My declaration of war on the traitor Trump; our French revisionist friend Vincent Reynouard now a fugitive

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A comrade, longtime NS street fighter, and extremely generous donor commented to me upon reading this:

Trump, Cruz, Noem, and Christie do “la boca negra” at Jewish Republican Conference in Vegas


Just when we needed Trump the most, he let us down. Done.

My response:


Yes, but all narcissists always sell out.

Now he and I are mortal enemies, as we were in other lives in 1941-45.

I have let him totally wimp out from January 2021 on, not mobilizing his 80 million voters and 14 million veterans as Commander-in-Chief to physically overthrow the blatant Stealection.

Now he has devolved totally into just another “kiss-ass,” which is a euphemism for what the graphic Spanish expression “la boca negra” really means.

Whores charge a ton extra for doing “la boca negra,” as a Marine who had been to Thailand told me. $100 for that in 1960s money!

Well, our hero Trumpy does it for free.
And for no payment at all. And no gratitude, eithet.

And how can he ever be forgiven by us for the goy-genociding, jew-created, Covid fake vaccine?

Or pardoned for “making nice” with the jews who did 9/11?

Trump, as a New York skyscraper-builder himself, personally knows the monster Larry Silverstein, and Trump is also friends with Benjamin Netanyahu, who in turn is extremely close to Silverstein!

Netanyahu and Silverstein, in fact, talk every Sunday by phone, or at least they did for years. Both are Likudniks, that is, hardcore jewish supremacists.

A key Likudnik was Israeli PM Ariel Sharon:

Trump knows damn well, as likely does the then-mayor of NYC, Rudolf Giuliani, that the WTC was not destroyed by those two planes.

As Patton in his last life, Trumpatton knew damn well that the Germans were at heart a good and great people, and that the jews, who comtrolled Eisenhower and much of the media, were vile human turds:

And yet there Trump goes, doing “la boca negra,” or as the French would drastically say, being a lèche-cul, to this reeking, two-legged filth who shit in all our faces and who murdered 3,000 Americans on September 11.

Among them were not just business pussies and office workers, but hundreds of herouc white police officers and firemen who had gone into those actively burning twin towers to rescue others at the screaming risk of their own lives.

And you are pals with those who, you know, murdered them, Donald.

And the jews even murdered you yourself in a US Army hospital in yout last life, too!

AND your buddy JFK, Junior!

And his outstanding and dynamic dad!

And they voted 75% against you in November 2020!

And, just as bad as the above, to please the jew neo-cons, all Russia-haters, you kicked Russia’s Vladimir Putin in the teeth who had spent ten straight years trying to be friends with America!

A man with 6,000 hydrogen bombs you alienated, and drove into the arms of China! You actually got a white, conservative, Western-leaning, Christian Russia

Miscow cops round up Gay-Pride militants aftet a prohibited parade:

into the embrace of the atheistic, communistic yellow-raced dragon!

Quite a historic achievement… Now, together, they can defeat us in every way.

In the end, there could be Red-Chinese troops on the streets of America.

How low can a once proud man sink?

Donald Trump is demonstrating just how low .

He is now, in fact, the jews’ “bottom.”

In another life in pagan Rome, as I recall with disgust, there were some men who were even skilled soldiers but in their private lives they liked strange and “bi” sex. (When Christianity came along, this gross activity, thankfully, was outlawed.)

But no true man in pagan Rome would ever be a “bottom.” That submissiveness was only for male homosexuals and certain cowardly slaves. In Rome, even a bisexual who wishwd ro stay resoected by other men would have to be a “top.”

Never a btottom….

Horrible scene from the movie “Deliverance”

Donald, now even you, Mr Swagger, have become a “bottom,” submitting cravenly to the very jews who hate and despise you.

And even worse than that. Look at yourself, crawling back to your enemies for more punishment.You are truly la-boca-negring them now.

How does it taste to lick a jew’s anus?

Soon you and I will have it out, you craven traitor.

You are now officially a menace to America.

How the mighty have fallen…..

In the end, as history shows, only a national socialist will keep on fighting. Everyone else hoists the white flag and surrenders — to jew psychopaths who know no mercy to their prisoners!

Now there is your egoic mind on raw dispay — surrendering to wild beasts who 100% will degrade, humiliate and torture you so fiendishly that you will wish you had fought them to the death.

Victory or death must be our motto.

And Judaea delenda est.

…..Our French revisionist friend Vincent Reynouard now a fugitive

Vincent is a very important WWII/Holocaust/ and Oradour revisionist, and since 2015 has lived in London exile, since the French lackeys of jewry wanted to lock him up yet again with Blacks and Arab drug dealers and rapists, like our other French activist friend, Hervé Ryssen, for saying the truth.

(Hervé just got four months prison, actually confinement to his home with an electronic bracelet, making his little apartment into a prison. It is not fun.)

Vincent has defiantly cranked out one superb video after another since then.

Anyway, I just read the following in French on Rivarol, to which I subscribe online for 80 euros a year, thanks to donations by a whopping 1/10th of 1% of my (mostly mooching) readers. 😉

D’après nos informations dont nous sommes absolument sûrs de la véracité, des policiers britanniques et d’Interpol ont sonné le lundi 25 octobre vers 16 h. (heure de Londres, 17 h. heure de Paris) en bas de l’appartement qu’occupait Vincent Reynouard afin de l’appréhender et probablement d’engager contre lui une procédure d’extradition vers la France où il aurait dû purger 23 mois de prison ferme, sans compter d’éventuelles autres condamnations
à venir puisqu’il existe encore diverses procédures en cours.

Chose incroyable, Vincent qui est très agile, habile et sportif (il fait régulièrement des kilomètres en vélo pour aller donner, sous une fausse identité, ses cours de mathématiques et de physique à tous ceux qui le lui demandent, y compris, ce qui est cocasse, des familles juives) a ouvert la porte aux policiers, et quand ceuxci lui ont dit qu’ils venaient chercher Vincent Reynouard, ce dernier, après avoir décliné une fausse identité, s’est mis à courir de toutes ses
forces, comme Forrest Gump, mais un Forrest ayant une cervelle, et a réussi par miracle à leur échapper en se cachant.

Depuis, il est dans la nature et nous n’avons pas de ses nouvelles, si ce n’est qu’à notre connaissance, à l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, il semble toujours être en liberté. Une liberté évidemment toute relative puisqu’il est traqué comme une bête fauve. A l’instar du fugitif que le shérif poursuit et veut absolument retrouver, mort ou vif.

C’est dire à quel point la répression s’aggrave et qu’elle est désormais mondiale.


According to our information, which we are absolutely sure is true, British and Interpol police rang the bell on Monday, October 25 at around 4 p.m. (London time, 5 p.m. Paris time) at the bottom of the apartment occupied by Vincent Reynouard in order to apprehend him and probably to initiate extradition proceedings against him to France where he should have served 23 months imprisonment, not to mention any other convictions
to come as there are still various ongoing proceedings.

Incredible thing, Vincent who is very agile, skilful and athletic (he regularly rides for kilometers on his bike to go and give, under a false identity, his mathematics and physics lessons to all those who ask him, including, which is funny, Jewish families) opened the door to the police, and when they told him that they were coming to look for Vincent Reynouard, the latter, after declining a false identity, started running wildly.
forces, like Forrest Gump, but a Forrest with a brains out, and miraculously managed to escape them by hiding.

He has been in the wild since then and we have not heard from him, except to the best of our knowledge, as of this writing, he still appears to be at large. Obviously relative freedom since he is hunted like a wild beast. Like the fugitive the sheriff is chasing and absolutely wants to find, dead or alive.

This is to say how much the repression is getting worse and how global it is now.


I will write more soon on all this.




    • The church was full of Resistance bombs and weapons, and caught fire and exploded only for this reason.

      Also, the local Resistance, full of communists, had horribly tortured and killed captured German soldiers.

      So the Waffen-SS had herded the whole village into the church while they searched house-to-house for the guilty.

      A stray bullet set the church on fire, and then it exploded. Thus is what I recall, anyway.

      The French left and jews have turned it into a mini-Holocaust….

      • It wouldn’t surprise me.

        The Allied bombing of Western Europe’s transport system prior to D-Day killed 10,000+ civilians. They had expected 100,000 killed. The head of France’s rail operator, SNCF, said “Most of these civilian deaths could’ve been avoided.”

  1. I don’t get it. Why would any patriot think that Trump is supporting our race? His daughter is married to a Jew. Doesn’t it disqualify him as a member of rhevwhite race?

    Can anyone explain me the logic of supporting Trump while his daughter and her Jewish husband were controlling the White House and the US government!

  2. Glad to see that you’ve finally woken up regarding Trump. If you recall, I commented here many times that Trump is likely a Jew-blackmailed pedophile, like so many others, but you wouldn’t hear of it. Trump’s close relationship with convicted pedophile and Mossad agent/blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein, his strange and likely incestuous relationship with his daughter Ivanka (shown in many photos), his first wife Ivana’s likely Jewish ethnicity, the fact that his father was a big Zionist supporter, etc., etc.

    The trillionaire bankster Jews who really run Jewmerica (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) would never have allowed Trump to get anywhere near the White House and to say so many “pro-America” things unless they totally controlled him with some really damaging blackmail. As I’ve speculated before, given Trump’s well-known womanizing, even sex with a teenager probably wouldn’t have shocked anyone, so the blackmail must be something much worse, like Trump starring in a “snuff film” with some underage girl.

    • I did not wake up about Trump. I knew him 86 years ago when he was Patton.

      To accuse a man of the gravest of all crimes, pedophilia, requires the most ironclad of proofs. I see only conjecture.

      I ran the pic of Ivanka sitting on his lap, btw. Many times.

      Trump is just a flawed man who finally surrendered after years of vicious abuse, and being an unspiritual man, his moral compass is off.

      But that is all now irrelevant.

      The fact is he is now the jews’ total tool. That is why he must not make any comeback. I fear he will fulfill their every demand, as I once wrote six years ago, in 2015.

  3. Regarding homosexuality in the ancient White world, I have read that a man would ejaculate on the upper leg of his lover.

    As for the extent of homosexuality in those times, Plutarch wrote that in Sparta a promising boy would have an adult lover by the age of twelve.

    • Yes, it was a hyper-male, warrior-only culture.

      Women were for breeding and cooking. 🙁

      Athenians said that “of course, Spartans would fight to the death; they had nothing to live for.”

      • I have read that the Spartans were admired by all the Greeks.

        The 300 Spartans who fought to the death against the huge invading army of the Persians were an inspiration to all the Greek city-states.

          • Yes. It was a mix of good and bad. I feel deeply that in one life I was a Spartan. I saw a photo of the mountains next to Sparta and felt instantly with a thud a recognition: “I was once there.”

            Their rule over the helots was atrocious. No other Greek city-state had such a track record. There were individual slaves in other cities, but never a giant helot class. The Wikipedia article below reflects the consensus of all historians.


            From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            The helots (/ˈhɛləts, ˈhiːləts/; Greek: εἵλωτες, heílotes) were a subjugated population that constituted a majority of the population of Laconia and Messenia – the territories comprising Sparta. There has been controversy since antiquity as to their exact characteristics, such as whether they constituted an Ancient Greek tribe, a social class, or both. For example, Critias described helots as “slaves to the utmost”,[1] whereas according to Pollux, they occupied a status “between free men and slaves”.[2] Tied to the land, they primarily worked in agriculture as a majority and economically supported the Spartan citizens.

            The number of helots in relation to Spartan citizens varied throughout the history of the Spartan state; according to Herodotus, there were seven helots for each Spartan at the time of the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC.[3] Thus the need to keep the helot population in check and prevent rebellion was one of the main concerns of the Spartans. Helots were ritually mistreated, humiliated and even slaughtered: every autumn the Spartans would declare war on the helots so they could be killed by a member of the Crypteia without fear of religious repercussion.[4][5][6] Uprisings and attempts to improve the lot of the helots did occur, such as the Conspiracy of Cinadon.

            1 Etymology
            2 Characteristics
            2.1 Relationship to Spartans
            2.2 Helots and klēroi
            2.3 Demography
            2.4 Emancipation
            2.5 A special case: mothakes and mothones
            2.6 Helots as troops in conflict
            3 Helot revolts
            3.1 The Pausanias plot
            3.2 Massacre at Taenarus
            3.3 Third Messenian War
            3.4 Athenian outposts
            4 See also
            5 References
            6 Sources
            7 External links
            Several theories exist regarding the origin of the name “helot”. According to Hellanicus, the word relates to the village of Helos, in the south of Sparta.[7] Pausanias thus states, “Its inhabitants became the first slaves of the Lacedaemonian state, and were the first to be called helots”.[8] This explanation is, however, not very plausible in etymological terms.[9]

            Linguists have associated the word with the root ϝελ-, wel-, as in ἁλίσκομαι, halískomai, “to be captured, to be made prisoner”. In fact, some ancient authors did not consider the term ethnic, but rather an indication of servitude: Antiochus of Syracuse writes: “those of the Lacedaemonians who did not take part in the expedition were adjudged slaves and were named helots”,[10] while Theopompus (fragment 122), cited by Athenaeus (VI, 416c), states, “…and the one nation called their slaves helots and the others called them penestae…”[11] “In all of these texts, the naming of the group as helots is the central and symbolic moment of their reduction to serfhood. They are thus institutionally distinguished from the anonymous douloi (slaves).”[12]

            Certainly conquest comprised one aspect of helotism; thus Messenians, who were conquered in the Messenian Wars of the 8th century BC, become synonymous in Herodotus with helots.

            The situation seems less clear in the case of the earliest helots, who, according to Theopompus, were descended from the initial Achaeans, whom the Dorians had conquered. But not all Achaeans were reduced to helotism: the city of Amyclae, home of the Hyacinthia festival, enjoyed special status, as did others.

            Contemporary authors propose alternative theories: according to Antiochus of Syracuse, helots were the Lacedaemonians who did not participate in the Messenian Wars; for Ephorus of Cyme, they were the perioeci (“dwellers in surrounding communities”) from Helos, reduced to slavery after a failed revolt.

            Relationship to Spartans
            From at least the classical period, the number of Spartans was very small in comparison to that of the helots. In a celebrated passage, Thucydides stresses that “most Spartan institutions have always been designed with a view to security against the Helots”.[13] Aristotle compares them to “an enemy constantly sitting in wait of the disaster of the Spartans”.[14] Consequently, fear seems to be an important factor governing relations between Spartans and Helots. According to tradition, the Spartiates always carried their spears, undid the straps of their bucklers only when at home lest the Helots seize them, and locked themselves in their homes.[15] They also took active measures, subjecting them to what Theopompus describes as “an altogether cruel and bitter condition”.[16]

            According to Myron of Priene, an anti-Spartan historian[17] of the middle 3rd century BC:

            They assign to the Helots every shameful task leading to disgrace. For they ordained that each one of them must wear a dogskin cap (κυνῆ / kunễ) and wrap himself in skins (διφθέρα / diphthéra) and receive a stipulated number of beatings every year regardless of any wrongdoing, so that they would never forget they were slaves. Moreover, if any exceeded the vigour proper to a slave’s condition, they made death the penalty; and they allotted a punishment to those controlling them if they failed.[18]

            Plutarch also states that Spartans treated the Helots “harshly and cruelly”: they compelled them to drink pure wine (which was considered dangerous—wine usually being diluted with water) “… and to lead them in that condition into their public halls, that the children might see what a sight a drunken man is; they made them to dance low dances, and sing ridiculous songs…” during syssitia (obligatory banquets).[19] However, he notes that this rough treatment was inflicted only relatively late, after the 464 BC earthquake.

            Some modern scholars advocate a reevaluation of ancient evidence about helots. It has been argued that the kunē was not actually made of dogskin,[20] and that the diphthera (literally, “leather”) was the general attire of the poor peasant class.[21] The obligation of masters to prevent fatness amongst their helots is actually deemed implausible: as the Spartiates lived separately, dietary intake could not be rigorously controlled;[22] as manual labour was an important function of the Helots (for example, being used to carry their master’s arms and armour on campaign), it would make sense to keep them well fed.[22] Besides, the rations mentioned by Thucydides[23] for the Helots on Sphacteria are close to normal.[24] Myron’s evidence is interpreted as an extrapolation from actions performed on symbolic representatives.[25] In short, Grote writes that “the various anecdotes which are told respecting [Helot] treatment at Sparta betoken less of cruelty than of ostentatious scorn”.[26] He has been followed recently by J. Ducat (1974 and 1990),[27] who describes Spartan treatment of the Helots as a kind of ideological warfare, designed to condition the Helots to think of themselves as inferiors. This strategy seems to have been successful at least for Laconian Helots:[28] when the Thebans ordered a group of Laconian helot prisoners to recite the verses of Alcman and Terpander (national poets of Thebes), they refused on the grounds that it would displease their masters.[29]

            Other modern scholars consider then, “although the details may be fanciful, [Myron’s evidence] does reflect accurately the general Spartiate attitude towards helots”.[17] It has also been proposed that contempt alone could hardly explain the organized murder of Helots mentioned by several ancient sources.[30] According to Aristotle, the ephors annually declared war on the Helots, thereby allowing Spartans to kill them without fear of religious pollution.[31] This task was apparently given to the kryptes, graduates of the difficult agoge who took part in the crypteia.[32] This lack of judicial protection is confirmed by Myron of Priene, who mentions killing as a standard mode of regulation of the Helot population. According to a passage in Thucydides, 2,000 helots were massacred in a carefully staged event in 425 BC or earlier:

            “The helots were invited by a proclamation to pick out those of their number who claimed to have most distinguished themselves against the enemy, in order that they might receive their freedom; the object being to test them, as it was thought that the first to claim their freedom would be the most high spirited and the most apt to rebel. As many as two thousand were selected accordingly, who crowned themselves and went round the temples, rejoicing in their new freedom. The Spartans, however, soon afterwards did away with them, and no one ever knew how each of them perished.”[33]

            Thus Paul Cartledge claims that “the history of Sparta (…) is fundamentally the history of the class struggle between the Spartans and the Helots”.[34]

        • You are talking about “The Battle of Thermopylae”. As a historian; I doubt that this has ever happen.

          Although, Persian were “never” able to conquered Greek, that’s because they wanted concession from the Greek.

          Just look at the way Person (modern day Iran) fight in middle-east. They have their racial colonies i.e. “Shia minorities” doing their dirty working and disguising as religious minority. This is how Persian in “Shia Iraq”, and “Alawites” in Syria are enslaving native population and screaming and shouting minorities discrimination. Our brethren the Americans are paying for this; and sending refugees to us (European)

          Persians don’t fight like us Aryan (the White European). Their wars are more like Chess games. Art of War is would be the best way to understand their military behavior. Control the native by hiding as religion military (remind you of anyone you know)?

          Another best example is Babylon; just read how Persian conquered Babylon. They worked with minorities like Jews, and immigrant to destroy the Babylon, then send in the military (city gates were opened by the Jews).

          In any case Sparta were easily destroyed by Roman within week; like Taliban flushed out Americans’ allies in Afghan.

          So the so called Greek “standard practice for a noble son” was to to be taken away from the family at the age of eight. Poor lad would then be brutalized (including rapped) by his peers and turned into a Spartan warrior through years of exhaustive training. Why do you think modern day American/English school are based on Greek “democracy”.

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