Muslim slashes throats of two blonde Scandinavian girls in Morocco

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According to Forbes, Morocco is the second most dangerous country in the world for women to travel to after Egypt. Why the hell go there?

And where are the fathers of these girls?  Oh, I forgot, everyone is divorced now and few men raise their daughters to the wedding altar. (Silly me — they don’t marry, just shack up.)

And of course, if dad is a racist, the girl will not listen anyway. ‘Cuz her jewish professor has told her all about the evil racists…………


Women are great — but in control of things?

When I think of me and Margi, like many men, I outweigh her two to one and my arms are three times as large.  Can’t women understand any more that men — if wicked — can be incredibly dangerous and that chicks should not go off to some third world country by themselves?

Eckhart Tolle calls it “the egoic mind,” and I call it “the tyrannon.”

Your mind, full of jew-injected ideas, becomes YOUR MOST MORTAL ENEMY. And you do not realize your mind is not you, but should be your tool, a thing that you use and then turn off, and return to just looking, LOOKING, at plain REALITY!









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