Mustn’t mention the 3 negroes’ race; 9 years later, 1 commits yet another rape (and murder, on a beautiful white college student); I-Ching tells me revolution must come

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1995 Okinawa rape incident

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1995 Okinawa rape incident
Location Kin, Okinawa PrefectureJapan
Date September 4, 1995
Attack type
Weapon Duct tape
Deaths 0
Perpetrators Kendrick Ledet
Rodrico Harp
Marcus Gill

The 1995 Okinawa rape incident (Japanese沖縄米兵少女暴行事件) occurred on September 4, 1995, when three U.S. servicemen, U.S. Navy Seaman Marcus Gill and U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp and Kendrick Ledet, all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa, rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl. They beat her, duct-taped her eyes and mouth shut, and bound her hands. Gill and Harp then raped her, while Ledet claimed he only pretended to do so due to fear of Gill.[1] The offenders were tried and convicted in Japanese court by Japanese law, in accordance with the U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement. The families of the defendants initially claimed that Japanese officials had racially discriminated against the men because they were all African American and coerced confessions from them, but later retracted the claims.[2] The incident led to further debate over the continued presence of U.S. forces in Japan among Okinawans.[3][4]


Photographs of the suspects’ faces have been virtually absent from Japan’s media. News executives were concerned that public anger over the rape would be further inflamed and take on racist overtones if the race of the suspects were widely publicized. A US military public-affairs officer, speaking from the US military’s Japan headquarters at Yokota, says he cannot disclose the suspects’ races out of respect for their privacy.[5]

After the incident became known, public outrage began, especially over the U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement, which gives the U.S. service members a certain measure of extraterritoriality (exemption from jurisdiction of local law) only as it relates to the place the suspects were detained. While the crime was committed away from a U.S. military base, the U.S. initially took the men into custody, on September 6.[6] Although false rumors spread that the suspects were free to roam the base and had been seen eating hamburgers,[7] the suspects were in fact held in a military brig until the Japanese officials charged them with the crime.[6] Despite an immediate request by Japanese law enforcement for custody and eventual trial, the men were only transferred on September 29, after the Japanese had formally indicted them.[6] This delay was in conformity with the Status of Forces agreement, which states, “The custody of an accused member of the United States armed forces or the civilian component over whom Japan is to exercise jurisdiction shall, if he is in the hands of the United States, remain with the United States until he is charged.”[8] Although the military drove the suspects to police headquarters in Naha for daily interrogations,[9] the SOFA provision and the delay in transferring the suspects increased the outrage due to the attack, causing surge of Anti-American sentiment among Okinawans and Japanese in general.

The Okinawa Prefectural Assembly passed a resolution to protest against the actions of the U.S. military.[10] On October 21, a rally was held in Ginowan City to protest the incident and the US military bases. About 85,000 residents participated in the rally, including the Governor of Okinawa Masahide Ota. This was the largest protest in Okinawa since the treaty was signed in 1960.[11][12] The then governor of Okinawa Masahide Ota even refused to sign the documents required by the US military base.[13]

As a consequence of the protests regarding jurisdiction, the U.S. made concessions and agreed to consider transferring suspects to the Japanese before an indictment if the severity of the alleged crime warranted it.[7][14] This agreement was decided at an emergency meeting between U.S. President Bill Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto. The people of Okinawa also placed a full-page advertisement in The New York Times decrying the rape and other aspects of the U.S. bases in Okinawa.[citation needed] In 1996, the United States and Japan signed a bilateral agreement to reduce the amount of land on Okinawa covered by U.S. bases by 21 percent—the U.S. military had previously occupied 19 percent of the island.[citation needed]

U.S. Navy Admiral Richard C. Macke was the commander of United States Pacific Command at the time of the attack. At a press conference during November 1995, Macke said of the men’s actions: “I think it was absolutely stupid. I have said several times: for the price they paid to rent the car [used in the crime], they could have had a girl [prostitute].” These remarks were condemned as insensitive, and Macke was dismissed from his post and forced into early retirement. He was also reduced in rank to rear admiral (two-star) from full admiral (four-star), which reduced his pension from US$7,384/month to US$5,903/month.[15]


Gill pleaded guilty to the rape, and the other two men pleaded guilty to conspiracy. The trial concluded in March 1996.[16]

Prosecutors had asked for the maximum sentences for the men, 10 years each. The judge sentenced Gill and Harp to seven years’ imprisonment; Ledet received six and a half years. Their families also paid monetary reparation to the family of the victim, a common practice in Japan.[citation needed]


The three men served prison terms in Japanese prisons and were released during 2003 and then given Other Than Honorable discharge from the military. After release, Rodrico Harp decried prison conditions in Japan and said that the electronics assembly prison labor he was forced to do amounted to slave labor.[17]

Ledet, who had claimed he did not rape the girl, died in 2006 in an apparent murder–suicide in the United States. He was found in the third-floor apartment of Lauren Cooper, a junior Kennesaw State University student and acquaintance whom he had apparently raped and murdered by strangulation. He then ended his own life by using a knife to slice open his veins at the elbows.[18][19]

In 2008, a movie named The First Breath of Tengan Rei based on the Okinawa incident was released.[20]

During December 2011 then-Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa was the subject of a censure motion from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party for failing to know the details of the rape. This followed his subordinate Satoshi Tanaka speaking with reporters in a tavern and using euphemisms for rape to discuss relocating the US Futenma airbase. Satoshi Tanaka was terminated as director of the Okinawa Defense Bureau,[21] and in the cabinet reshuffle of January 13, 2012, Ichikawa was replaced by Naoki Tanaka.[22]

See also[edit]


……The Lauren Cooper rape-murder

Sounds like she was a mudshark. Any time there is no forcible entry into an apartment or house or signs of a violent struggle, the white female let the negro in — who then killed her.


An ex-Marine who served jail time for the infamous kidnapping and rape of a 12-year-old Japanese girl – a crime that sparked international outrage a decade ago – murdered a 22-year-old Georgia college beauty in a sex-fueled frenzy before killing himself, police said yesterday.

The grisly murder-suicide shocked the small college town of Kennesaw, Ga.

The disgraced former serviceman, Kendrick Ledet, 32, had bludgeoned and asphyxiated Kennesaw State University marketing major Lauren Cooper in her off-campus apartment sometime over the weekend, according to investigators.

Cooper had also been sexually assaulted, officials said.

Kennesaw Police Officer Mike Brock said Ledet’s body was also discovered in the apartment. He had used a knife to slice open his veins at the elbows.

Brock said Cooper and Ledet had been former co-workers but declined to say where they worked or whether they had been romantically involved.

He said there was no forced entry when Ledet arrived sometime Friday night or Saturday morning at Cooper’s apartment where she lived alone.

Cooper’s father discovered the blood-spattered body of his daughter Sunday night when, unable to contact her, he went to her apartment.

“He made an entry into the apartment and found her and Ledet . . . and that’s when he backed out and called 911 around 7:20 p.m.,” Brock said, calling the murder “tragic.” Police don’t know why he killed her and Ledet did not leave a note.

She was a “great girl, really outgoing,” high school friend Chris Matthews told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


As I wrote yesterday, I established a very successful government in Germany that was openly authoritarian for one simple reason: earthlings are crazy. Certifiable. As in profoundly mentally ill. As in a doctor going to a judge and saying

“Mr/Mrs/Miss So-and-so is a danger to him/her-self and others. I request that he/she be declared non compos mentis, picked up, and remanded for his/her own good and that of the public to a psychiatric institution for diagnosis and treatment.”

All races on this planet are crazy.

Including white people.

Including the white nation that always scores the highest IQ, the Germans.

Wernher von Braun



What was NOT demonstrably crazy about this beautiful, intelligent Cooper girl getting into a relationship with a feral negro?

And how insane was her father to let her sleep with a black convicted rapist?

Even in the pre-Internet days, believe me, and 2006 was POST-Internet,  you could do a background check on anybody.

There were and there still are lots of private detectives around who knew cops, were ex-cops themselves, had connections to the Social Security Administration and to various state registries of motor vehicles, which also shared information with each other.

I have used them myself. Just give them a phone number (land line or cell) and they will tell you within one day exactly where they live, their arrest record if any, marriages, debts, etc.)

My father always had people checked out before he hired them — for a mere $150, which is maybe $400 today?


What dad who is not insane would not warn his daughter who was “dating” a negro?

And I can say as the father of two girls that most normal men cherish their girls as “the apple of their eye,” and put thousands of hours into worrying and caring for them, because girls are often physically and emotionally far more vulnerable and also gullible than boys.

ESTROGEN –SPEAKING IN GENERAL — makes women dominated by their emotions and feelings. 

“Listen, honey, Lauren….I know you like this Ledet fellow, and, hey, I am not saying this because he is black, but because I love you, I took the trouble to check out his background.

Lauren…. nine years ago this Ledet helped kidnap and rape a young Japanese girl, and he and two buddies did many years in prison for this crime.”

“Oh, daddy, come on, you just ARE a racist. Think of the trauma he has gone through as a black man in a white society. And even if all this were true, maybe he has changed! Ever think of that?”

Lauren Cooper



Anyone who engages in self-harm is crazy.


Anyone who engages in self-harm is crazy.



Do you understand?

Anyone who engages in




And THIS is why I established an authoritarian government. To save the Germans, whom I dearly loved and bled for on the battlefield 1914-18, from themselves, and then to save the whole white race, which I also love …

On this truly hell-like planet, I asked the German people and the German parliament for, and received from them by their votes cast, the legal power to save Whites from themselves.





…..I asked the I-Ching: Is the time ripe for me to address this completely insane planet? What will happen THIS time?

The I-Ching is revealing to us what, deep down, we already know to be true. It is the highest inner voice, reminding us of our mission in this incarnation that we willingly accepted to experience.


49 – Forty-Nine
Ko / Revolution

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:

The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.

The support you need will come only after the deed is done.

Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.


All differences vanish.


A revolutionary change must be made forcibly.

There is no negotiating with the Established Order. Revolutionary change ushers in a period when chaos arises from order. But not all order is good, and not all chaos is bad.

Perfect timing is essential.

Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.

Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.

You will need a strong foundation, because

you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.

You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.

Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.

Changing Lines:

There is One Changing Line.

Hexagram Forty-Nine/Line Six:

You dodge the snares and snatch victory with the lightning speed and agility of a panther.

The jackals lose their nerve and swear allegiance to you.

You have won your revolt.

Don’t seek to climb higher.

Instead stabilize the new order for the good of all.





.…..White Italian-Brazilian asks me on VK:

My grandfather Spinelli came from Puglia, Italy, here to Brasil. What should happen to us Brazilian Whites? Should we return to Europe same as the Africans going back to Africa?

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Vitor-Spinelli, no, comrade, we must offer a benevolent white rule, a truly noble white supremacism, to the Whites, but also to the Blacks and Browns, who, deep down, know they are inferior.
Deep down, we all know the truth. We incarnate to face it.
We offer Blacks what they cannot give themselves: an orderly, prosperous, safe and happy society. But they must learn to accept us as superior, obey us, and fight for us against the jews in order to live on in any white nation.

No one wants to be a slave. Everyone just wants –not meaningless elections of  jewish puppets — but one wise, strong, and loving ruler so he can raise a nice family in peace, and find love and meaning to his or her life.

“”Twelve Years Not A Slave”

You can donate so I can launch this great return to power, and this time not in little Germany but in the gigantic, gun-owning, white-conquered United States of America.



$7,783 (plus seven excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since December first


    • You know, I do not like regimentation. It is a necessary evil. We were both infantry soldiers and especially there one learns to obey. But in a life-and-death situation, where defeat by the enemy can mean you lose all your liberty, one obeys and proudly. In a war, the most united, obedient, proud, enthusiastic, and disciplined troops prevail….. from Sparta, to Rome, to Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo, to the Wehrmacht in 1940. My ancestors were Coldstreamers, as was Captain Archibald Ramsay, and it is a beautiful thing to discard the ego and submit to the common good.

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