Must be nice to be Chosen, eh, Jeff Epstein? Jews in Ivy League admissions ensure that 10 times more Jews get in than goys with the same SAT score

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Such a nice Jewish boy, and with no degree, he gets hired by a top prep school…. must be great to be Chosen.

It reminds me of the astonishing article recently by Ron Unz, a Jew who has turned against Judaism, and deserves a ton of credit for it.

In the actual words of Ron Unz, “Jews are enrolled at Harvard and other elite colleges at a rate some 1,000% greater than white Gentiles of similar academic performance”.

One thousand per cent, OMG! Since Ivy League colleges are the only sure-fire way into American elites, into best jobs and into good and important positions, this biased enrolment guarantees the Jews their position of the top dog well into next generation.

In 1920s, Jews accused the WASPs of discriminating them at university admission. The WASPs kept them under 15% of admissions. Now with Jews at the top, they show what real discrimination is all about. However, there is one major difference. Then, the Jews volubly complained, now the Christians do not even dare to complain.


Major media jew denounces anti-white hate by fellow Jews! And Israel Shamir on Ariel Toaff and ritual murder

To all who sent me birthday greetings:

Thank you! I am 65 years young today, and ready to take Jewry on soon with a new, authentic, credible, fact-based, jew-free, no-fairy-tale, highly organized and disciplined religion.

It will make us feel good, achieve personal progress, and get us as fired up and organized as are the adherents of Judaism, Islam and Freemasonry, three organized religions who all agree on one awful goal: white destruction.

Lazy, corrupt black cops in the “new” South Africa literally sleep on duty as innocent whites are massacred (from


THIS IS MY MISSION, to end our disunity and paralysis — and go on the offensive under the 14 Words!

Whites trudge along to their own slaughter while, head bowed, they stare at an iPhone.

The white South Africans should just get out of there 😞

John De-Nugent

Carrie, yes, and many have said that. But no white country will take them unless rich, and most are now poor. USA, Canada, Australia, Britain — nope, unless you have lots of money. Not one white country grants them blanket status as refugees. Leftist Holland is especially rotten toward them, and no Boer feels any affection for the mother country that rejects them as “evil racists who deserve what they are getting”!
In 2008, at a federal immigration center in Arlington, Virginia, I did meet a very, very nice and very, very grateful Rhodesian farm family that, on an individual-case basis, was admitted under Bush. But that was only because Robert Mugabe was not obeying Bush, the World Bank, IMF and the NWO.

Carrie White

Carrie White replied to John
John, I heard Russia wants $100,000US from any Saffer that moves there. We need those Saffers in the US to help us with our shitskin problem here though.

Carrie White

There has to be a way to get them here. The elite are funding the placing of Sub-Saharans in all white areas. There is no way we could do the same kind of thing to get Afrikaners with other whites? I hate white libshits.

John De-Nugent

Carrie, well, the Van Rensburg prophecy urges Boers to NOT come here, no matter how horrible it gets down there, predicting (gulp) a nuclear WWIII that wipes out the northern hemisphere. Europe and Russia are GONE, and the US becomes crippled, a minor power, and takes decades to rebuild. Most uncanny of all is an exact description of both Obama and Donald Trump in the year 1917, and saying Germans and Boers will create an Aryan empire in Africa, after taking care once and for all of the black problem. See, halfway, down, the Van Rensburg prophecy.
But far better would be overthrowing the Jews and avoiding WWIII!



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