My German website MzW is back up and has a special new videos page

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…..My German site is “Mut zur Wahrheit-Widerstand” 

Meaning “Courage for the Truth & Resistance”

I speak perfect German with no accent, having had a lifelong love for Germany since early childhood. I also was married 1976-89 to an Austrian, raised two daughers bilingually, and majored in German at Georgetown.

At age five I saw this framed stamp, hidden away in my grandmother’s house (she hated FDR, as I later found out 😉 ), and I began learning German to the bafflement of my 100% anglophile parents. 😉

Here I was in 2007 with the late, great Manfred Roeder (center), who did eight years in prison after some followers fire-bombed a “refugee center.” I spoke in German on “why psychopaths always take power.” (

In 1975-76 I perfected my German and Austrian dialect here, in Kufstein/Tyrol, 100 miles from Braunau, on the same Inn River:


Kufstein am Inn

Braunau am Inn

…….All the MZW-Videos can be found here despite JewTube sabotage

Women in Germany 2006, 2016, 2026


Please spread this link, because the MzW YouTube channel in German is completely blocked in the Occupied German Fatherland!

“Thanks go to the Great Chairperson” (Angela Merkel was a fanatic communist youth leader in marxist East Germany)


From left to right: (translated) One united gender, health insurance premium, car, tax rate, political party, privacy, and pluralism.

My German videos still run for now on YT…. but are both blocked in Germany and the YT internal search engine does not show them to normies (called a “shadow ban”).

My message in German to MzW supporters:

The owner page of MzW-Widerstand:

German EMTs tend to a young German stabbed in the abdomen by a Turk 

…..My key video in German with English subtitles


….Kontakt 😉

(Humor) “A true German dachshund does not walk; he advances!”

Contact page in German


–26 April 2017 Cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil with a beautiful greeting card from repeat donor M in Germany

Begleitkarte innen

English translation

Hello, John!

I wish you a beautiful beginning of spring. Keep on fighting! Let me know when the card and content (20 euros) have arrived.

Germany awaken!

With comradely greetings,

Sebastian [XX]

in English

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

En franais

Time for some 88-88-88 energy! 😉


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