Why “multi-party democracy,” denounced by George Washington, is the WORST form of government; white Israelis; an Aryan voting system

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I subscribe for $10 a month to Haaretz (meaning “the Homeland” in Hebrew), an influential Israeli newspaper in English that is very anti-Netanyahu.

Though some of its ideas are libtard and identical to those of “woke” Americans (Jewish or Gentile) — pro-gay, pro-migrant, feminist and multicultural —  it also criticizes openly the many reprehensible things going on the the Jewish State, and some of the darker aspects of this people.


Anyway, it recently interviewed a Miki Haimovich, a fairly attractive, racially very white-looking Israeli female politician (with peroxide hair and maybe a secret nose job after high school 😉 ) who is with the quasi-moderate party of Bennie Gantz. She is a vegan, and wants to be the environmental minister if Gantz wins the election today.

This was the article, and it was about how horrifying Netanyahu is for the liberal Israelis and hiow he has made politics much uglier, ruder and far more slanderous: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/.premium-there-s-something-about-israeli-politics-that-repels-many-women-1.8601719

‘There’s Something About Israeli Politics That Repels Many Women’

Not surprisingly, Israelis who support liberalism, compassion, and veganism are often racially very white. As I have often written, Northern European whites are natural liberals with strong feelings of fairness and compassion, and often this is true of white-appearing jews.

(I dated in the mid-1990s a very pretty, very nice Jewish gal with blond hair and blue eyes until I realized she was Jewish, after which I very sadly broke it off. She was extremely nice, had been a Peace Corps volunteer, and was not jewy-acting at all. She also stood to inherit two million dollars, but I just could not compromise my mission. This was at a time when she had a very nice house in Natick, Massachusetts, whereas I was living in poverty in a roominghouse and working at this Cumberland Farms convenience store in Winthrop, Massachusetts. I worked 60 hours a week for minimum age, $5.15 an hour, and alongside a crazy black guy with whom I almost had a fistfight. So breaking it off with this attractive, super-nice and soon to be wealthy Jewish gal who looked very Aryan was a very, very big sacrifice.)

This Miki is on the right, and in the center is the president of Israel, Reuben Rivlin. In fact, all three of these Jews could be Germans by their looks. (Ashkenazi Jews have a lot of Slavic and German blood as well as semitic-neanderthalic; “Ashkenaz” actually means “German”. Many of them have blue eyes.)

It has struck me occasionally how whereas the Big Jews are clearly out to exterminate the white race, and enslave all humans of all races,  ruling over 500 million café au lait mongrels with a 90 IQ,  if they won, which they will NOT, then the only intelligent quasi-whites that would be left in a browned-down world would be Ashkenazi Jews!



Anyway, here is Miki on the disgust many Israeli women feel for Israeli politics, and recall that Israel is a democratic, parliamentary, and JEWISH state:

“I spoke with many strong women who I hoped would join us [ the moderate, anti-Netanyahu Gantz party], and they said no,” Haimovich relays. “There is something in the world of Israeli politics that repels many women. They hesitate to be in the public eye and the price you have to pay dealing with having dirt thrown at you. It’s really a shame.”

She believes this atmosphere has only intensified in the Netanyahu era, noting that the “divisiveness and hate” has harmed both politics and society at large.

Netanyahu, wife and sons (Note their hair color)

“The way in which Netanyahu has promoted delegitimizing people because they believe something different from you has eaten away at our society,” Haimovich says. “It is sabotaging and destroying us and hurting us, and causing more damage than our external enemies ever can.”

Now, on to another Haaretz article: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/.premium-netanyahu-sordid-campaign-sex-lies-and-sham-videos-gantz-israel-elections-1.8600147


Israel Election: Will Netanyahu’s Sordid Campaign of Sex, Lies and Sham Videos Carry the Day?


“…there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that in this election, more than ever before, Netanyahu has hit rock bottom. He has left no stone unturned, no red line uncrossed, no slime un-hurled, no value un-shredded, no libel unused, and no rival unsullied, including his prime rival and target for abuse, Benny Gantz.” 

Then the article exposes a faked video where Gantz, a former general, is depicted by Satanyahu as a pussy and wimp [sic] who does not want to attack Iran [a sign of sanity, given Iran’s 75 million people, its huge, effective, fierce and nationalistic military, and the fact it likely has no nukes].

JdN: The six-foot-tall Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister 1993-96 and 2005-present, says Wiki, “since December 2016 [] has been under investigation for corruption by Israeli police and prosecutors.[17] On 21 November 2019, he was indicted on charges of breach of trust, bribery and fraud[18]]

He accurately looks arrogant, evil and/or cynical in every single photo ever taken of him.

White Ashkenazim like him secretly despise the dark-skinned Jews, the Sephardim. (The head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, once remarked: “The Jews left Palestine brown; they came back white.”)

Now back to the Haaretz article:

The common assumption, which the Prime Minister’s Office failed to categorically deny, is that Netanyahu is the mastermind behind the successful subterfuge. Whether this knowledge deters voters who have already decided to vote for Netanyahu is anyone’s guess, given that their decision was made with the full knowledge that most, if not all, Israeli security chiefs who worked with Netanyahu, in the army, Shin Bet and Mossad, have said far worse about the prime minister’s handling of security affairs than Gantz’s indiscrete adviser, who has no experience in security affairs.

And, lest one forget, said voters had already opted to vote for Netanyahu despite the fact that he has been indicted for corruption and is scheduled to appear before the Jerusalem District Court two weeks after the election as a common criminal defendant.

There was a very good reason why ancient peoples of every race deliberately opted to have a king system (one-man rule, followed by that man’s first son, and then his, and then his….) instead of a democracy.

King Louis of France, also called Saint Louis (whence the great American city in Missouri on the Mississippi river),

ruled France for over sixty years, throwing the Jews out and burning their Talmuds. France was rich, safe, Jew-free and happy under his reign.

Photo: the First Baptist Church of Providence, Rhode Island, which my ancestor via both parents, Thomas Angell, gave orchard land for in the 1600’s. The current church, very much larger, was built in 1775.


FDR — four disastrous terms

In other words, democracy is absolutely perfect — for the Big Jews — to manipulate the masses (both Gentile and Jewish) via jew money, jew media and divide-and-conquer.

Get the slaves hating each other.

…..Aryan, meritocratic democracy

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