I rarely talk about the Holofraud, though I agree with Professor Robert Faurisson, with whom I have met and corresponded, that it is a gigantic secular religion of WHITE GUILT (and we Americans and Brits are almost as guilty as the Germans for, in our case, “not stopping Hitler in time”…).
As the professor has written, and Vincent Reynouard, the Holo is the main myth killing us off by paralyzing guilt. So refuting it is very important.
But my heart is just not in it.
My great regret is that despite threatening it twice publicly in 1939, I was too soft and “Aryan” to actually do it — to ruthlessly commit genocide the way Stalin did with HIS enemies, and as the Jews openly intend to do to us all — white men, women and children.
Yes, many Jews WERE shot as partisans or partisan supporters on the Eastern Front under liberal SS “rules of engagement.” (The J-Team itself boasts that Jewish partisans on the eastern front caused the deaths of 500,000 German soldiers.)
Others died, yes, in epidemics, both in 1942-43 at Auschwitz (unintentionally and due to overcrowding), and more died too at the very end — due to overcrowding at the camps, from disease, and due to the final German collapse, when food, medicine, roads, bridges and trains all became unavailable.
(Even (((they))) admit their famous Ann Frank died of disease. They do not admit her “diary” was written by her uncle and partly in ballpoint pen ink, which was not available in Europe until 1949!)
But we are talking, as Mark Weber said truthfully at the Zündel trial, about approximately 500,000 dead. Not six million.
And since THEY wanted this war, and they STARTED this war, and they PROLONGED it (with their tool, Churchill, rejecting 40 peace offers by us, the victors, after the Fall of France, such as our offer to evacuate EVERYTHING WE HAD CONQUERED — France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and Norway) they chose total war with us, and they have no right to whine.
They should be grateful we did not get them all, and when a German makes his mind up to finish a job, he does it.
As for THEIR goal, it was and is the genocide or enslavement of all Germans, then all whites, and then of everyone else on this earth.
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