' as it is called, is still considered to be one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history. And I couldn't help but think back to that night, as three U.S. military veterans testified before Congress on Wednesday (above).

‘The Phoenix Lights,’ as it is called, is still considered to be one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history. And I couldn’t help but think back to that night, as three U.S. military veterans testified before Congress on Wednesday (above).© Provided by Daily Mail

And there's retired Navy pilot David Fravor, an apparent eyewitness to the famous 'Tic Tac' incident.

And there’s retired Navy pilot David Fravor, an apparent eyewitness to the famous ‘Tic Tac’ incident.© Provided by Daily Mail

After taking off to conduct training exercises, he was flying over open ocean when he apparently saw something.

‘We noticed some white water off our right side,’ he read in his opening statement. ‘We saw a small white Tic Tac shaped object… moving very abruptly over the white water. There were no rotors, no rotor wash, or any visible flight control surfaces like wings.’

‘This Tic Tac Object had just traveled 60 miles in a very short period of time (less than a minute) was far superior in performance to my brand new F/A-18F,’ he continued, ‘and did not operate with any of the known aerodynamic principles that we expect for objects that fly in our atmosphere.’

Finally, there is David Grusch, a former Air Force officer and intelligence official.

He says he worked on programs that examined vehicles not made by humans and accused the U.S. government of suppressing information on ‘malevolent alien beings’.

But what truly made waves in this hearing was his suggestion, at the prompting of Republican Congressman Tim Burchett, that people may have been killed as a part of a conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret.

‘Personally, have you heard anyone [has] been murdered?’ Burchett asked.

‘I have to be careful answering that question,’ Grusch replied. ‘I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.’

Woah, that’s even a bit too rich for me.

UFOs are inevitably caught up in conspiracy theories and to throw more logs on the burning inferno is just not helpful. Grusch and Burchett better come forward with some evidence or they’ll do their cause serious harm.

For the record, on that March night in 1997, I became a believer. And my mother and I believe we are not alone in the universe.

But to have said it at the time would have gotten us sized for tin foil hats.

The day after ‘The Phoenix Lights,’ Arizona Governor Fife Symington stepped to the microphones with an aide wearing a ridiculous alien mask, long fake fingers and a shimmering metallic frock to mock the public frenzy.

Only a decade later, did he say that he saw the lights too and much more.

Symington claimed in a 2007 interview that he saw a huge craft pass over Squaw Peak, just north of Phoenix.

The day after 'The Phoenix Lights,' Arizona Governor Fife Symington stepped to the microphones (above) with an aide wearing a ridiculous alien mask, long fake fingers and a shimmering metallic frock to mock the public frenzy.

The day after ‘The Phoenix Lights,’ Arizona Governor Fife Symington stepped to the microphones (above) with an aide wearing a ridiculous alien mask, long fake fingers and a shimmering metallic frock to mock the public frenzy.© Provided by Daily Mail

Only a decade later, did he say that he saw the lights too and much more. Symington (above, left) claimed in a 2007 interview that he saw a huge craft pass over Squaw Peak, just north of Phoenix.

Only a decade later, did he say that he saw the lights too and much more. Symington (above, left) claimed in a 2007 interview that he saw a huge craft pass over Squaw Peak, just north of Phoenix.© Provided by Daily Mail

‘I’m a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies,’ he said. ‘It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen.’

Of course, Symington also resigned as governor and was found guilty of fraud. Later his conviction was overturned. But, I’ll take his testimony with a mountain of salt.

There’s no doubt that kooks and charlatans have glommed onto UFO conspiracies throughout history.

But I know what I saw, and I’m not yet satisfied by the official explanations for it.

The U.S. government says the otherworldly vision of an alien craft over Phoenix was just an illusion created by five separate A-10 Thunderbolt II planes flying in formation.

The second sighting, they claim, was simply the illumination of flares dropped by another set of aircrafts on training exercises.

I called my mother this week to check if her recollection of the event had changed.

It hasn’t.

‘I don’t have a reasonable explanation of what happened,’ she told me. ‘But I don’t believe it was flares.’

I, for one, am convinced that these unexplained events are worthy of being chased down. And even if ‘The Phoenix Lights’ does have a rational explanation, these more recent incidents do not.

The public has a right to know if the truth is, in fact, out there.

…What Wernher von Braun told his assistant, Carol Rosin

Wernher von Braun: “Aliens will be the last card.”

Operation Paperclip scientist Wernher von Braun’s former assistant Carol Rosin says that von Braun described the lies they were planning on telling us.

I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution. Wernher von Braun

I have learned to use the word ‘impossible’ with the greatest caution. Wernher von Braun

Carol Rosin and Wernher von Braun The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we're going to build a space based weapons system . . considered the enemy ... then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow. . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . against asteroids we're going to build space based weapons. First the Russians are going to be the next enemy then asteroids. And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. 'And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We're going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,' and all of it, he said, is a lie.

Carol Rosin and Wernher von Braun

The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system . . considered the enemy … then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow. . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . against asteroids we’re going to build space based weapons.

First the Russians are going to be the next enemy then asteroids. And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. ‘And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1



…..spiritual reading for July 29

When freedom becomes the goal, there is rarely any patience for compromise or for the practice of
half-measures. When one sees the possibilities of liberation, the vision is too sweet, no, too vital
to ignore or negotiate with. And this most often wreaks at least a little havoc in the order and placidity of a life.

And yet it is precisely this that many of you are here to achieve in this lifetime. You know it, and yet you have been lulled by the larger longing for sleep that exists in so many around you. And of course, you cannot sleep your way to freedom. It must be won. Its very nature is fully awake.

This is a wonderful moment to wake up, and to invite your own liberation to take shape. What does it look like? More importantly, what does it feel like? You needn’t do anything at all—movement follows the longing without effort. But today, we encourage you to examine and cultivate your personal relationship to freedom.

If you look around you as you go out in nature, you will find multitudinous illustrations of ways in which it manifests. Your world is so full of free beings and energies untethered that the inspiration and examples lie everywhere you look.

Except, of course, in many of your fellow human beings. And yet, there are those who have claimed their liberty among you, and they may prove to be the most inspiring of all. The way is not always simple, nor is it often easy, and when you know and can observe another who has confronted
their own limits and moved beyond them, it can be incredibly moving.

If you look, you will find warriors. You will fnd peace-makers. You will find artists. You will find those whose earthly labors have nothing to do with their hearts’ life. You will find leaders who have challenged their fear of leading and you will also find followers whose freedom lies in the totality of their surrender.

There is no formula here, but rather the wisdom and the truth of your own being and the clarity you must nurture around that which binds and keeps you from the most complete expression of your divine nature that is possible in this moment.

The energies favor expansion, and although this may feel really wonderful at the outset, it is likely that if you accept the invitation to grow, you will hit some obstacles. And these obstacles are likely, in turn, to be exactly those things that stop you again and again in your quest to be free. Since you are intent upon this growth, then this is a prime moment to examine the beliefs and behaviors and fears that thwart you in your higher purpose.

Proactively, instead of waiting to be stopped in your tracks, you might take this time to focus on your own freedom and as you do, the ways around those old stumbling blocks may begin to emerge.

In short, turn your awareness and attention to where you would be and you will see that the
power and passion of your longing will shift those boulders in the path much more readily than all the work you might undertake to engineer a way through.

The truth, as you know, is that you are free. In this and every moment that you are fully willing to be.

So we encourage you not only to boldly examine that willingness, but also to allow yourself to simply play in the fields of your own freedom. Let yourself taste, even briefly, your own uncontained beauty and potential. Let yourself know your own god-nature and let yourself feel into the purity as well as the ultimate goodness and rightness of that.

There is nothing more to do, and there is nothing in this context that you cannot do. The doors are
opened wide to you, dear ones, and now is the time. Leave your fears outside, and embrace the gorgeous possibilities that your own heart calls you to see and know. There is a saying that ‘freedom is a state of mind.’ We would suggest that the greatest freedom is in fact a state of heart.

And as always, our hearts are with yours, sending many blessings and all our love.





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