Muslim beats white Swedish boy for having blue eyes; I and Winston Churchill finally agree on something — ISLAM

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I have come out against Islam, a somewhat momentous step…. as the Rebel recently editorialized, “Christianity is Judaism for white people and islam Judaism for brown people” ….

Muslims so far are useless as allies, too.  And Islam makes even bright people literally stupid and inefficient…. Try reading the Koran for two chapters without your IQ dropping by ten points! Try it!  See if you can read more than one chapter without your eyes glazing over! You learn literally NOTHING!


My goal is to liberate the brown people from Islam, the whites from Judeo-Christianity, the twisting of Jesus’ teachings and life by Sanhedrin agent Saul, and the freeing of the Jews from Judaism, and do that by starting the religion that will not be mind control for secret agendas, but cause individual spiritual growth, and ijndependence, not greater dependence.

We need a religion that does not advocate that people be sheep, as with Saulianity!
… or a religion of rape, beatings, and decapitation like Islam (“Allah the merciful” — give me a f-g break!)

Sweden: Arab Immigrant Beats Indigenous Boy because of his Blue Eyes


A 15-year-old boy in Helsingborg has now been convicted now for assaulting and threatening another boy because of his blue eyes.

According to the district court, the 15-year-old asked a Swedish boy about his eye colour, to which the Swede is said to have replied “bluish-green”, an answer that the 15-year-old Arab for an unknown reason found provocative. “Big man, are you?” asked the 15-year-old Arab, then leaned over the table and gave the Swede boy a slap.

Two witnesses say they saw the 15-year-old deliver a blow to the Swedish boy and said he continued to beat him during a school break. The 15-year-old was convicted of illegal threats and petty assault and battery.

The 15-year-old himself denies the crime and claims that he was misunderstood because of language difficulties, as his first language is Arabic.

The case has not been classified as a hate crime.

Having a woman I love, and two daughters and granddaughters, no way will I keep silent about how Islam views and treats the fair sex.
Ingrid bronze statues
And I know enough Middle Easterners to know that they too recognize that this religion is holding them back.
As Winston Churchill once brilliantly noted (and of course I hate the guy for his war crimes, but he was sharp):

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!

Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.  

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.  The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Abducted white female captive being shown to a sultan MILIONS of Europeans were abducted by Arabs and Turks over the centuries, especially via raids on coastal villages from Italy to Ireland! They were tortured with stress positions until they became sex slaves to them. Abducted white males were worked rapidly to death in galleys and mines, or castrated and as eunuchs made into harem overseers.


Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.  No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.  

Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.  It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

Postnotes:  (1)  Churchill, as an officer of the British Army, served in the Sudan and in the Crimean War; in both instances against the Muslims.  These experiences gave him ample opportunity to observe the structure of Islamic society.  (2)  Churchill’s quotes were taken from the volume: Sir Winston Churchill; “The River War”, first edition, Volume II, pages 248-250, published by Longmans, Green & Company, 1899.  (3)  If Sir Winston were alive today, as a Briton he could be arrested, and then fined or jailed for saying these things!

…..What is Eternal Solutreanism?


It is a new religion that I am formulating via a new holy book, and with your financial help I will finish it before it is too late for us all!

The book is based on what you find below.



Eternal Solutreanism:

1) it is not enough to be white; you must become Aryan, or NOBLE ” service to others, not service to self; altruism and radiant idealism, not narcissism, egomania and psychopathy

Arno Breker, The Calling


2) This world is a testing ground for your soul; God is real, and so is reincarnation and life after death. /(See God videos at the top.)

3) Psychopaths are literal human devils, born sadists with no conscience whatsoever, torturing animals as children and setting fires. They come from especially vile worlds on the other side, and form 4% of the earthly population. Another 16% are near-psychopaths, with almost no conscience.

4) The task of the Eternal Solutrean is to battle and destroy evil, and then create a wholesome world.We offer to help guide the human species for the benefit of all races.

5) The Jews of today descend from the Neanderthals, an animalistic, borderline-psychopathic and brutish clan who then became the roving apiru, from which comes the word “Hebrews,” a horde of migrant criminals and outcasts in the Middle East. They even practice incest on their own children, making them into inbred psychopaths.

As Neanderthals they have been at species war with us, the Cro-Magnons (the name for early white people) for 40,000 years. They have the upper hand now and it is literally now us or them, survival or genocide. They are about to get their revenge for being driven from most of Europe 20,000 years ago by a beautiful and superior race.




Because the Jews, as well as Arabs, Georgians, Chechens, Armenians and the various Muslim peoples, have a huge amount of neanderthal blood, they are programmed to hate White people as the descendants of the Cro Magnons. Our beauty, talents and achievements set their teeth on edge.Bolsheviks decapitated a statue of a local white hero and hanged this White female teacher from the statue’s arm in front of a church. Jesus said in John 8:44 to the Jewish leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil.”bolsheviks-.female-teacher-hanged-headless-statue-churchRead my “the Jewish War on the Kennedys”

lbj- jfk- death-stare

and then

See my two videos on the infamous NUMEC scandal:


34 Americans killed and 170 wounded in a two-hour Israeli attack on a US Navy ship



But we must always remember that the Jews are nothing, just 1/4 of 1% of the human race, without the Gentiles who treacherously betray their own to collaborate with them to get rich, powerful and famous.

The entire history of England can be understood ONLY in terms of the Norman Conquest of 1066 ” when White aristocrats sold their souls to the Jews for the money and power to conquer, enslave and tax the people of England and use them as their cannon fodder!

6) We believe in forming a new white tribe and creating white safety zones that we will guard as the corrupt and judaized world collapses. And we will help the good men and women of all races who choose to help us! We must ally together to defeat the Jew!





The ideal locations for American whites:



7) If we are with God, God will be with us. Hope is not lost. In fact, the White race is on the verge of a huge comeback, in alliance with other species in the galaxy and other races here on earth that also are suffering under the Jews. THEY are the chief enemy of all mankind!

Actual film footage in 1952 as UFOs buzz the US Capitol

Actual headline in the Washington Post newspaper


The most incredible story you can image ” the Third Reich, to survive (like the Jews in AD 70, when they lost Palestine and their temple), retreated according to a careful plan (laid down after the catastrophe of Stalingrad) to move their most elite scientists and troops to South America, to underwater bases, and to the Antarctic, during the final war years of 1944-45.

The Second World War between the Reich and the Allies thus continues but “in the back alleys” and to this day.

Over 50 of the most advanced German U-Boats are still listed as having never been sunk by the Royal or US Navy or as having ever surrendered. And the Germans were highly advanced in anti-gravity technology and also had rudimentary atomic weapons (but at that time, featurng mostly giving off radioactivity and heat, and not producing enough blast ” at that time ” to destroy a city).

But all that has changed. Both the Allies and the Reich, for opposite reasons, are keeping this continuing war low-profile. But the Reich idea was never just about Germany ” it was about the survival of ALL Aryans, of ALL Whites around the world, and of all good men and women of all races in the face of the Eternal Jew!



Waffen-SS general Leon Degrelle asked Hitler if he felt more German or more European. Hitler, who constantly built architecture that was Greco-Roman, answered: “I am a Hellene!”


A Spartan swordspartan-sword






What we now understand is that our race colonized this earth, but was long ago separated by a cataclysmic nuclear war from the home planets. The stories of the gods reflect actual visits to earth by actual, highly evolved relatives of ourselves. The “ancient aliens” theory being promtoed now non-stop on TV (by the Jews who own the TV networks) is partly valid, but the Jewish media refuses to highlight the huge role of the Exonordics, and focuses instead on the Grays and the Reptilian species, because the Jews themselves are allied with THEM. Earth is just one battlefield of an ongoing war in our entire Milky Way galaxy between the Exonordics and the Reptilians.

And this is why the low-budget 1980s movie ” ˜They Live” resonates with so many people.

8) All greatness comes from sacrifice and is born in love ä a passion for our folk, a glorying in heroism, and an obsession with beauty.






Others have been making big sacrifices.

I just received $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!


How about you?

John de Nugent

306 S. Steel St, Ontonagon MI 49953 USA

This is how you can help financially:

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!


–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent.”



sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)




PAYPAL (write me at for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me.)

checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)


¦..Kudos for my essay on “Neanderthals and semites”

Rave review of my “Neanderthals and Semites” piece on Jim Stone’s website. (Stone is a major Fukushima exposä blogger.) 1/4 down: a rave review of my neanderthal material ” 300 hits today ¦.

Excerpt: “Paul wrote:

Jim, you linked to a blog yesterday talking about neanderthal dna ¦ [ ¦]

It’s THE single most eye-opening things I have EVER read.

It’s going to take a while for me to process that info in my own head because it’s as if I now have to rearrange a bunch of stuff in there in order to make room for all the new pieces of the puzzle, like this one ¦

I saw a documentary a while back about Hitler and the Nazis traveling the world and going to remote areas and researching the isolated people there, like asking them questions about their history, measuring their skulls, faces, bone structures, etc. That fits right in with how a lot of neanderthal bones were found in Germany and the surrounding areas ¦ they were trying to gauge the similarities between modern races and neanderthals. At the time they didn’t have advanced genetic testing like now, but they still made the connection through observation of similarities and realizing the diminished frontal brain capacity ¦ that’s why some people were targeted and some were not.

All this is making so much sense now.

I have a LOT of research to do to learn more about this aspect of history. If you have links you’re saving up, please post more soon.

This answers the biggest questions I have about how some people can be so cold, calculating and evil while the bulk of humanity is live-and-let-live for the most part.”

A comrade on Facebook wrote me:

The question I have, John, is how long have trolls been depicted as Neanderthal-like creatures? When looking through Wikipedia, some of the earlier depictions seem to be more demonic creatures, no doubt inspired by the idea of devils and demons. It seems that the portrayal of trolls as primitive hominids is a fairly new development, becoming popular after the discovery of the Neanderthal specimens in the middle of the 19th century. What do you reckon? ;-)

I replied: Interesting ¦.. but in my world view, which posits a multiverse, neanderthals came from dark dimensions to incarnate on the earth ” They ARE violent, hate-filled, predatory, treacherous beings who on earth take on the neanderthal form. We are basically good souls, learning through battle with evil souls to be brave, to care, to become heroes ” innovating, fighting and prevailing against the psychopaths among us.

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