MUST SEE: “Died suddenly”; will America be crucified or awaken? and a spiritual reading about loving yourself

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Thank you, wandering killer jews, for killing ever more young Whites in their own countries that foolishly let you in with these bizarre, horror-movie-like clots.


Libtard Dem US congressman from Illinois tweeted this, still in deep denial:

Here is the video, “Died Suddenly.” I and a friend watched it last night in its entirety and we both were floored. It was the same way I felt when “Hellstorm” came out about the fate of the WWII Germans. It is a gut-wrenching soul experience to watch “Died Suddenly.” The sheer evil takes your breath away.

Monstrous, these fibrous quasi-clots that are killing young white people (and other races) left and right

Peters with the film crew:

Trailer to the film:

The film itself: “Died Suddenly”


I basically concur with this new article by Andrew Anglin:

“Died Suddenly” is an Amazing Documentary on the Coronavirus Vax – What are These Fibers???

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Stew Peters has produced the best conceivable documentary on the coronavirus “vaccine” and its effects. Frankly, the film should end the discussion about this deadly gene therapy. There is nothing more to say after this.

The most shocking part is the clots, which people still do not understand. They are not blood clots. It is some kind of hideous fiber in the veins.

What are the media Jews even going to say about this? They can’t say it’s not real, and they can’t say it was happening before the vaxx.

The film shows both doctors and coroners pulling them out of people’s bodies.

These people [JdN: both some few doctors and also many alarmed undertakers/morticians/funeral home directors] are keeping collections of them.

No one has ever seen this; now it’s in almost everyone’s body. A coroner recounts being at a convention where all the coroners talked about it.

What say you, Jews? How do you respond?

(I know what they’re going to do – if they do respond to the documentary at all, they’re just going to attack some random person interviewed and find some crazy thing they said at some point in their life, or maybe one of them committed some crime or something. They will find some irrelevant detail, and not address these fibrous clots that are clearly not made out of blood.)

No one even knows what these fibers are. Somehow, that gene injection causes people’s bodies to create these threads in the veins.

It’s a wonder any of these vaxxies are still alive – and it looks like they won’t be for long.

This vaxx is causing every kind of disease, including various cancers. People think it is just heart disease, but it’s everything. Millions of people have died, and everyone else is going to go.

Everyone needs to watch this.

Then everyone needs to thank me for going so hard on it. I was aware at the time that it was counterintuitive for me to be telling people to lose their jobs, in some cases lose their families and worse, in order to not take this shot. But I was right and I was very, very right, and basically, you people all owe your lives to me.

I framed it as a spiritual issue, because I knew that this would be the most powerful way to overcome the fact that it was so counterintuitive. Of course, it was a spiritual issue, but it was also a practical issue, because I knew it was going to kill everyone. But there wasn’t exactly proof that it was going to kill everyone before it started killing everyone, so although I knew it for a fact, saying it was speculation. Therefore, I focused on the spiritual part, as I realized that would maximize the number of readers who committed to not taking it.

(Frankly, you should be sending me monero. We’ve fallen on hard times, and given that you would be dead if it wasn’t for me, or be walking around with these fibers in your veins, you are really obligated to chip in. Go scroll through those images of those white fibers again and them send me the amount of money that you think it is worth to not have those in your body.)

The documentary is disgusting, but there is an upside: all of these people are going to die. All of the annoying and evil liberals, the women, the people on 4chan who called us schizos – they are all going to die, and the world will be a much, much better place for it.

We are going to have to figure out a solution to breeding, because many more women than men took this shot. But we’ll get to that. Right now, we just need to be happy that God sent down this delusion, and our enemies willingly killed themselves.

Sure, it’s a shame that some people took it because they were pressured. That’s a shame. But those people are weak – much too weak for the New America emerging that will only be populated by white supremacists, QAnon kooks, and [antisemitic] black people [JdN: kudos go out to Anglin for saying this].

This is going to be a glorious new era of humanity.

Everything ended up working out great for us in the end. Now, we just have to wait for these people to all die.



….My comment

I note Anglin pushing very hard for donations, and rightly so.

But if I do it, WN psychos accuse me of (loaded, hostile term) “begging,” and the real haters say “Get a job, you old bum.”

This ignores that I have worked regular and often humble jobs for my entire life, am working now (doing an audiobook on Leo Frank), and, being now age 68, no one should demand I or any other 68-year-old suddenly go out and work again. I am a grandfather, and my older daughter will be 43 in February!

And, given the critical nature of the threat to the white race (made even starker by the killer vaxx and this documentary !!!), we need full-time WN activists more than ever before. and that means paid activists. The ADL has two thousand full-time, paid employees!

Another issue….

I would sure like to know if “Stew Peters” (if that is his real name — I see no bio on the guy anywhere), who has done lots of truly fine video and interview work even before this masterpiece, is part-jewish.

He does seem (albeit only in certain photos) to have blue or blue-gray eyes, albeit very small eyes, for what that is worth, and jews often have rat-like eyes, reflecting possibly earlier incarnations as literal rats. (This is part of the whole topic of humanimals in reincarnation, the many, many people on this planet, the earth, who truly do resemble actual animals: pigs, birds, bears, cows, goats, wolves…… Earth has many young souls.)

At the end, when “Stew Peters” is speaking at a podium, around the 1-hr-4-minute mark, and the camera is not head-on, but at a 45-degree angle

…or a 90-degree angle, one can clearly see a very, VERY “jewish-looking” nose. I suppose the guy could be part-Mexican, however, and have a Mayan nose. He seems to have a latino complexion, a permanent tan.

But, hey, speaking of jews, it is obvious that millionaire anti-vaxx crusader Steve Kirsch, shown often in the documentary, is a jew (too?), and Kirsch has done fantastic, courageous work on the clot shot and was deplatformed everywhere — and even had the cops at his door, as the docu shows.

I have run many of his articles: 

A nurse named Michelle Gerson also said a lot of truth in the docu, and I assume by her name that she is jewish, or had a jew father, or is (or was) married to a jew.

Peters has a kind of military bearing and energy (but so does, for that matter, the jewish midget Ben Shapiro).


I wish I knew more about this increasingly major figure who calls himself “Stew Peters.” (“Peters” could be a German name, btw, like “Winters” or, for that matter, “Miller,” names which sound Anglo but are actually German.)

I am not too pleased, naturally, with jews running the show, even if they are little jews and are saying the truth, even vital truth.

And, going back to Anglin, I was exposing the coronavirus and the vaxx for two years and just as much as he was.



……The way of the cross

What a dreadful way to learn a lesson about the jews…. the ultimate hard way…by being killed off en masse.

Eckhart Tolle, in his masterpiece and bestseller The Power of Now, 

…talks of “the way of the cross,” which means that for most humans, only terrible suffering leads to spiritual progress.

Tolle finds this appalling. Do oblivious American Joe Sixpacks need to truly understand the monstrous crime they committed in an earlier life during WWII against the mostly amazing German people with their bombs by seeing their own country, America, flattened by bombs as well?

Margi’s translation: The Allied air terrorists


I guess this would be a “teachable moment,” sure, to be nuked, but it would be a pretty horrific one! Watch this!

The Nuclear War/Nuclear Winter Nightmare (History Channel 2022):


My mission is not to “go out and get a job, you lazy old bum,” as the agent Carlos Porter says of me. 😉

It is to teach you that you are not your mind.

Our salvation flows from there.

The new religion is nigh, and a free and healthy mind leads to a free and healthy body, a free and healthy state, a free and healthy folk community, and to a glorious new rebirth of our race.

……Spiritual reading

November 26

The events of your day may be held together by love. The day itself will likely be indifferent, with much normal detritus floating about. But there can and will be moments of true, unadulterated love and generosity that will string together to make a day worthy of being alive.

Some of these moments will be ones where your job is to give, to see, and to love. Maybe another person, an animal or some aspect of nature. Look for those moments, when you can fnd that love and then give it full expression. Share it aloud, if you can.

And then there will likely be other moments when someone else, or an animal or a tree, will offer you their heartfelt love, and your work will be to open your heart to receive and fully feel that gift coming to you.

These moments may be brief and fleeting– a bird lighting on your fence to say good morning, a real smile from a passing stranger on the sidewalk, a wave ahead from another driver at a crowded intersection—but they will make, along with the moments when you can send your own love outward, the structure of your day. And if you miss them all, your day will probably end up being kind of dull.

Don’t forget to include yourself in those moments. When you wash your face in the evening, stop to feel your own love for yourself.


And—here is the hard part—receive it. Make the entire loop, and then let it run for a few minutes. See how that feels.

Well, it’s an idea, and if you feel up to it, give it a try.

We will of course be sending you our love throughout the day.

There is something else you might try as well: to find and feel the love and support that is flowing toward you right now and in every minute from the beings of light all around you. It really is good to be able to plug into that, you know.

There is this steady source of strength, clarity, light and love. You don’t have to do it alone.

Please, ask for help; ask for love when you need it.

There is no shortage, no need for hoarding or saving it for later. Take that love today. Take it tomorrow.

Fill up and share it all around.

We love you and send blessings.



  1. Der ‘thecovidblog’ hat seinerzeit auf das tragische Schicksal der Gwen Casten aufmerksam gemacht, eigens einen Artikel verfaßt, und zwar:

    Stunde der Ehrlichkeit: Der US-Kongressabgeordnete Sean Casten hat seine 17-jährige Tochter Gwen rücksichtslos in die Schußlinie gebracht, und jetzt ist sie tot

    Honesty Hour: U.S. Congressman Sean Casten recklessly placed his 17-year-old daughter Gwen in the line of fire, and now she’s dead

    • Danke.

      Sogar der Verlust der eigenen Tochter, die süß und lieb aussah, setzte seinem blinden Egogeist kein Ende.

      Und da faseln die gehirngewaschenen Bundesdeutschen noch immer vom “Kadavergehorsam der Nazis”.

  2. Die Bundesregierung beabsichtigt eine kampagnenartige Baby- und Kleinkinder‘impfung‘ mit ihren Gen-Spritzen durchzuführen!

    Killt keine Kinder

    (Die Länge des Pressekonferenz beträgt gut 3 Stunden)


    Anbei die obige Pressekonferenz in Schriftform – mit weiteren Ergänzungen:


    Anmerkung Dr. Conti:

    Dr. med. Ronny Weikl (Frauenarzt unter anderem) leitet zum Thema ein – es sei an dieser Stelle bemerkt, daß er just von einem Gericht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in einem Schauprozeß zu einem Jahr auf Bewährung sowie 50.000 EUR Geldstrafe verurteilt wurde, weil er seinen Patienten zu Zeiten der unerbittlichen Repressionen, die von der Bundesregierung im Namen der Koronaplandemie praktiziert wurde, fest zur Seite stand.

    Die Pressekonferenz ist äußerst hörenswert!

  3. 1. On the documentary “Died Suddenly.
    The documentary, for all its tragedy, is great. All central facts are mentioned and the film shakes people up.

    Here is the German synchronization: “Plötzlich Gestorben”,
    Description: “Plötzlich Gestorben ‼️‼️‼️‼️, Auf Deutsch, René und Alexandra haben die Dokumentation auf Deutsch eingesprochen […]”:

    About Stew Peters: There are also critical voices about him, but whatever may be and what not, this documentary serves 100% the awakening of people, it is “pro-humanity”.
    If some think that the film is “lurid”: The truth is just startling and cruel, it must nevertheless come to light, why should one censor and trivialize the truth?

    For over a year now, ambulances have been driving continuously, all day long, even now, as I write this commentary; I also read and hear again and again that this is the case throughout the republic. This has never happened before!

    The film presents everything in context, it comes up with data and facts. What more is needed to wake people up? It is also nice that Steve Kirsch has his say.
    Also, I have been following Stew Peters and Jane Ruby for a long time, they don’t hold back information, they had reported in the past, among other things, about a German natural health professsional/practitioner and her blood analyses, which she discussed with a doctor and a lawyer, vaccine analyses were also presented. As I said, I can not share the criticism, but link it here anyway:

    In English:
    In German:

    One must also never forget that the really great ones are capable of changing and switching sides when processes of cognition suggest this.

    Mike Adams presents his latest notes on the documentary here:

    Truthful criticism of vaccination comes from all corners and directions, there are as many non-Jews as Jews speaking out. Here is also a central channel that contains countless documentaries and excerpts (in German): “jackyfive”,

    2. Donations + Article writing
    “we need full-time WN activists more than ever before. and that means paid activists. The ADL has two thousand full-time, paid employees! ”

    The information John de Nugent presents is absolutely central to understanding the world stage. Writing is time consuming, few people realize that probably 99.99 percent of all (book) authors can’t even remotely make a living from writing.

    (Book)Writing is either:
    a) Knowledge transfer: Someone is idealistically motivated and wants to pass on his knowledge.
    b) Reputation care: For example, a professor is often expected to write a book.
    c) Indirect advertising: Orders come in through presentation of competence.

    Only the very least authors can make even a rudimentary living from writing. I have been observing the book market in the German-speaking world and in the Anglosphere for more than 20 years, I have read countless articles about it and I know that authors like Eckard Tolle, Joseph Murphy and others are the absolute exception.

    Reading educates and serves personal development. Writing, however, is more or less an honorary hobby, for 99. 99… % of all authors. For the majority of authors, the income from book royalties is disproportionate to the time spent; no one would go to work for such an average wage.

    Of course: ideas change the world. That’s the sad thing: Writing can have an incredibly powerful influence on personality development as well as on social processes, but unfortunately you can’t earn practically any money with it, unless you are one of the famous exceptions. Especially not if you analyze and present unpleasant truths.

    Therefore, appeals for donations are absolutely justified.

  4. 1. Zur Dokumentation “Died Suddenly”.
    Die Dokumentation ist, bei aller Tragik, großartig. Alle zentralen Fakten werden genannt und der Film rüttelt die Menschen auf.

    Hier ist die deutsche Synchronisation: “Plötzlich Gestorben”,
    Beschreibung: “Plötzlich Gestorben ‼️‼️‼️‼️, Auf Deutsch, René und Alexandra haben die Dokumentation auf Deutsch eingesprochen […]”:

    Zu Stew Peters: Es gibt auch kritische Stimmen über ihn, aber was auch immer sein mag und was nicht, diese Dokumentation dient zu 100% dem Erwachen der Menschen, sie ist “pro-Menschheit”.
    Wenn manche meinen, daß der Film “reißerisch” sei: Die Wahrheit ist nun mal aufrüttelnd und grausam, sie muß dennoch ans Licht, wieso sollte man die Wahrheit zensieren und verharmlosen?

    Seit nunmehr über einem Jahr fahren ununterbrochen die Krankenwagen, den ganzen Tag über, auch jetzt, während ich diesen Kommentar schreibe; ich lese und höre auch immer wieder, daß dies republikweit der Fall ist. Das gab es nie zuvor!

    Der Film präsentiert alles im Kontext, er wartet mit Daten und Fakten auf. Was bedarf es denn noch, um die Menschen wachzrütteln? Schön auch, daß Steve Kirsch zu Wort kommt.
    Außerdem verfolge ich Stew Peters und Jane Ruby schon seit längerem, sie halten keine Informationen zurück, sie hatten in der Vergangenheit u.a. auch über eine deutsche Heilpraktikerin und deren Blutanalysen berichtet, die diese mit einem Arzt und einem Anwalt diskutierte, auch Impfstoffanalysen wurden präsentiert. Wie gesagt, ich kann die Kritik nicht teilen, verlinke sie hier aber trotzdem:

    In English:
    In German:

    Man darf auch niemals vergessen, daß die wirklich Großen dazu in der Lage sind, sich zu ändern und die Seiten zu wechseln, wenn Erkenntnisprozesse dies nahelegen.

    Mike Adams präsentiert hier seine neusten Anmerkungen zur Dokumentation:

    Aufrechte Impfkritik kommt aus allen Ecken und Richtungen, es kommen genauso viele Nichtjuden wie Juden zu Wort. Hier ist auch ein zentraler Kanal, der unzählige Dokus und Ausschnitte enthält (in Deutsch): “jackyfive”,

    2. Spenden + Verfassen von Artikeln
    “we need full-time WN activists more than ever before. and that means paid activists. The ADL has two thousand full-time, paid employees! ”

    Die Informationen, die John de Nugent präsentiert, sind absolut zentral für das Verständnis der Weltenbühne. Das Verfassen von Texten ist zeitaufwendig, die wenigsten wissen darum, daß vermutlich 99,99 Prozent sämtlicher (Buch)Autoren nicht einmal ansatzweise vom Schreiben leben können.

    (Buch)Schreiben ist entweder:
    a) Wissensvermittlung: Jemand ist idealistisch motiviert und möchte sein Wissen weitergeben
    b) Reputationspflege: Von einem Professor wird beispielsweise oft erwartet, daß er ein Buch schreibt.
    c) Indirekte Werbung: Durch Kompetenzpräsentation kommen Aufträge hinein.

    Nur die allerwenigsten Autoren können auch nur ansatzweise vom Schreiben leben. Ich beobachte den Buchmarkt im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie in der Anglosphäre seit mehr als 20 Jahren, habe unzählige Artikel darüber gelesen und ich weiß, daß Autoren wie Eckard Tolle, Joseph Murphy u.a. die absolute Ausnahme bilden.

    Lesen bildet und dient der persönlichen Fortentwicklung. Schreiben ist jedoch mehr oder weniger ein ehrenamtliches Hobby, für 99,99… % aller Autoren. Für die Mehrheit der Autoren stehen die Erlöse durch Buchtantiemen in keinem Verhältnis zum zeitlichen Aufwand, für solch einen Durchschnittslohn würde niemand arbeiten gehen.

    Natürlich: Ideen verändern die Welt. Das ist ja das Traurige: Schreiben kann einen unglaublich mächtigen Einfluß auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sowie auf gesellschaftliche Prozesse haben, aber leider kann man damit praktisch kein Geld verdienen, wenn man nicht eine der berühmten Ausnahmen ist. Schon gar nicht, wenn man unangenehme Wahrheiten analysiert und präsentiert.

    Daher sind Spendenaufrufe absolut gerechtfertigt.

    • Danke.

      Es wurde mir wegen dieser Armut auch sehr guter, tapferer, wertvoller Schriftsteller in dieser schnöden Zeit zu einer unausbleiblichen Entscheidung, die Hitler-Reinkarnations-These in die Welt zu setzen. Klar, das hat mir unendlich viel böse Kritik eingebracht, und gerade bei Egogeistgeprägten und vor allem in allen Ländern bei all den vielen, vielen Mini-Führern 😉 , aber auch bei den buchstäblichen Hitlervergötterern — Adolf als Gott! — doch auch großherzige Unterstützung, die mein Überleben und Weitermachen gesichert hat.

      Die Welt braucht ihn einfach wieder, vorausgesetzt, er ist diesesmal noch besser, noch tiefer, noch einsichtiger, international und nicht nur deutschlandbezogen, das riesengroße Amerika verändern wollend, und selbst zu mehr Reifung und Selbstkritik fähig, und so denke ich ist es. 🙂 Auch der Führer ist ein Mensch, wie Jesus einer war, Da Vinci, Shakespeare/de Vere, Goethe, Washington, Beethoven, Bismarck….. Ich will auch Vorbild in Demut sein, im Befreitsein vom Egogeiste, und dass so, mit der Zeit, wir Alle zu Hitlern werden! So gewinnen wir eher.. und wenn es auch Jahrzehnte dauert. Es muss und darf nicht mehr auf einen einzelnen Großen ankommen. Auch ich bin nichts; mein Volk ist alles.

  5. Der Beitrag wurde gestern ins Netz gestellt und hat bereits knapp 170.000 Aufrufe.

    Es handelt sich um einen Vortrag von Frau Dr. Ute Krüger (Pathologin) über das äußerst brisante Thema Turbo-Krebs infolge der jüd. Gen-Spritzen vom 18. September 2022 im Bruker-Haus in der schönen Stadt Lahnstein, Rhein-Lahn-Kreis in Rheinland-Pfalz, wo sie eigens aus Schweden angereist ist.

    Dr. med. Ute Krüger – Impfung gegen Covid-19: Beobachtungen einer Pathologin – 2. Ärztesymposium


    [Auszug der Beschreibung des obigen Beitrags auf YT]

    Die schwedische Fachärztin für Pathologie Dr. Ute Krüger sprach am 18.09.2022 auf dem zweiten Ärzte-Symposium im Dr.-Max-Otto-Bruker-Haus in Lahnstein über potenzielle Auswirkungen der Coronaimpfungen.

    Sie berichtete von ihren Beobachtungen in der klinischen Praxis, insbesondere mit dem Fokus auf ihr Schwerpunktgebiet der Brustkrebsforschung und -behandlung, in welchem sie nach Einführung der Impfungen besorgniserregende Entwicklungen feststellte.

    So zeigte sich in ihrem Institut eine Mehrung aggressiverer Tumoren, ein niedrigeres Erkrankungsalter ihrer Patientinnen sowie eine Häufung von Rezidiven (Wiedererkrankungen).

    00:00 Vorstellung

    00:45 Einleitung

    03:29 Aggressivität

    06:00 Multifokalität

    07:12 Rezidive

    08:55 Tumorheterogenität

    10:20 Koinzidente Tumoren

    11:33 Benigne Tumoren

    13:06 Entzündungen

    14:00 Ergänzendes

  6. I would never donate to the woman-hating Anglin; even Aryan women he hates. How many women are in the top kike tyranny institutions ruling this sick world ?

    • I agree about the misogyny.

      Well, there are some high female puppets such as Ursula von der Leyen, head of the EU, and the wicked governor here in Michigan, the demonic jewess Gretchen Whitmer.

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