Alex Jones began publishing the truth about the 2012 Sandy Hook fake mass-shooting, then retracted the truth and apologized to the wicked jews who simulated being all bereaved over the non-shooting.
What did this cowardly retraction and apology to jew fraudsters get him? Nothing but grief. The Sandy Hooknose, Jewtown, Connecticut jews still sued him, they won a billion-dollar judgment against the man, and now patriots view Alex Jones as having “cynically exploited the Sandy Hook tragedy for ratings and sales of his products, while slandering the grieving parents as liars.”
Elon Musk has unbanned many patriots, but believing Jones to be reprehensible, he refuses to unban Alex Jones.
Hey, Alex, next time try sticking to the truth, and, for once, openly let the jews have it WHO YOU KNOW ARE THE PROBLEM!
As more users pushed to remove [the Alex Jones] ban, Musk responded with another tweet: “My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat. I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.’”
Th wicked jew Robbie “Parker” smirking and laughing seconds before he went on CNN to act grief-stricken:
Fake, dry “tears” by Gene Rosen
FBI reports lists NO murders at all for Newtown, Connecticut in 2012
Number of murders: ZERO
What a sell out. I wonder how much he was bribed to retract his statement ? Who will ever trust him again when the chips are down. I wonder if the jews will get the $1 Billion from him ?
I am not sure about Jones having been “bribed.” More likely, IMO, he got bad advice and listened to it to cave in to the jews to appease them.
I believe Sandy Hook was a real event.
Deanna Spingola wrote a book about the event. _Screening Sandy Hook_,in which she argued very persuasively that Fetzer’s book, _Nobody Died At Sandy Hook_ was slippery and false.
I have read Spingola’s book and subscribe to it.
There is a way to find out for sure. Namely, examined some graves.
Bill Cooper exposed Alex Jones over TWENTY years ago.
Not yey another exposé how Jones works for the jews. He does not. He hates them, but he also fears them.
Like tons of other people.
I know someone who knows Jones personally.
Today is the American holiday of Thanksgiving.
In America there are three primary holidays: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.
It would appear that Thanksgiving is being “cancelled.”
Paul Craig Roberts has said as much.
According to Paul Craig Roberts, Thanksgiving has been demonized as a celebration of White Supremacy; and it being cancelled.
In San Francisco, where I live, and where Whites are a minority (34 percent), turkey meat was almost inaccessible this Thanksgiving.
I was able to obtain a pound of ground turkey breast from the neighborhood Tradre Joe’s store. But I could not obtain any turkey meat at the other two stores where I shop for meat.
No turkey meat on Thanksgiving in San Francisco!
Apparently Paul Craig Roberts is right. Thanksgiving has been deemed to be a celebration of White Supremacy and is indeed being cancelled.
We had turkey here in our grocery store in Upper Michigan, but I can readily believe, Kendra, that in Commiefornia and in the whole Left Coast they are phasing it out. And as more and more white conservatives leave the Left Coast, the NWO Gavin Newsome-type crazies will enact ever more outrageous, anti-white, anti-gun, pro-vaxx laws and policies.
Maybe time to leave? 🙂
I have lived in my downtown San Francisco apartment for 20 years. The place has become home to me.
I understand.
Well, pardon me for being so blunt but I care about you. You are deep, deep now in hostile, enemy territory. Like it or not, California is now a truly bolshevik state. As the French would say: “People would rather die than change their habits.”…… 🙁
It is true that I am a creature of habit. Inertia is a strong force in me. But I do not sense any danger. I walk every place I go, and I do not encounter hostility.
In a few months when people might be becoming hungry there could be problems. But I will deal with that when it happens.
I’m working on a book. I need to finish it before I move.
You can finish it here, dear comrade. 🙂 You have a fine mind and courageous heart.
Tucker was clearly talking obliquely to me and about my all-white town. Ontonagon is the only town that fits his precise description. And the Left Coast and the Jeweast coast are death traps:
I am still waiting for Elon Musk to unban my @rebelofoz account. I am not holding my breath.
Hmm, perhaps write him and ask for the unbanning?