MUST-SEE: Second Icke interview w/Brian Rose on Covid, 5G and the Gates vaccine deleted on Jewtube

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The fact that JewTube would delete a show by fellow jew Brian Rose of the famous London Real channel tells me the jews are really, really afraid of this particular Icke content and his superb delivery as well.

Icke is in the zone, passionate and truly irate. Everything he has warned about and been mocked for is now coming to pass.

Situation: the jews, via this pandemic hoax, basically have gotten martial law over us without declaring it. That PSEUDO-PANDEMIC is exactly what they had to do to get their police state in a country with 200 mio angry gun owners and millions of vets like us. Veterans, who know how to kill, also know that this government lies about literally everything and that it despises, exploits and betrays the 99% like them.

I have once again said I would stop blogging until my religion begins. The first time, I resumed due to a pressing need to discuss, gather and analyze facts on this literally world-tranforming Covid-19, which I call David-19 😉 .

But this new, second Icke video with Brian Rose is so important that I am putting it up anyway.

I don’t see Covid as being esp. dangerous at all, not by itself. It is the newest version of SARS. and hydroxychloroquine cures it! Yes, it can cause nausea and other side effects (Margi actually took it for her cancer), but it has been FDA-approved for sixty-five years, and IT IS NOW SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY THE FDA FOR COVID- 9!

Covid-19 is however very perilous when it is in dangerous tandem with 2) 5G, 

which at the upper range, 60 mHz, is creating oxygen starvation like an old geezer climbing Mount Everest (29,000 feet),….

….and add to that 3) the coming Bill Gates death vaccine.

All three together, and then the morgues WILL be REALLY filled!

Look, as Icke says, at the huge range that 5G can attain. It can be set as high as x-rays.

And yet x-ray technicians wear lead aprons….

…and when all is ready, step behind a leaden wall!

But we will be exposed to 5G

  1. 24/7/365  and
  2. with no lead walls or aprons!!!!!


Now here is that new, dynamite, passionate Icke video:


….Now it is time to put it all together, to load my spiritual bomb, arm it, set the timer, and then drop it onto this zombie world, not to hurt them — but to make them see, and feel anew a deep love and compassion for themselves, and for their children, and show it by their actions.
The only possible goal any serious NS could have at this late stage is to succeed in the ability literally to change humans.
In this crisis, they just have to evolve, and they have to do it now.
For even the most stultified Joe Sixpack to still believe in this regime, even after suffering GRIEVOUSLY from a thousand previous lies and betrayals, means the masses are truly hopeless.
And we cannot win “with a few good men.” That was the bitter lesson of 1939-45.
The problem is in the human mind itself. “We have met the enemy and he is us.” 😉
But, with their backs to the wall, getting poorer and more miserable by the day, maybe now it will happen

-the right message,
-by the right man,
-at the right time. 🙂
I and others have certainly have given it our all.
I know this: Gott ist mit uns.
Btw, presciently, this Gosia has come up with four scenarios arising from this David-19 mega-hoax.

See below. Before that are also some comments/suggestions I published in her comments sections, under two videos, and she did respond.

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  1. Ezekiel Emanuel, older brother of Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, says the U.S. is not going to relax “social distancing” until a vaccine is available, with the unsaid implication that it’s going to be mandatory for everyone. The headline for this article on Yahoo’s home page says “Ex-Obama adviser: No vaccine, no return to normal.” Who put this arrogant Jew in charge of our country?:

    Given that the COVID-19 scare is a massive hoax, and that it’s just another variety of common coronavirus not much different from the others that can cause flu, what is their real agenda in pushing this vaccine? Obviously they haven’t engineered this massive virus hoax and vaccine project to protect people from the “deadly COVID-19 virus,” so what is their real motivation for doing all this? In other words, what will be in that vaccine that they so desperately want people to get? Something not good, that’s for sure.

    Also, what are they going to do about the millions of healthy people who will refuse to take an untested, likely dangerous vaccine? Are they going to put all “vaccine refusers” in FEMA camps, or punish them some other way? You can bet that any “vaccine” given to Israelis and high-ranking Zionists in the U.S. will be a harmless saline water injection, not a real vaccine.

    It’s unbelievable what these Jews are doing to our country and our people. I’ve been hoping to wake up from this bad dream any day now, but it just keeps getting worse. Each day’s headlines bring a new outrage with this COVID-19 hoax. Why are people not protesting this at all? I go to the store, and all I see are shuffling idiots wearing face masks, like a bunch of obedient sheep going to slaughter. And nobody questions anything, even as the U.S. economy is being destroyed, and they are all losing their jobs and livelihoods. Whatever appears on the Jew-tube, they believe it.

    This country is literally too stupid to survive much longer. Even Adolf Hitler, if born an American, wouldn’t be able to save our country at this point. Things are too far gone, and most Americans are far too stupid and passive to ever wake up or rise up in any meaningful way. It’s all very depressing.

    • Thank you for this and the other comment today, both excellent info and analysis.

      The only answer is what Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, reviewing how bolshevism could ever take over a mighty nation and torture it.

      “It happened because we forgot God.”

      We must remember God, and understand Him without semitic glasses on.

      I resigned at the height of my work with Dr. William Pierce in 1984, knowing that I was here to transform human nature, not by giving them nifty new uniforms, and jobs, and safe streets, and watching over the stubborn ones with a Gestapo.

      No, this time I would not be a politician and generalissimo. I would learn the truth myself about God, and armed with this truth, address the real issues we all have:

      –Why am I here? Who or what am I? What happens when I die? Why is this earth a hell? Why doesn’t the truth matter to people?

      Over the next few days I will be formulating both all that and specifically warning of the Cohenavirus-5G-Vaccine death sentence which the jews have passed gleefully upon mankind.

      As in 1932, it HAS to be almost too late for people to wake up. They have to have their backs to the wall. The fat dude simply needs his mild heart attack to stop going to McDonalds. 😉

      And now we are there. Pray for me even if you are a skeptic. People prayed for Margi, and that worked, too. I know that Gott ist mit uns. Just as the last time, I keep getting signs that someone is watching over me to ensure I carry out my mission.


    • I see this Yahoo article saying:


      Last week, [the] New York Times’ Motoko Rich reported that countries and cities across Asia were imposing stricter containment measures amid fears of a second wave of the novel coronavirus.

      “If you look at other countries… places like Hong Kong, South Korea. They have seen a resurgence when they’ve eased up, and that resurgence is what we’re likely to see unless we have wide-scale immunity,” Emanuel [whose parents were both Mossad] said. “And I think that’s what people have to understand.”


      So, yes, we need to crash the economy over a fictitious deadly pandemic, which although non-existent like the Holocaust, will have second, third and fourth waves…..

      And God forbid we use Hydroxychloroquine, which would help Bad Orange Man.

      But Uncle Shlomo may let us get on buses to work for food in faraway labor camps…. with a free one-way ticket. No one has ever commented (except me) about Uncle Sam’s nose, painted this way ever since the classic WWI Army recruiting poster:

    • Who put this arrogant Jew in charge of our country? Nobody! He simply bought his seat like you buy groceries.

  2. Just as I predicted – now they’re saying that stay-at-home orders in the U.S. will be in place until a vaccine is ready in 2021, which will totally destroy the U.S. economy:

    “A top scientist and expert in pandemic preparedness and response has issued a stark warning to the American public: ‘Normal life won’t resume until 2021.’

    Ali Nouri, President of the Federation of American Scientists, told that the public may not be ‘going back to our daily lives’ until a vaccine against coronavirus is in circulation, which could take over a year.

    Dr Nouri, an expert in virology, cell biology, and developmental biology, cautioned anyone hoping for social distancing or lockdown precautions to be dropped before summer that the virus was ‘unprecedented’ in living memory and could resurge in several waves.

    ‘We will certainly have to continue these stay at home orders for I suspect at least through the end of May, or perhaps some time in June,’ the leading scientist said.

    ‘There’s not going to be a time when there is a magic date and then everybody goes back to their lives as normal. That’s not going to happen for a long time.

    ‘Once June comes around, once July comes around, it’s not going to be the kind of situation where people are going to be going to crowded restaurants and movie theaters. Things are going to be different, I suspect, until we have the vaccine.’”

    Unbelievable – kiss the United States of America goodbye.

      • I have a theory that Russia and China are playing along with this Cohenavirus charade to crash the U.S., not themselves. They will not REALLY shut down, just go through the motions, then announce they have overcome it, unlike the wimpy, divided, democratic, squabbling and inefficient West.

        Meanwhile, the jews continue a merciless lockdown here and in other western countries.

        Possibly Russia and China then rule the world — after letting the jews destroy the enemy of both Moscow and Beijing.

  3. Sure, shut down the economy as a punitive measure, not one of public health rationale. Who are these fools who want to see our complete demise followed by a complete power grab? Make no mistake, Trump could care less. He’s all for show. He looks idiotic on the podium with his fellow criminals, all conveniently NOT wearing protective gear they’ve demanded of us. And every day for Joe Sixpack will get more and more difficult. 10 million jobs lost in a week or two……and the stupid politicians want to keep their jobs as major domos and throw their weight around. While I’m down in the bunker, Billy Gates is strutting around as he develops more dastardly ways to kill most Americans with his many vaccine projects. I find it difficult to realize that Soros and Gates are parading like peacocks while Rome burns.

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